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Comments (17,409)

  1. I wonder how many people appreciate that Israel’s Labor Party has been even more aggressive in fostering settlement expansion than Likud.Two sides of the same coin, much like the Democratic and Republican parties here in the U.S. How many people know that “liberal Democratic” presidents have started more wars than their “conservative Republican” counterparts? In the end, does it matter?

  2. On the news this afternoon,The Orange Order is to receive nearly £4 million for being bigoted fuckers,£3 million of this lovely lolly is to come from the European Peace 3 dividend and the rest is to come from both the quisling $inn £ein/dup and the Dublin government,AUSTERITY MEASURES HOW ARE YA ! Always seems to be money around to keep these wasters happy…

  3. Ditto to the discipline at home. I have a talker and that’s his classroom downfall. lolI find that when he’s disciplined at home for getting into trouble at school, he does better in school. They tend to remember that “Hey – if I do/don’t do ______ then I’ll get in trouble with Mom too!” They also realize that Mom and Teacher are on the same page. That helps tremendously.

  4. Iowa now gets 20% of its electricity just from wind power. Iowa farmers are able to earn money on the side from hosting wind turbines on their land. It can be quite a lot of money, amounting to a second income from the same land. That "second farm" might be contributing to Iowa farm prices.

  5. Hi!My heartiest compliments for carrying out such a terrific blog!Am from India…and on the verge of completing my Ph.D in English Literature!!It was really surprising to see the ever familiar and very similar pain of angst echoing in your blog.Personally I always had desired to get a PhD degree and will get one…but the rosy picture of ‘if-you-have-a-Ph.D-in-English-you-can-get-any-job’ is simply fading.I have subscribed your blog.Will keep coming back to it . Good Luck !

  6. i love how you all acknowledge your visitors, this is great!btw, i couldn’t take iron pills for much of my pregnancy. they made me so darn sick! and i became iron deficient too. i was craving ice and corn starch so bad. my midwife told me those are signs of low iron.dara’s last blog post..What Does an African Look Like?

  7. I assume Google drive is the same as Microsoft’s Sky Drive. I use skydrive and it is pretty good. Have you used Sky Drive, and if so, what do you feel is better?gonna search for amazon S3 nowThanks-Ron

  8. He’s from Fallon in Minneapolis I believe and they have been very generous in giving their business away to other agencies over the last few years. So I guess they are walking the walk

  9. I agree with BobM001. Color me (as we used to say) paranoid, but could this 'comment' to the ATF simply be a way of aquiring a list. Write/call your legislators! What is the purpose otherwise? Are these kinds of shotguns suddenly becoming involved in a wave of armed robberies, etc? (not even the prefered weapon of the cartels) Not that I have heard of, so, again, what is the purpose (not of the ATF idiots wanting our guns, we know what that is), of the 'public comment' via e-mail?

  10. polar / La Ley de expropiación forzosa, Doña Rosa ma han expropiado en nombre del bien común, me han comprado mi finca al precio que fija el Estado, y me dicen que ma la pagarán cuando puedan y que para desalojarla me dan como indemnización 1200Euros y eso es lo que hay, dentro de 10 años cuando el proceso judicial termine a lo mejor cobramos. La mafia tendría mas corazón si quisiera tu casa.Para cuando la Ley de EXPOLIACION vigente se cambiará para evitar estos ROBOS legales por parte del Estado????.

  11. Woah this blog is wonderful i really like reading your posts. Keep up the good paintings! You already know, lots of individuals are looking around for this information, you can aid them greatly.

  12. I think it is a very poor move for the government to do anything that takes jobs away from those now employed. What then, are they going to subsidize a failing business and close one that is functional? Even if they were able to obtain more revenue from a different model it does not justify to throw the baby out with the bath water. Any industry that is not asking for a bailout should be left to thrive, survive and employ especially if it generates any bit of income for the government – the government needs all they can get to mismanage and not be accountable for!

  13. 3? Ohweia. Das wird schwer, ich komme auf über 30.Nun gut:- The Hirsch Effekt – Holon : Hiberno- Frogg Café – Bateless Edge- Autolux – Transit TransitAusführlicher auch bei mir am Jahresende. Trackbacks folgen dann.

  14. Dear Lusikka,I’m Alkis Skoutaris and I’m sending you from Greece. I study computer programming on my own and I’m trying to achive something similar but I have some difficulties. I would like to hear your advice if you have time. I would have asked you from here but the characters that youtube allow us to write are not enought to explain my ploblem. If you want and have time please contact me. My email is

  15. Interessanter Artikel und Vergleich. Bin weder Verganerin noch Vegetarierin, aber ich ernähre mich gesund und ausgewogen. Verzcihte meistens auch auf Fleisch, wenn ich doch was esse achte ich auf Qualität. Ohne Fleisch ginge wohl bei mir, aber so ganz ohen Milchprodukte? Wow, da würd ich mich echt schwer mit tun…

  16. ich habe das ombré kit auch ausprobiert! es hat super funktioniert, hatte es schonmal mit einer blondierung gemacht da sah alles etwas abgehackt aus! mit diesem kit gibt es bei mir superschöne übergänge. ich hab mittelbraune haare und das gleiche benutzt das du benutzt hast, meine längen sind sehr hell geworden! hättest es einfach länger einwirken lassen sollen!!

  17. Moving home in Germany is extremely expensive, indeed the few miles from my little village to the barn require me to pay 2000.00 Euros, around it would have require me to pay having a UK removal firm to move my household goods completely from Wales to southern Germany. Labour costs in Germany make moving house very costly, perhaps one of the reasons why the labour marketplace is less flexible – people would rather stay there once they’ve moved to a place.

  18. quitting is difficult,but staying quit  quit is the real battle.Every day you have to fight a battle with your self and you have to come out as a winner.You can not afford to loose.You loose and you and your self esteem are almost gone,and at the same time you can not afford to kill your self by slow poisoning.Of course each passing day strengthen your confidence.

  19. Hm, też już nie mogę się doczekać truskawek w rozsądniej cenie, bo na razie jeszcze znaczek ze złotówkami zbija z nóg :]Moja mama daje radę z robieniem dżemu truskawkowego, który absolutnie nie traci smaku, jest rewelacyjny i ma raczej niewiele cukru (jest cukrzykiem, więc ma jakieś tam swoje sztuczki, żeby go ograniczać), ale niestety zawsze robi się brązowy po 3-4 miesiącach. No ale cóż, przecież nie o kolor tu chodzi :D

  20. Acquiring study this I assumed it had been quite useful. I enjoy you taking enough time and work to place this informative article collectively. I as soon as yet again locate myself shelling out method to a lot time the two studying and commenting. But so what, it absolutely was even now worthwhile!

  21. Goodbye Microsoft Office Live, Hello WordPress (djhconsulting.com) Like this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Computers and Internet and tagged "Idan Kedmy", "עידן קדמי", Hermon, idan, kedmi, kedmy, Nimrod, חרמון, נמרוד, עידן, קדמי. Bookmark the permalink. ← Hello world!

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  23. Up until now, all I have read on this article is extremely boring, and seems to be written by writers that lack education. You’ve done a very good job conveying your passion with accurate information.

  24. / I similar to the worthwhile information you give you within your articles or blog posts.I’ll bookmark your web site and check once again the following consistently.I am really confident I will master a lot of latest stuff suitable the following! Superior luck for the up coming!

  25. you nailed it, so when can we expect Arthur Kade as Gay Meth Man? What? You mean that wasn’t a part, but your actual life? How big of a disappointment are you to your father? I mean a player like that with a loser gay son. When he was your age he probably already had three sexual harassment lawsuits under his belt. He’s out there sexually assaulting the ladies and your shooting videos in mens rooms. Sad, sad, sad.

  26. Off the top of my head, the legend could have been a child who goes to extremely dangerous dungeons unprepared and would escape barely alive etc. Could have been lovers seperated by an ocean on a semi regular basis because of fishing or any number of other possibilities.Just shows how acceptable it is for them to include these storylines without the slightest thought.

  27. Drew, Thanks for giving me something to think about. I’m not 100% convinced that this issue doesn’t require a whole lot of cynicism, but I see your point.  Please feel free to stop by anytime to lend your insights.Sarah, welcome and thanks for stopping by. Hope to hear from you again soon.Peace to the rest of y’all. You know I’ll be by your side of the blogosphere sooner or later!

  28. And, personally, I’m beginning to wonder if the focus of the media on all of these bone-headed studies and ideas, is a distraction from the companies and policies that are REALLY poisoning our environment, our people and our food. Packing some cut strawberries in a lunchbox doesn’t even make that list. NOT to be paranoid, but will the next study be about why school-prepared lunches are better for your child, sponsored by Cargill?

  29. ….. der Wettergott gibt ein Zeichen, Helmut was brauchst Du noch einen Regenüberzug über deinen Fahrradhelm…..….. zum Erlebnis in der Küche …… Gott liebt alle Geschöpfe auf unserer Erde…….. zum Verlust des Reiseführers ….. Gott wird Dir den Weg weisen…..….. zur abgebrochenen Spanienflagge ….. denke dran Helmut …… Basken mögen diese Flagge nicht ….….. 1000 km sind geschafft….. Gratulation und Kompliment !!!!

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  31. دوستانی که میبینید سه نقطه شده اصلا به گیرنده های خودتون دست نزنید، مشکل فنی نیست.ایشون در همین چند کلمه اینقدر فحش‏های ناموسی نوشته بود که مجبور شدم جای صفات خانوادگی ایشون سه نقطه بذارم.

  32. zij en nog een handje vol intellectuelen denken daar toch heel anders over.Juist door aanwezig te zijn op demonstraties kan de Israelische politie niet zo optreden als ze gedaan zou hebben als het enkel om arabieren gaat.Het is niet mijn vriendin haar ambitie om macht uit te oefenen, het is haar ambitie om vreedzaam samen te leven.Als gewoon mens..

  33. elstroshitnonstophe missed out a few good men. which involves him being a pretty good lawyer who has a crisis of confidence and meets a woman who convinces him to be a better lawyer

  34. en que estan mejor POR MUCHO carlos?yo no veo eso por mucho?y ademas que es “DISQUE” no hablo nauahlt asi que disculpame que no entienda.y el unico SUPERFICIAL aca sos vos que dice que los antropologos DESENTIERRAN HUESOS y miles de cosas mas?la unica realida de sque desde mi praxis, hablalo con cualquiera latinoamerica es una colonia y seguirá siendolo, eso si es realismo carlos!!queres detalles? te tenes a vos mismo?en que realidad viven en mexico ? a ver?ajajja disculpame pero en que mundo viviran?

  35. Сергей:кто это написал, что денег из воздуха не бывает,:взял в банке кредит 10000р,а отдать надо 20000, и где вы их возмете те самые 10000 которые вам ни кто не давал,то же самое и в масштабах страны.

  36. I google my own recipes all the time! Lol. Yesterday was the first day that felt like fall to me, after a long stretch of all hot days. I do love fall but I agree – it is NOT time for Halloween candy yet! And definitely not Xmas cards.

  37. Bruna disse:Oi Lina! Estou indo a Paris no próximo dia 20, com meu namorado. Você tem alguma dica de onde passar a véspera de Natal? Estarei hospedada em um hotel no Quartir Latin e tenho a ideia de procurar um restaurantezinho para tomar um vinho com uma comida gostosa, nada muito sofisticado. Gostaria de saber como é a tradição aí, se os metros abrem nessa noite do dia 24, se é preciso fazer reservas nos restaurantes ou se é simples encontrar algo legal aberto. Obrigada desde já. Beijo, Bruna.

  38. teresa de salvatore (Terry Salentina) / Aborto poetico per nessuna poesia.Medioriente dell’infernodove sognanoil Paradiso della gloria e della vittoriae quello dell’amoreequello delle donne.Lì uomini schiacciati come vermidissanguati da vermiriverberanti di follia.L’umanità viventerimandataal poi d’un paradiso.Ed oraLo schifo della mortepreferitoallo schifo dell’abuso.Ma con queste morti si cercala resurrezione in terra….Accetto il regolamento

  39. Bonjour Professeure,je viens d'arriver ici aujourd'hui. Mon année de départ est 2102.Et je constate avec plaisir qu'en 2011, les femmes portaient déjà couramment la moustache, contrairement à ce qui est décrit dans les livres.Je vois aussi que vous aviez, comme en notre temps, des images de toutes les couleurs qui clignotent, si agréables à contempler.Merci pour votre blug.Amicalement,BisousProfesseure Slip

  40. Look at the Bigger Picture PLEASE!?The Zionists own America and Iran!They want to start a new world order. They need this. They need Divide and Roll, because in 500 years it has worked for them. Wise up!!! Research. Religion is good when good people are in charge, if not, then it can be the worse human enemy.Thoes muslem leaders who want trouble are not muslems they are JEWs, just like Iran most of the mulla’s are Jews. Research Poland, Russia after the second world war,and who were the leaders!

  41. I just discovered this RIGHT NOW via the ISB, and I’m absolutely in love with it. The Harlok Wonder Woman and Flash GoGoGo are beautiful, and I’m imagining AquaMan as an Ultraman who grows to enormous size to fight kaiju, but does so by absorbing sea water, and thus bleeds sea water during battle.Also, that Robin is by far the best interpretation of the character I’ve ever seen. And now I want to see more Batman villians as visual kei musicians…

  42. Nice work with the blog mate. I think your writing is very simply and yet very engrossing. It is one of those blogs that makes you stay and read the entire thing.

  43. Zune and iPod: Most people compare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker.VA:F [1.6.5_908]please wait…VA:F [1.6.5_908](from 0 votes)

  44. Na minha opinião, eu salvava o Bêbado grosseiro, não só por poder ser meu pai, e por lhe ter um amor incondicional, dependendo de ter uma má vida, mas também por se o Arcebispo de Fénelon é considerado um grande feitor da humanidade, não se "deveria importar", de dar a sua vida, por outra pessoa, mesmo, sendo esta uma pessoa, grosseira.

  45. RainbowRay is interested in teaching yoga for kids as part of his dream. There are many yoga websites on the net and books in the library (for both kids and adults), as well as well as DVD’s that will really help people to relax more (including forms of meditation). Check themout if your interested!RainbowRay“Sharing is caring and caring is sharing; living is giving and giving is living

  46. Tahniah kpd SPRM, Lembaga disiplin terpaksalah bertindak sekarang. Namun kenapa KJ anak menantu PM tidak dikenakan tindakan yg sama di atas kesalahan yg sama? Tidak adil rasanya bagi ahli yg dikenakan hukuman yg lebih berat? Dan satu lagi, kalau berdasarkan undang-undang, adakah mereka ini boleh didakwa?

  47. it could be the lighting in the room. i know if im in really bright light i usually look really pale but if i’m in dimmer light, i look darker. it could also just be the mirror. i know at home my mirror makes me look bigger and then i get into some changing rooms in clothing stores and i look thinner.

  48. Manuel Júnior QM disse:Perfeito, sobre a imposição a mulher ou o homem também, eu só atentei para algo que não pode acontecer. Vejo muitas pseudo-feministas criticando de maneira muito agressiva mulheres que optam e/ou pensam diferente delas, muitas vezes até questionando sua felicidade em ser, viver ou pensar daquele jeito o que é um absurdo, sei que não é o seu caso, eu só fiz uma simples ressalva.Abraço.

  49. Yeah, I can spend all day looking at airplanes and spacecraft–I just haven’t had the opportunity in a long time to visit museums, or maybe I just wasn’t making the time. I drove through Dayton and saw all of the airplane accoutrements along the Interstate when I went to Kansas for SFRA. I’ll take your recommendation, and definitely make it out there soon. Thanks!

  50. I loved that book, and remember the impact of the story of the girl with fistula in it. Very powerful, and I think it was the first time I had heard of it as well. It goes to show how powerful stories can be, even in a novel, to build awareness.

  51. Normal !Si Valérie Triangulaire a voulu faire interdire la sortie de VSD, c’est bien pour éviter à la France horrifiée la découverte de ces bourrelets disgracieux, visibles sur l’un comme sur l’autre ! Ah c’est sûr, ça nous change des prédécesseurs et de leur prestance ! Oui ce nouveau président est “normal”, engraissé à la bonne bouffe de France…source : Hollande Trierweiler en vacances : les bourrelets de la colère

  52. I wish to convey my passion for your kindness supporting all those that actually need help with that question. Your personal commitment to passing the solution all over turned out to be rather effective and has regularly enabled workers like me to achieve their goals. Your own helpful help signifies a great deal a person like me and a whole lot more to my colleagues. Thank you; from everyone of us.

  53. Is this going to be the last Snippet we get before the book is on sale?I can’t remember but have they mentioned that they have infantry mortar?I’m kinda disapointed that they’re not planning to put turrets on the 6 ironclads when they’re planning to engineer a screw that could be lifted above the water, isn’t that infinitely more complicating than building turrets for the cannons? Do they have breechloading cannons yet? Is that what they were talking about or am I just hoping they’ve glossed over the subject?

  54. smi77y / Awesome news, thanks for reporting back. I like your perseverance so I'll try amulet over chalice and see how it goes. I really struggle seeing how it's that good though with only 8 cipt cards. The only thing I like about it is that it's a 1 drop artifact which sets up a mox opal, which we should try to squeeze in if we're amulet imo. Anyways, I'll see how the draws go. Often the Chalice would allow a Titan pretty fast which is often important. I'm rambling. I'll try it and get back to you. Thanks!

  55. Thanks for dropping by, D. Richter. Your comment on the fact that some people are actually studying the book illustrates for me why I’m nervous about the manner in which the book is written. It gives the impression that this is a book in which you can learn a lot about the doctrine of the Trinity, when in fact in that respect, it is quite misleading.

  56. Ahhh yeh it can be hard settling in to a new job and very tiring! Thanks for posting when you can and hope the new job is going well! Oh and I love the white blazer!


  58. Wow! This could be one particular of the extremely helpful blogs We’ve ever arrive across with this subject. Basically Excellent. I’m also an expert in this topic therefore I can understand your energy.VA:F [1.9.17_1161]please wait…

  59. Actually, in terms of DNA, Jews and Arabs share a lot of it. All that means is that both Jews and Arabs are of Middle Eastern origin. It does not prove that Palestinians have been on the land longer than anyone else. On the contrary,to call themselves Palestinians means they couldn't have been on the land longer than anyone else, as both Jews and Christians predate the name change.

  60. Devin T has Williams Syndrome which classifies him as disabled. On his youtube site we had someone subscibe who uses the word retart/retard. It is offensive to those with disabilities. I deleted this subscriber.I do not want the other subscribers who have WS, Autism etc, to think we approve.Is there a way to view a subscriber before they put themself on your site?

  61. Interesting! Japanese for pufferfish is also Fugu! Well, I think that the poison aspect of it is overrated. We have eaten Fugu many times while here (Shimonoseki is famous for Fugu) and we haven’t had any adverse reactions to it yet. It really doesn’t taste like much either, but I guess it’s all about the texture.

  62. Acredito que a NASA e alguns CIENTISTAS sabem coisas que não podemos saber póis causaria grande panico, uma coisa é certa no BRASIL ninguem sabe de nada pois não conseguem nem tomar conta das fronteiras e esperaar abraços[]

  63. that, there is no more guarantee that eyewitness versions are any less motivated by an agenda and that to the untrained eye sat at home, they may well have been doctored and filtered.I would like to consider wider what such Combat Snuff reveals about the psyche of both those would-be combatants and those non-combatants sat at home consuming them. Rather than take up space here, you can read it on my blog on the above URL.Thank you for initiating the debate.

  64. I don’t remember him showing a complete wipeout. I think he’s building tension, and I have no idea whether he’s going anywhere with this specific situation, or whether he’s using it to show some people we might meet later elsewhere.One interesting thing is that nobody here seems to be in the least concerned that the wheels are about to come off the League.

  65. in3ante abril 29, 2009 HolaLas tarifas me parecen atractivas, pero complejas, sobretodo la prepago diaria con saldo a final de mes si superas 5€ pero no 500 MB, con lo que los sistemas de facturación se complican, aumentando la probabilidad de errores.¿Cual es la fecha prevista del lanzamiento de Kuile Mobile? ¿Necesitáis betatesters?Saludos.

  66. Others will cover the FR organizations, which frees me up to go further afield… all the way to The Spanish Inquisition, as portrayed in Monty Python’s Flying Circus. You will stay in the Comfy Chair until lunch time, with only a cup of coffee at eleven.It loses a lot of impact without the sights and sounds, as any fan of Monty Python can attest, but offers a bit of transcript.Thanks for posting this! This crazy quilt of evildoers shall be bookmarked and revisited often for chortling purposes.

  67. iridaΓιατί μιλάτε για τα κίνητρα του 2% των μέσων ενημέρωσης που κάνουν κριτική στην Ντόρα και δεν σας προβληματίζει το 98% που την λιβανίζει.

  68. that there may be a much, much longer director’s cut, I don’t know. What I took from that sequence was that she became a teacher to support herself, because she was already there, and because she was a good person in that hellhole, the other girls loved her. Basically, it was a formative experience and her “tale of woe” that she refused to consider “woe.” They may also be assuming that if you’d bother to go see this movie, you already know the book. I missed Miss Temple too, though.

  69. Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over the years than I can count, including Sansas, iRivers, iPods (classic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few years I’ve settled down to one line of players. Why? Because I was happy to discover how well-designed and fun to use the underappreciated (and widely mocked) Zunes are.

  70. Endlich, ich warte schon länger und bin gespannt. Du hast ja immer gesagt, dass du meinen Link noch verarbeiten willst. Gut so! Aber mir kommt Merkel viel zu gut weg.

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  72. Hi Aniket,It’s really easy, just install an application called “LauncherPro”. This will replace your home application and you even have a Froyo theme that will make your Galaxy S look like it has Froyo on it.After you install the app, press the home button and it will ask you which application to use for “Home”. Just select the option to never ask you again and choose LauncherPro.Cheers!Tiago

  73. One other thing I would like to mention is that in place of trying to match all your online degree training on days of the week that you finish off work (since most people are fatigued when they get back), try to have most of your instructional classes on the saturdays and sundays and only a couple courses in weekdays, even if it means a little time away from your weekend. This is beneficial because on the weekends, you will be a lot more rested in addition to concentrated in school work. Thanks for the different suggestions I have realized from your site.

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  75. gaviotazalas dice che cuba sta in mezzo al nulla. I fatti che si stanno susseguendo dicono invece il contrario, con una schiera di presidenti latinoamericani, oltre al cinese e al russo, che si stanno dando il cambio all’avana. Cuba nell’anno passato è uscita definitivamente, si vede a occhio, dall’isolamento internazionale del periodo speciale e non ha bisogno di nessun grande protettore.

  76. maluco / Lucyano Valdez, nesse caso que voce relatou, o agressor ou estrupador tem algo a mais (animalesco) que um homem que se emociona com facilidade, eu mesmo sou muito emotivo e jamais me passou pela cabeça em agredir uma mulher, mas em contra partida, fico tão irritado com homens que agridem as mulheres, se a raiva matasse, não teria estrupador ou esses covardes que agridem as mulheres.Gostei deste comentário ou não: 24

  77. we have been poor gatekeepers in washington we have failed our free nation by not careing when we seen what was starting in dc so we didnt vote we didnt be vigilant to keep our goverment clean and free and now we see the results of our lazy spoiled actions wake up be strong once more be informed .Think for your selfcabfa18wg 1 second ago

  78. Hej Niklas. Funderar på om det kommer någon uppdatering av jigoshop payson modulen som stödjer 1.3+? den fungerar inte som den ska just nu iom att jigoshop har gjort om i class strukturen. B.la så skrivs inte options till databasen utan man måste peta in dessa manuellt

  79. Ant+ uploads to the iphone and ipad would be awesome from the edge series. My desktop is strewn with usb cables from all sorts of things. A neat little dongle is easier, especially when traveling and riding in different places where a computer isn’t accessible, but 3g is almost everywhere. Even cooler, would be apple adding ant+ capability built into their products. I’ve seen rumors that apple is looking to expand gps capabilities and uses for the iphone. Flip the switch Garmin, give us the power!!!

  80. -Graceling by Kristin Cashore-Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr-The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (and every other one of his books)-The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta (ditto her books)-The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins-Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling-Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare-Tithe by Holly Black

  81. Thanks for your submission. I also believe laptop computers have gotten more and more popular these days, and now are usually the only sort of computer utilised in a household. This is because at the same time they are becoming more and more reasonably priced, their processing power keeps growing to the point where there’re as potent as desktop computers coming from just a few in years past.

  82. Én a lábatlanoknak nem vagyok híve :), de kagyló még olyan veszélytelenebbnek tűnik, egy ideje gondolkodom azon, hogy megkockáztatnám valami kisebb mennyiségben, de egyelőre csak 2 kilós kiszerelésben láttam feketekagylót. Lehet mélyhűteni? Mert két személynek kicsit sokallanám ezt a mennyiséget, főleg, ha mondjuk nem jön be :).

  83. ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass jeder was aus der Kindheit mitschleppt, wo er sich wundert, dass ihm das heute noch schmeckt, oder? Wenn du mir knusprigen quadratischen Fisch und Erdäpfel-Mayonnaisesalat hinstellst, wär ich schon da (und da gibt's noch Schlimmeres ;-). Allerdings hat meine Mama die Mayonnaise selbst gemacht und zu mir immer gesagt "lass dir nicht einreden, das das schwer zu machen ist!"

  84. babam alzaymır hastası annem vefat etti.kardeşim babamı baktırabilmek için alzaymı hastası babamı bu bayanla benim rızam olmadan evlendirmek istiyor.ben dulum ve emekli sandığı emeklisi olursam ileride babamdan da maaş alabilirmiyim.benim rızam olmadan babamı evlendirirse ne yapabilirim? saygılar.çiğdem

  85. Greetings! Quick question that’s entirely off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly? My web site looks weird when browsing from my apple iphone. I’m trying to find a template or plugin that might be able to correct this problem. If you have any suggestions, please share. Cheers!

  86. Hi!I was thinking of ordering heart-shaped macarons for my bestfriend’s 20th birthday on 19th February. Will you all be able to take my order? How much does cost for 6pcs/12pcs?And I’m a student from SMU so I was wondering if there can be a collection at SMU?Thanks so much!

  87. You in fact agree to it become come into view austere with one is presentation nonetheless We’ve this topic affiliate marketing especially core parcel i touch A no charge without doubt certainly not appreciate. It is apparently too complex as anyway as incredibly broad in my opinion. I deem excited in your send, I without doubt stab to help you have the belief from your usb slots!

  88. “You much be drinking too much cognac while you are cooking pies. Not in recession?”i must no maken myself clear.we had a collapse of bubble economy, next will be slowdown of real economy.2 waves.yes, we are just entering recession.my point is that I feel like we have just begun a recession. thats why it hasn’t hurt many.a year from now, when recession is in full swing, i think i may go with one turkey, instead of 2

  89. Is the sad fact that our blog is attracting trolls a sign that we're succeeding? I assume there's not much we can do, but I just wondered. Roz — that's exactly it. The changes to the CCSS have gotten people's attention and made many of us very optimistic and others nervous (textbook people have been under heavy and very public criticism in recent years over accuracy and reader engagement; some uninformed fiction advocates are up in arms). Clearly, no one wants to be left behind and my worry (for me) is that this might in some way intrude on how I actually write my stuff.

  90. Buongiorno sono una ragazza di 30 anni vorrei capire un po' di cose ,fra poco sarò assunta come barista per un part time ,che si lavora sei giorni su sette questo conclude lavorare anche di domenica .vorrei capire gentilmente qualle la paga mensile con un livelo quinto .grazie mille .

  91. Essa crítica do Chico Anísio é para os brasileiros que gostam de agredir e prejudicar os outros, os caras não tem nem inteligência para fazer o mal, querem ser ruins e só conseguem ser babacas, UMA VERGONHA NACIONAL. Até para fazer o mal tem que ter inteligência. Devem, então, fazer um curso no exterior

  92. FC, love you blog, been a follower for years. Now my first comment ever.I don’t see the trash everybody else is saying. Girls look like they a supposed to look at a VS fashion show after party, sassy, sexy and sparkly. Kerr is working that Balmain and Izabel wears Vaccarello better than Anja Rubik has ever done. I love the color on her. And Joan’s classic beauty finds the better balance with that overexposing dress.The one looking awful that night was Behati Prinsloo in a ridiculous dress.

  93. A related ‘stupid trick’ is to use a SixXS.net IPv6 tunnel to get a static address you can hang a DNS name on, for initiating a direct IPv4 tunnel to accomplish all of the above.This is equivalent to using a dynamic DNS service, but handy when you own a domain with registrar-provided DNS but no machines to run your own DDNS service on — and are behind firewalls you don’t control, etc, etc.

  94. I am really looking forward to reading these. I feel like I haven’t “gotten it completely together” since my miscarriages last year. I always feel I’m wasting away my time with my kids and spend most of the day guilty that I didn’t do the right thing that day. Thank you for sharing where you’re at. I really appreciate your honesty & openness. I believe it has helped many.

  95. Da die Lehrer selber gar nicht über die Standarts, die der Rektor sich ausgedacht hatte, informiert waren, durfte ich es letztendlich auch :- DUnd wegen dem Unterhalt. Basti bekommt bald Drillinge, deshalb.

  96. In response to Lucinda and Caroline, the question was about a character who shares some traits as the real person. A memoir piece would fall under a different category.Regina, thanks for the smile. I know Anne Lamott suggests giving the character a tiny little penis—and I haven’t ruled that out.

  97. Not only are you so clear and concise in your message, you are a speaker that really cares about his audience! I felt that you were genuinely interested in turning on the light bulbs in the crowd. Your delivery was one that kept my attention and interest the entire day. Thank you for coming to Calgary. I look forward to reading your book. Brilliant day. So glad I came.Lynn Fletcher

  98. lolz ! think i went overboard .. hehe !Captain Obvious … dude ! the “tribute” was to Vince from Prakalp who passed away last year . He was fetured in ‘Global Metal’ ..( if you know what that is ) Now go play video games .

  99. Elaine,I saw the link below on cnbc today and was wondering. Are we really in top 5 and top 10 in terms of quarterly increase of foreclosures and total foreclosure starts in the nation? This seems a little excessive for our little neck of the woods. I wonder which suburbs are getting hit the hardest.

  100. So many of the disreputable things that are being rejected in America are being peddled in overseas markets where they hope ignorance of the downsides and love for all things American will keep sales up. Two examples that come to mind are cigarettes and Amway. Fast food megabrands are another, but I'm not really on the bandwagon to label them as junk food.

  101. You guys on the east coast go-large with this stuff.The west-coast experience by comparison was rather muted and I expect probably a little slower to ramp-up this side of the rabbit-proof fence because of the abysmal promotion locally outside of the gaming universe.No midnight launches although EB Games opened at 0800 (in the Hay Street store).No crowds.Just me and my son standing outside until the boys at EB opened the door at 8 o’clock yesterday – first Wii U Deluxe cab off-the rank for that store.Mind you, it’ll probably be bedlam today – glad it was quiet in some respects – LOL!

  102. BonjourN’ayant pas trouvé les 5 sortes de biscuits milka dans un même magasin j’ai donc acheté 2 d’entre eux au Delhaize et les 3 autres au carrefour. j’ai les tickets, stickers. Est ce accepté pour le remboursement puisque ça concerne les 5 sortes de biscuit concernés par le remboursement. merci de votre réponse. Bien à vous. Laila

  103. You summed up the vast, significant minority of the American public in your final sentence: "Millions more will tune in to next week's Saturday Night Live to find out what they should think about the debate. "I am appalled at how so very many look to their neighbors to tell them how to feel, what to think, what is right and what is wrong ! This whole scenario is out of the pages of "Atlas Shrugged", and we are seeing that whole battleground being waged in our Nation at this time, and HAS been especially since the days of Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter.

  104. بله حدود ۲۰ وچند ساعتی از دسترس خارج بود اما الان میتونید از ادرس dl.mw2.ir به دریافت فایل های مورد نیازتون بپردازید.

  105. OK, Apollo. It does appear strange. Let me look them over some. Just keep your stuff down to 4 paras.Nobody should be doing this kind of tactic. I’m trying to be as fair as I can with all White views. The only reason I ask Apollo to limit himself is because he has a tendancy to go off on giant comments and sometimes put in violent sentences that may get me closed.I don’t have a problem with people writing big comments sometimes.

  106. hey fantastic little web-site you have here I work with the identical theme on my own blog though for whatever silly factor it seems to reload more rapid on this web site eventhough your own carries much more material. Are you currently getting any plugins or widgets which speed it up? If you might be able to reveal the names so I could use them in my own web pages I’d personally be pleased – kudos in advance

  107. I went through mine a year after college. I was working in a dead-end job, was struggling to pay my rent and was frustrated that I couldn’t find a use for my degree. It was a low time. But once I got my current job things changed. I think it’s normal for women to go through this…struggling to figure out what to do when thrown into the “Real” world.

  108. Lojas Maçônicas, acretido na seriedade do vereador Marcos Nunes e do presidente Celestino, que é meu amigo. Acredito que quando eu ouvia: "o pc do b vai ter candidatura propria a prefeitura" não se tratava de nenhuma pegadinha. Mas de uma vontade que vinha nos olhos de Marquinhos e nas palavras de Celestido. Seria uma vitória da democracia, se o pc do b, PSB, PMDB, PT e o PTN ( Que aliás cumpriu com o que diziam, parabéns Marcos Parabrisa)concoreesem ao pleito. Tô cansado de ouvir chega mais dos mesmo… e ninguém faz nada pra mudar.

  109. I hope they have something better in the works — but if that thing even has the whiff of Wave in it — nobody will go near it. We’re still healing from that heavy Wave burn. I thought Wave was supposed to be the new “Universal Inbox” for all Google stuff. Great idea. Would’ve loved it. Poor execution killed it, I guess…

  110. Lo bueno:- Los diseños les dan mil vueltas a los que saca Threadless últimamente.- Posibilidad de elegir entre varios colores.Lo malo:- Los diseños pierden demasiado de la lámina a la camiseta.- El sistema de mostrar las camisetas con el diseño impreso de forma "virtual" y no con las camisetas reales no permite hacerse buena idea del producto, y seguramente tiene que ver con que parezca que pierden.Seguiremos de cerca.

  111. Kjempebra Hanne! Vi trenger all den fokus pÃ¥ tilknytning som vi kan fÃ¥! Veldig viktig Ã¥ øke kompetansen til alle som omgÃ¥s vÃ¥re adoptivbarn. Vi har selv slitt veldig med Ã¥ fÃ¥ vÃ¥re nærmeste til Ã¥ forstÃ¥ de grensene som vi har satt rundt vÃ¥rt barn. Artikkelen til Haarklau i BT hjalp noen av vÃ¥re nærmeste til Ã¥ innse at vi hadde et poeng… SÃ¥ trenger ikke de vite at vi ikke er enig med alt han sier…;-)StÃ¥ pÃ¥ Hanne!!!Klem fra Camilla & co

  112. Extremis è forse uno dei punti più alti per la definizione grafica del personaggio.Il design dell'armatura è talmente realistico (pur essendo anche "classico" per Testa di Ferro) che non mi stupirei se domani in tv presentassero un esoscheletro simile per i soldati USA…

  113. Pour rompre la glace.-En plus du lien donné par l’ami* Olimalia, je viens de trouver** ces six églises avec ce même nom à : Bulle (Suisse), Caraquet (Canada), Nozay, L’Escarène, Barcelonette et Lyon.* Ph.H.- Bien trouvé l’« Ecce homo » que j’ai pris aussi comme un clin d’œil à ce sujet du genre. Je me souviens de m’avoir aussi trompé « in illo tempore ».** et j’en passe parce que 6 + 1 d’Olimalia = 7, le nombre maudit de la limitation des liens.>HydeJ’ai trouvé seulement que « soirer » est usité en Belgique, mais sans définition.

  114. Good point Mark. I like to watch Boardwalk Empire which shows people living 100 years being almost as modern as today.But what does this have to do with the question of whether it is possible to precisely structure molecular structures by mechanical positioning?This is a question of physics, to which you are free to provide argument.

  115. Lo que más me gusta es la idea en sí. Me rondaba por la cabeza hacer un curso de fotografia y no se me ocurrió que fuera para la familia. Al fin y al cabo al que más hacemos fotografias es la peque, con diferencia. Y el hecho de que sea online pues ya es lo definitivo, es lo que menos pereza te da. Haber si tengo suerte y pasamos un constructivo mes de septiembre¡¡¡¡¡¡

  116. SLW,I agree, I think. If one gives up on the idea that the future is explitorily prior to foreknowledge, then yes there wouldn't be a problem. However, that gives up one of the main ways used to reconcile God's foreknowledge with free will.As far as God being outside of time, I am afraid that creates more issues then it solves.God be with you,Dan

  117. “I’ve gone ahead and bookmarked at Digg.com so my friends can see it too. I simply used Lynn Hoffman’s Green Interior Design Blog as the entry title in my Digg.com bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would like to see it bookmarked the same way

  118. Ahh! You are too funny, Karen! Sorry about Raul Both palettes look great — I love Benefit’s cute packaging, but the sleekness of the Clarins compact is just perfect.Have you checked out Parissa’s brow design strips? They sent me a box to check out and review, and though I haven’t posted the review quite yet (still have to upload photos!), I can definitely they’re Raul-proof .-= Rae’s last blog post… =-.

  119. bonjour jme suis fait retirer mon permi parcke je navai plus de point et jai rdv a la prefecture biento pour mon aptitude physique je voulai savoir kel seron les test ? merci et si yora prise de sang ?

  120. “Fascism”? “America – the new nazi state”? What next; “communist” (talmudic-ideological) China will be called upon to save the 6 million chosenites from “nazi-USA FEMA camps”?If only even a fraction of this fantasy were so.Everything now happening to USA is carbon copy (with new technology) of all the “communist utopias” (a.k.a. Jewish paradise on earth -in which hundreds of millions of human beings (non-Jews) were robbed, raped, imprisoned, tortured, slaughtered, GENOCIDED – with little to no objection from the “free world”).

  121. Sobre el comentario de Eduardo: La frase “ya es tarde para volver… igual” es parte de una (muy buena) adaptación que hiciera “el argentino payaso” a la rola “Bring on the night” de The Police.ese fragmento corresponde originalmente a: “God bid yesterday… good-bye”. y creo que cae muy bien a los comentarios de este post.Saludos.Quijaditas.

  122. I think we can all agree that this is a mistake. We don't want all the different things we do lumped together into single accounts. We don't want better video recommendations, which in essence narrow the content we see down to the things we like to see most over a period of time (while in the long run I like to research many different things).Why don't you just make it optional? Really, tell me, why don't you let your users choose? Or is providing service to them really that low on your list of priorities?

  123. O cristianismo é a religião fundada por Jesus Cristo. Jesus Cristo disse que os seus seguidores devem ser homens novos e censura várias vezes aqueles que são homens velhos que seguem uma religião dominada por tradições humanas e não por uma adesão sempre renovada a Deus, que é verdade e vida.A tradição tem por isso de manter sempre o seu vinculo vital às escrituras.Para teorizar sobre a influencia do catolicismo na sociedade convinha conhecer minimamente o catolicismo, o que manifestamente lhe falta.leopardo

  124. Wow….I “Bumped” my floating rib riding in turret of a Bradley Fighting Vehicle over some rough terrain. I fell like a sack of potatoes to the floor of the turret. I was no good for more than a minute. It all make sense now. Thank You.Jimmy DavisAfghanistan

  125. Thanks again, Kathryn. Actually, 15 years ago I didn’t even think I’d say “my husband”! Thanks Isaak. M is much more inspired than M when it comes to decorating gingerbread!jl, M rides his uni like it’s a bike, now. Next time you’re in Perth he will probably be able to show you his juggling while unicycling trick Aww thanks TB! That was really lovely of you! This just means I have an excuse to make more gingerbread, and soon

  126. All these photos are fantastic! Looks like the weather was great for you….nature’s soft box. I am dying to see the ones from your NYC. I saw one (loved it) and then saw that they took down your others. So lame… happened to me too… yet I see hundreds of photos consistently from the same people that are incredibly risque and it never happens to them! Anyway…beautiful!

  127. I just came home from the Women’s Self-Defense course offered at the YMCA, and it was excellent. Thank you so much for approaching Dan and Ryan to instruct the course.They were wonderful instructors. I would love to take additional courses of this nature. If there is any way this course could be “tweaked” for a younger audience (I have an 11 year old daughter) it would be greatly appreciated. We have a DARE officer who is located at Wilber Wright Middle School, I would imagine he would be interested.Thank you.Sincerely,Patti ScottI will recommend to several friends.

  128. Fantastic goods from you, man. I have understand your stuff previous to and you’re just extremely magnificent. I really like what you have acquired here, certainly like what you are saying and the way in which you say it. You make it enjoyable and you still take care of to keep it wise. I can not wait to read much more from you. This is actually a wonderful site.

  129. Å ha den gjennomsnittlige norske kvinne ved min side i krig er en trussel mot min sikkerhet. Hun vil ikke være i stand til å bære meg om jeg blir såret og hun vil ikke kunne bevege seg fort nok, lenge nok med tungt utstyr til at vi kan komme oss unna fort nok når vi trenger det. La meg for guds skyld slippe å ha kvinnelige medsoldater.Men, i rettferdighetens navn kan kvinner ha siviltjeneste.

  130. If the permits that are traded in a cap-and-trade system are issued equally to all citizens, it can work. Those who emit less can make money by selling their permits to those who emit more.This makes the permits a kind of second currency. Many emitters, such as drivers of hydrocarbon-burning cars, are already paying government for the privilege. Dividing this money back out equally to the citizens would work well too, and we woiuld avoid multiplying token systems unnecessarily.Plus, it would start the trading off with a tax reduction.()

  131. I would so much wish that a better metaphor than “clean” were used…Also but certainly not only) because may so easily be perceived as ofensive persons who don’t work along the CL principles, and yet don’t deserve to be considered dirty (with all the connotations that go with that.Another unfortunate association with “clean”: “sterile”.Another one: “obsessive” (or anal retentive, if you prefer )

  132. I am not sure where you’re getting your information, excluding great subject. I requirements to spend approximately period education much extra otherwise thoughtful more. Thankfulness for abundant in sequence I was looking in support of this information for my mission.

  133. Standing around with a skateboard? Take a look at the first pic i uploaded over the bike, thats what I  call thriving, but you guys don’t know anything about that. I bet half you couldn’t even jump that on your feet alone. Get some real talent like I said before… Wasting your time on arguing whats best diet for humans when you just miss the big picture on whats REALLY GOOD IN LIFE

  134. Ciao sn un apprendista con contratto metalmeccanico e l'azienda in cui lavoro è in cassaintegrazione. il mio contratto di 60 mesi di apprend finirebbe a marzo 2013. sarebbe corretto se mi dicessero non possiamo assumerti perchè siamo in cassa e non possiamo assumere del personale?ringrazio per l'attenzione

  135. Sorry, Anon-I tend to dismiss comments by people who stand up for their convictions, even those I agree with, but post their comments anonymously.FWIW-America runs on a system of checks and balances in the three branches of government: President, Judiciary, and Legislative. Unfortunately, you can’t blame all America’s woes on a single person. And, frankly, that should make you even more concerned.

  136. Oamenii de stiinta britanici,​ in urma cercetaril​or privind efectele alcoolului​ asupra organismul​ui uman, au stabilit urmatoarel​e:Vodka + gheata = afecteaza rinichiiRom + gheata = afecteaza ficatulWhisky + gheata = afecteaza inimaGin + gheata = afecteaza creierulCine ar fi crezut ca nenorocita​ aia de gheata poate afecta in asemenea hal organismul​ ?!?

  137. omg, here’s :neo-Nazi-derived anti-Semitic slur “Israel-Firster” ……….and now that actual neo-Nazi terminology is being used in the press to describe certain Jews….to communicate somehow to the non-Jews around them that they have nothing to do with Israel, or with Israel’s supporters.nazi accusations are like the gift that keeps on giving. and where does he come up with these theories?heavens to mergatroid.

  138. Ich erlaube mir eine Kopie meines Kommentares bei Karl Eduard, weil er ein klein bißchen auch an "freiheitistunteilbar" gerichtet ist:… selbst bei innerstädtischen Verkehrsunfällen unter Alkoholeinfluß sind die Fragen zu stellen: Warum hat der OB keine autofreie Stadt durchgesetzt? Wieso läßt er in seiner Stadt Alkohol ausschenken?

  139. Reinstate Mark Bunker's account xenutv1!! He never received an original email, his account was just removed!! You are getting to be schills of the Cult of Scientology. We will make vids to show people how to disable every Google Adsense click! You will feel it in your wallets. You say Viacom is holding up getting his account re-instated, but it is really YouTube. You make your policy, Viacom doesn't. His second account had 0, zero, null, nil violations, yet you suspended it. Why is this?

  140. Merry>> Je confirme votre pouvoir surnaturel (révélé chez Hrundi ce jour par jmesuiléssépoucélacravat). L’omniscience au féminin à la puissance décuplée… A part Bertie et Sim, qui peut bien connaître Ramonville Saint Agne… Je n’en reviens pas. J’suis sur le Q, pitaing cong ! ps : fô que j’cause à ma môman et mon pôpa. Pourquoi que donc ils ont pas de piscine eux alors qu’on est ramonvillois depuis 1982… ;o(

  141. Tja, ich hab gerade mal ein (ganz kleines) bißchen quergelesen. Dieser anklagende Tonfall ist alleine schon ziehmlich abschreckend. Und in Verbindung mit den eher rumschwallenden unpointierten Schreibstil ist das eine anstrengende Lektüre, zu der mir die Lust fehlt.Da habe ich nach der Rezension von Weissgarnix in sehr viel mehr Lust auf Peter Sloterdijks “Im Weltinnenraum des Kapitals“.

  142. Plop!Que envidia me dan algunos con la certeza de su “verdad”Me veo en la obligación de señalar que este foro está siendo cada vez mas dogmático y descalificatorio para quiene pensamos diferente, si la idea es que solo participen creyentes se podría publicitar, asi no evitamos vejaciones y descalificaciones intelectuales. Yo al menos me despido, cariños y buena suerte en vuestro andar.

  143. I really like this one. And could for sure put some tasty strings on this., nothing to bold – that would take away from the intimacy of the guitar.I would love to hear this with less verb on the vox – a smaller more open room or very light plate verb with a pre delay of about 30-40msSince you are using Cubase – let me know if you want to colab and Iwe can meet up and I could get session with the files from you.

  144. Добрый день. Я хотела бы приобрести кисти Ателье и чехол для них. Подскажите, пожалуйста, на сколько кистей он расчитан?Спасибо.

  145. It's interesting to think about what you can and can't say without being called a crank or a conspiracy kook.For instance, saying that the US government and media lied to get us into the Iraq war is okay to say. Of course, everyone concedes that now, but even in before the war in 2002-2003 you could still basically get away with saying it, although you didn't hear it too much on TV.No, it is not true that everyone concedes that the governmedia lied to justify the invasion of Iraq. Where I live, only a distinct minority has been able to grasp this fact.

  146. Kedves Andrea! Soha nem fogsz régi értelemben vett kenyeret sütni pelletekbÅ‘l. Azt tanácsolom, hogy Å‘rölt magokkal vegyesen használd fel. Nézd meg a kenyérsütÅ‘s recepteket, a zöme így készült, és sütÅ‘ben is megsüthetÅ‘k. Belinkelek neked három szuper rágcsát, melyek szerintem a legfinomabb kenyérpótlók, a FB-ra is kiteszem ismét Å‘ket: Szezámkeksz; Mandelnbrot; Diós kenyér – ezek a kenyerek nem pelletesek, de nagyon finomak:-D Jó étvágyat, BB

  147. 21-11-2012 Actually I was doing virtual yoga. Never have tried the real thing. If get all tangled up in myself. You go girl on one foot! You’re a better woman than I. Happy RELAXING Thanksgiving! We’re going to my daughters. So I’m doin a little of the food instead of having a house full of kids for 4 days! Enjoy your holiday!Marcia Richards recently posted..

  148. If we cut the defense spending in half, we could increase the NASA budget four times and still not get anywhere near the old spending. Why not explore the solar system? We’d put all the small, parochial peoples (Africans, Arabs) in their place. We might shock the Russians into reforming toward democracy and less corruption. We should support reform in Russia as an ally against China.

  149. - I have witnessed that good real estate agents all around you are starting to warm up to FSBO Promoting. They are recognizing that it’s not only placing a poster in the front yard. It’s really about building associations with these suppliers who at some time will become consumers. So, whenever you give your time and efforts to serving these vendors go it alone — the “Law involving Reciprocity” kicks in. Good blog post.

  150. The females found inside the are just your regular everyday women who look great before of the camera, primarily because their personalities shine through. Here we set high requirements for all of the images we show. Having a click of your mouse you can easily read numerous free adult images displayed on our site.

  151. Well, Shantam, looks like you will finally have your wish for a while. Bubbie and Martyn have moved on for the time being by the looks of it. Can’t say I blame them. They say be careful you might get what you want. Now you are free to post your repetative comments about who is running the show in number 17 etc with nobody worthwhile to get on your case. That does not sound very interesting now that I think about it. Anyway, lets see how it goes.

  152. Hi Margareth, I put them straight in the oven after piping, unless I do not have room in the oven then some sit on the bench waiting. I experimented with leaving them out for different lengths of time and it made no difference to the end result. This Saturday there will be a new video up on this post with FAQ on this recipe if you watch that it may answer these questions for you.

  153. Longwhatever:The fact that you cannot see my point demonstrates exactly your narrow minded thought process. The post was intended to be controversial and extreme to highlight the fact that different people with diverse backgrounds react differently. To disregard how people reacted to Kelly’s comments means your judgement is superior to their’s…what makes you the authority?Respect and tolerance are important values for an advanced society. Shame you cannot see that. Hopefully others can.

  154. Playing All Quiet on the Western Front on Christmas is as weird as when every Easter when I was a kid, they'd show the Beatles' 'The Yellow Submarine'. Sometimes I just don't understand…. Chas is probably right–Quiet, Silent, they're synonymous so it must be okay.But I hope y'all are having a very Merry Christmas!

  155. god it how do … god it how do these parents not get enraged with this. it is obviously not a “stress dissorder” lmao. and mass hysteria?? how the can people be so naive. these parents should be getting a lawyer and get counciling on how to handle a situation in which school mandated HPV shots causes there daughters lives to be altered dramaticly. this will happen more an more often as well if they let this slide and don’t push for questions against the HPV vaccines. Was this answer helpful?

  156. mierda para todo aquel que aborrece nuestra forma de actuar frente al gobierno, para aquel que jusga al joven con ideas y pensamiento libertarios.llamo a toda persona con conciensia social a que siga saliendo a las cayes de este pais para seguir repudiando y escupiendo este sistema que nos apresa sin que algunos se den cuenta.saludos jorge, te mando todo mi apoyo compadreJ.Pablo M

  157. '''. As an alternative, it will most likely be far more powerful for you to learn about audio and chord idea. When you're acquainted with these core 7 keys you can start to learn about the black keys (flats and sharps).Here is my webpage:

  158. Did anyone else find this extremely tough? Started well with the top left corner then came to a screaming halt. Needed not just the hints but also the answers to many clues today. Yesterday’s and today’s are def for the inside page Toughie as far as I am concerned. Don’t see how Roast could mean rubbish, surely the alternative meaning is to castigate someone. Nothing in my copy of Chambers has rubbish as a definition. Not my favourite Giovanni. Thx to Gazza for the hints.

  159. Vlug ontfermde zich eerder met succes over 'klusjesman' Michaël de J., toen hij door opiniepeiler Maurice de Hond en een groep medestanders van hem als 'werkelijke dader' van de veelbesproken Deventer moordzaak werd aangewezen.Hmmm, daaruit zou ik eerder begrijpen dat ook deze client onschuldig is. [of in ieder geval ontkent]

  160. juni 7, 2012  6:04 am The root of your writing whilst sounding reasonable initially, did not really settle properly with me personally after some time. Someplace within the sentences you were able to make me a believer unfortunately just for a short while. I still have a problem with your leaps in assumptions and you would do nicely to help fill in those gaps. When you actually can accomplish that, I would definitely be impressed.

  161. La cel de al doilea fiu ati facut testarea genetica facuta? Tratamentul se realizeaza tintit specific pentru anumite mutatii. In ceea ce priveste problema Dvs voi cere ajutorul unui coleg de specialitate ( Dna Dr Delia Simion-medic specialist de reumatologie)si voi reveni cu informatii.

  162. Hej pÃ¥ dig själv raring ;-)Jag röstar för grön säng och tapet pÃ¥ tvÃ¥ väggar!! Rice har fina gröna förvaringskorgar – finns hos Länna Möbler texLo los rum kommer bli hur fint som helst – ser fram emot att fÃ¥ se resultatet. Till sist en nyfiken frÃ¥ga – visst fick lilla Lo lo en hamster för en tid sen – har ni kvar den??Kram

  163. I am commenting to let you be aware of what a extraordinary discovery my girl developed checking your web site. She picked up some details, which include what it’s like to possess a very effective teaching character to let other individuals without hassle learn about specific complex topics. You really did more than our own desires. Thank you for imparting these essential, dependable, informative not to mention easy guidance on your topic to Janet.

  164. (Sinon, Montaigne-à-Cheval, « Claude Gueux », c’est très bien – même si c’est un honteux plagiat psychique du texte qui a transcrit le témoignage même de Claude Gueux, qui a réellement existé – ; le coup de hache sur la tête, c’est imité des « Prisonniers du Caucase », et on y retrouve toute l’ambiguïté de la figure du bourreau improvisé, de celui qui fait la justice sans y être officiellement autorisé.)

  165. Bueno, Castellón es muy provinciana, y ya se sabe, este tipo de sociedades poco evolucionadas, necesitan al cacique de turno, donde la gente de bien tiene que rendir pleitesía, amén de jugar a la jet-set de secano, ja,ja,ja.De secano ahora más que nunca, por la ruina agraria y las azulejeras empezando a podrirse.¡Eso sí!,siempre les quedara el aeropurto para emigrar…

  166. What do you mean, Arabic is a new language on YouTube?! Does that mean you're going to stop censoring the Arabic that I use? Whenever I use Arabic, to my Arab friends, under one of their videos, it stays there, but it appears only briefly in my "Recent Activities"—-then it's GONE! Forever!I use English, Spanish, Nahuatl, Japanese, & occasionally, other languages, & this is ONLY done to Arabic!

  167. MY P/I is 798 mo – 154 Principal / 645 InterestEscrow 329 moTaxes 3,274 per yearIns 578 per year6.375% Interest rateThank you and sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to you. I just called the bank and my docs were just sent to investors on May 23 for review. I have been lied to about times. Originally I was told would hear some by the 45th day…now they are saying it could be another 30-60 days. UUGGHH—Frustrated!!!

  168. azedao seu safado… kkkkkkkkkkkkkk deixa te ver que vou te colocar uma rolha essa semana acaba minhas provas na faculdade quero pedaler quero beber quero me divertir kkkkkk acho que seria legal todos participando inscriçao baratinha e seria legal competir nao para ganhar mais entre agente mesmo passeio assim de casalinho gay pode ser feito em outra data acho que agente podia aproveitar esse evento que nao é comum como o passeio

  169. rüyamda çalışt???m i?yerindeki arkadaşımla tart???yoduk ve benim ona verdi?im bır sırrı herkesırn ?cınde soyledı ve ben okadar kızdımkı o ve 1 kişi daha var (önceden bu kısırlerle samım? arkadaslardık ama son 3 aydır konusmuyoruz b?le)?kısırne dedımkı siz bana cok cektırdınız d?lermkı allah?mdan hayatta en cok ?stedıgınız sey gercek olmasırn kabul et allah?m dedım sana havale ed?yorum dedım ne anlama gelıyor acıklarsanız sevınırım tsk

  170. Dave,The cheese rolling festival is hilarious, but i wonder if people go there just to see if some poor young lad will break his leg? Either way a great day out !!Shrovetide in derbyshire is also a good one – basically it consists of teams of neighbouring villages fighting over a ball to get it into the opposing goal.. Local shops usually board themselves up to prevent damage as it can turn nasty!Only in England.. Duncan

  171. Luffy927 dit :oui mais je pense pas que ca serait suffisant car elle trouverait surement une parade. c comme pr ace vs aokiji à marinford, aokiji a pu tenir tete à ace mm si le feu fait fondre la glace. akainu vs aokiji, aokiji a quand mm tenu 10 jours face à la lave en fusion. ca peux affecté mone cela dit. mais bon aprés ca ne se joue pas que sur les éléments. pr franky sa peux le faire j’y avais pensé. mais je reste plus septique pr nami et ussop.

  172. "Just because half the country will read whatever Sarah Palin yammers on her Facebook page like its the Gospel, doesn't make her or her followers any smarter or astute. It simply means there are a lot of imbeciles in America."Again, just because people think differently from you does not make them stupid. Nevertheless, I will accept the fact that you are an expert of stupidity.

  173. Здравствуйте, добро пожаловать на наш портал. Здесь, вы сможете проверить авто по вин-номеру на угон, разные ДТП и ещё много различных фактов об этом автомобиле. Только на нашем сайте ежедневно проверяемые базы vin-кодов.

  174. Babcia już spieniona jak morskie fale. A tak poważnie, to nawet Peowcy siÄ™ za nia wstydzÄ… i nie za bardzo przyznajÄ… do niej. Nigdy nie sÅ‚yszaÅ‚am, żeby na takÄ… “aktywistkÄ™”, ktoÅ› siÄ™ powoÅ‚aÅ‚, czy zacytowaÅ‚. Ona istnieje tylko tu i karmi tym, że zwracamy na niÄ… uwagÄ™. Mnie ona bawi.

  175. Keeping the wives of Bin Laden and children together and then shipped off to Saudi …. what does that tell you? Women have no rights what so ever in Saudi so the chance of the truth getting out that they were widowed a long time ago is zero. That is why they can not show pictures of the dead Bin Laden. Barry Soetoro would love to show off his work but he can not. All fake!

  176. C'est la même chose pour les peintres, les poètes, les artistes en général…Sauf si tu es môme de… ou si tu t'es fait connaître autrement… gangster, violeur ou violé… Maintenant c'est d'abord tu te fais connaître par le fait divers et après tu montres ce que tu sais faire et d'ailleurs, c'est même plus la peine de le montrer…Montre ton cul et après on pourra regarder ton âme…

  177.  ( 2012.03.9 07:02 ) : I’ve been exploring for a bit for any high quality articles or blog posts on this sort of area . Exploring in Yahoo I at last stumbled upon this website. Reading this information So i’m happy to convey that I have an incredibly good uncanny feeling I discovered just what I needed. I most certainly will make certain to do not forget this web site and give it a glance regularly.

  178. iceflyer 0  3Was möchte den der Lehrer in der Schule denn mit diesem Versuch veranschaulichen?Da kann der Pysiklehrer genauso den Film “X-Men” zeigen. X-Men wäre genauso unterhaltsam bzw. beeindruckend und hätte ebenso wenig mit dem Stoff des Pysikunterricht in einer Schule zu tun.Das ist Stoff für ein Naturwissenschaftliches Studium…….

  179. Great advice. #16 really spoke to me. I once had a date with a guy and he wore a t-shirt and jeans which is fine because we just went to an evening movie, but I couldn’t help but notice upon closer inspection that he had lines of dust on his T-Shirt like maybe he had the t-shirt folded on top of his closet and the dust gathered at the lines where the t-shirt was folded and then I noticed a clorox spot on his jeans.. thank goodness the movie was great. No more blind dates for me.

  180. Divine. Devyne? Do you say your name like that? Your post is full of riches! I feel the same way about all I’ve learned this year, 100% due to the SW.On another subject, I would love love a David Bowie challenge! David Bowie outfits for the whole family! Do you think we could make it happen for real?

  181. Two things:1) Where is Nate Silver’s name?2) As the dust settles, I agree that Romney did the correct thing in not releasing his tax returns, but for different reasons than yours. They would have been so embarrassing that a defeat would have become a disaster.Your devoted reader,Marty Lapidus

  182. I don’t think the gravity of Earth would just not exist. The magnetic field would have to be disrupted, be it magnetic north & south flipping itself so that geographical south & magnetic south touch, the same goes for geographical north and magnetic north. Comment by Mike Spamm on November 4, 2011 at 4:15 am

  183. Qu’est ce que cette BD est marrante, mes collègues m’ont pris pour un fou allier au fur et à mesure que j’évoluait dans la lecture. Et c’est vrai de surcroît, c’est ce qui est encore plus marrant. Belle illustration ^^

  184. You ought to essentially take into consideration engaged on creating this weblog into a significant authority on this market. You evidently have a grasp deal with of the matters everyone seems to be looking for on this web site anyways and you possibly can actually even earn a buck or two off of some advertisements. I would discover following latest topics and raising the quantity of write ups you place up and I guarantee you’d begin seeing some wonderful targeted traffic in the near future. Only a thought, good luck in no matter you do!

  185. RE: “North Korea is one of the largest recipients of US aid and has been since 1994.”Source, Anan?Here’s a list of the top recipients of US foreign aid in the last most recent decade–N Korea is not on the list:Between 1995 and 2008, the United States provided North Korea with over $1.3 billion in assistance: just over 50% for food aid and about 40% for energy assistance (de-nuclearization). Since early 2009, the United States has provided virtually no aid to North Korea. Israelis are not literally starving, and Israel is not dismantling its nuclear weapons, or even promising to do so.

  186. As I see it YouTube has either of two options:1)Bring back the old interface, which is more user-friendly and more likable, and keep being the most popular on line video viewer. OR2) Disappear altogether and become part of Google search engine, because seriously, this new interface is nothing but a search engine for videos.Hey, YouTube fellows, I've got news for you. People don't like your new interface, those who do are the exception, not the rule, bring back the old one or let the site die slowly and painfully.

  187. > Zolurne:il est vrai que la Belgique — suite à une recommandation de la Commission ou du parlement européen, je ne sais plus, mais de toute évidence appuyée par le lobby vétérinaire français — a décidé de faire une sélection à l’entrée de sa faculté vétérinaire. Elle a donc installé un numerus clausus de fait.Et ce n’est pas le moindre des paradoxes du rapport de ce monsieur Attali que de demander maintenant aux Ecoles vétérinaires françaises ce que l’on a exigé des belges de s’abstenir de faire!Où est la cohérence dans tout cela ?

  188. There are many posts in existence near this, I believe taking there reference could experience chose to make this spot or article really informative. I am not expression this information is negative. Simply I can pronounce that the info provided here was unique, merely rebuild more very near to complete, supporting compared to other former information will receive been actually good. The points you receive touched here i will discuss really important, thus I’ll spot a lot of the information here to create this actually best for entirely the newbie’s here. Thank you this info. Actually helpful!

  189. Acompanho seu blog a alguns meses,Gostaria de sua opinie3o sobre qual deesss hoteis vocea acha melhor para uma estadia em San Francisco.InterContinental Mark HopkinsLe MeridienPalace Hotel.Desde je1 muito obrigado pela ajuda,

  190. Well if you consider the fishing flannel rag quilt I made my husband as a seasonal quilt, we have it out year around as it hangs over the back of his chair. I have been collectioning fall fabrics since last year for an autumn quilt but have not decided on the pattern yet. lol normally I make a quilt with someone special in mind and give it to that person when I finish it so the fishing quilt is the only one we have. I would love to win some fabric!

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  192. WAL May 14, 2012 – I would like a better understanding of the sensor technology. I would assume the resolution could be tripled by not assigning three pixels to create one pixel of color. What is the mega pixel number? The 100% shots where not that impressive.I realize you alluded to the sensor having the same resolution as the color sensor. Also who is making the sensor? Is Kodak still producing sensors or has the sensor division been sold?

  193. Hi Stephanie! I just ordered Warby Parker, LOVE THEM! I have VSP as well and was wondering how you submitted for reimbursement. Did you just submit a claim?Thanks!

  194. I am disliking this video because it looks like some sort of advertisement to me to give your data away, it usually starts like this, something comes as a nice service at this time and somewhere in the future everyone is required by law to use it so that the government can make sure you’re not doing anything ”wrong”. This is also why I dislike the Intel anti-theft technology, it’s going to be used as government killswitch eventually. Those who trade privacy for? security shouldn’t deserve both.

  195. September 22, 2012 at 4:12 pmI need to know if my wire drawing process is capable of maintaining the customer’s specification for diameter (I suspect it is not).For example, if my machines can draw 200 feet of wire per hour, and the customer needs every bit to be, say, .050″ + or – 5% (.0475″ to .0525″), how many samples do I need to test and what kind of measurements would indicates the process is capable or not capable?Also, do I need to run a CpK for EACH of 10 machines, or just for a couple?Thanks for your help. Reply

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  197. Eu estou ansiosa pela publicação, eu amo a história de vçs….Gostaria muito de participar do grande dia, creio que será um dia iluminado, os anjos desceram do céu para anunciar esta versão no Brasil.. Nossa parece até que estou grávida contigo neste livro. Rsrsrsr!!Desejo sucesso, que ao continuar escrevendo-o, grandes coisas renasçam na sua mente, para não deixar um Til fora das paginas!! Deus lhê abençoe muito meu Apostolo amado!

  198. Yo, Sem… F’real, man… KanyeLive.com was all up on this for a day… I’ll give the benefit of the doubt, bro… But yo, you have the power to get exclusives, man… Is there a way you can still get a grab? Don’t let the fans down, man… We’re def counting on you. Get the label to send it to you still… It ain’t too late until an hour.

  199. Thank you for the responses to my questions, Sandra! After seeing your answer, I had a look at Letters & Papers and there is indeed a notation in there for June 1517, granting “Dame Katherine Gordon, widow” the manor of Frylsham “provided that she do not quit England for Scotland or any other foreign country.” There’s a certain similarity to Anne of Cleves’ case, although at least Perkin Warbeck’s widow was able to remarry.I look forward to reading your book. And I definitely will take another look at Ann Wroe’s book.

  200. Fatih Güner ve ekibi bu yazıyı ilk gördüğümde harbi helal olsun demiÅŸtim ve gerçekten korkmuyorlar inanıyorlar objektif medyanın gücüne ve kendilerine demiÅŸtim ama bu hamlenizden sonra sosyalmedya.co ve ekibine tamamen güvenimi yitirdim. Ä°ÅŸiniz tamamen reklam yapmakmış ve reklamınızı yaptınız. EttiÄŸim tebriÄŸi hak etmiyorsunuz. Yazık… hit kazanmak için böyle numaralara gerek yok. bu gece analytics deÄŸerleriniz tavan yapmıştır herhalde…

  201. Finalement je me dis que mon cri « ils méritent tous notre compassion » n’est que la prise en compte qu’ils sont tous « civilisés », que je refuse de mettre une hiérarchie entre civilisés et ceux jugés non civilisés.

  202. fiorenza · giovedì, 29 novembre 2012, 5:01 pmMa sei fissata: due popoli in due stati è dal millennio scorso che ci provano! Nessuno ce l’ ha con Israele, è che non se ne può più di voi e della vostra guerra infinita. Fate la Pace se potete, tutti e due: palestinesi e israeliani, avete torto tutti e due. Ti va bene così? No? Pazienza.

  203. Romai dit :De plus je le répète le SAV iPhone est un des meilleur , étant possédeur d’un iPad , si vous avez un problème ils viennent chercher via UPS et deux possibilitées , soit ils vous en renvoyé un en 3-4jours ou direct lorsque que le diagnostic du tél au Tél est mauvais verififcation via Apple

  204. Hound Then those who *can* attend by virtue of being a previous ticketholder are going to eventually be a REALLY old group someday (LOL!) with no new blood allowed to crack into the attendance. I went three years in a row and then missed one year due to uncontrollable circumstances….so should that give me some special advantage? Doubt it.

  205. “The problem with a Jewish state in Palestine is that there were Palestinians there already.”It’s amazing that this needs to be repeated, even brought up! Why would a guy like me otherwise would object to Zionism? Why would I give a rodent’s derriere about they believe is their right or not? The land is already owned and it’s not up for grabs! Why is this so hard to understand is beyond me!

  206. Hey this is kinda of off topic but I was wanting to know if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding expertise so I wanted to get advice from someone with experience. Any help would be enormously appreciated! Thank you!

  207. matsu様丁寧に対応していただき、大変ありがとうございます!!!元々存在するURL:ドメイン名/wordpress/新しく設定したいURL:ドメイン名/wordpress/blog環境は、さくらサーバで実験しています。設定したコードはこちらです。まずwp-config.phpから。デバッグしてみると、ちゃんと’wp_blog_’になりました。// determine table prefix according to the REQUEST_URI$prefix_array = array( ‘/wordpress/blog’ => ‘wp_blog_’);if($prefix_array){ $uri = $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]; foreach($prefix_array as $search_uri => $search_table_prefix){ if(strpos($uri, $search_uri) === false){ continue; } $table_prefix = $search_table_prefix; }}次に、.htaccessのコードです。RewriteEngine onRewriteBase /wordpress/# rewrite wordpress blogRewriteRule blog/(.*) /wordpress/$1RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f [OR]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-dRewriteRule blog/(.*) /wordpress/index.php [L]# /end of rewrite wordpress blogなかなか上手くいきません。/wordpress/blogというURLに新しいページを先に作ってから、そのページが第二のブログになるようにmatsu様の紹介されている手順を踏んでいますが、そのやり方が誤っているという可能性はありますか?ご教授よろしくお願いします。

  208. …Ahh Coco ,ce mare dreptate ai..eu care am trait alaturi de mama ta ,de voi…cativa anisori buni ..te inteleg "perfect" si pot sa-ti confirm caci "ai perfecta dreptate.. " FEMEIA CARE IUBESTE PREA MULT "! Dar gandeste caci "erau alte "timpuri"..(cu toate caci ptr. asta nu trebuie sa existe nici o scuza)… Dar cand IUBESTI cu adevarat..??? ..orbesti complect!

  209. Soy usuario de Debian Squeeze, y desinstalé openoffice e instalé LibreOffice 3.5, todo satisfactoriamente, lo único que no he podido lograr es activar el inicio rápido, de hecho, no se visualiza en la sección memoria en opciones, creo que es por no tener el fichero libreoffice-gtk para esta versión, aunque dentro de los ficheros descargados del portal de Document Fundation, viene el libobasis3.5-gnome-integration_3.5.0-13_amd64.deb, si hay posibilidades de cargar dicho módulo, y sabes la respuesta, favor házmela saber, gracias

  210. Poslední off-topic:Co se týče diskuzí k tématu a k důvodu zavedení smetiště, je velmi podnětné (a všem to doporučuji) pojít si několik posledních diskuzí a pozorovat, kdo diskutuje k tématu a kdo se snaží naopak diskuzi strhnout jiným směrem.

  211. Granny and Sharyn, How kind of you to think that I could write my own column. I must confess that one of the reasons I started blogging was to confront my fear of writing. It is getting a little easier but I still struggle with how to put things down on paper. I’ll keep working on it, and maybe someday, I could submit articles for publication. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my musings and my recipes. Thanks again for your kind words.daisy

  212. SÃ¥ fine smÃ¥blomstrete stoff!Her er det ogsÃ¥ ferietid, og medan eg ventar pÃ¥ skikkeleg sommar, gÃ¥r tida med til rydding og andre huslege sysler. Symaskina, stakkars, støvar ned her i heimen, og bunken med tøy som mÃ¥ reparerast, veks seg berre høgare og høgare. Har tenkt pÃ¥ Ã¥ strekke skøyteledning og flytte symaskina ut pÃ¥ altanen ein dag det vert stabilt vêr…sÃ¥ kanskje eg bÃ¥de fÃ¥r reparert og kreert:) God sommar!

  213. Apr03 I am certainly my own worst enemy. I suspect that most people are as well. (Their own enemies, I mean, not mine.) I also watch for the descending knife in the back when things are going well. When things are going too well, I practically cower in fear. I need to accept good things and ride the wave.

  214. Growing up in Southern California, it’s easier for youth to direct their teen angst away from the Church, because there are so many other strong voices and influences. There, a teen’s angst and/or rebellion can easily be directed at society in general, whereas in Utah, it feels like there is only one influence (and institution) to rebel against. That strikes me as a bad situation to be in.

  215. problem is as companies here are still cutting jobs and salaries they will lose qaulity employees, it will cost them more to replace lost talent. I do not think there is prior nor proper planning in the middle east , companies will suffer the impact and the ecomomy will suffer . Investing in your people is the number one key factor.

  216. Mark, breaking my promise not to comment here again, I have to say people who judge and get upset and call names for MISPELLING are IDIOTS! First, I am very dislexic, second, I am a terrible typer and third, I type even worse when angry! SO, if your main problem with me is my "Typing like a drunken sailor" and spelling badly, then you are a very shallow human!

  217. The piece about the breastfeeding mom who was confronted in a Houston area Target store made me mad. I am a Lactation Consultant in the Houston area. I have already emailed the Target corporation about this, and have told them that I will not shop at Target anymore (I love my area Target). Perhaps if the Target corporation got lots of emails about this, they would reconsider their position. If anyone is interested in emailing, the information is:

  218. October 13th 2011 – 1:49amOMG!!! I love working with your Patera Pendants. The Decorative Tags will give my designs that “special added touch” to make each piece complete! SWEET!

  219. ¿Cómo debe una pyme preparar la selección de dichos candidatos? Hemos hablado con Pilar Cuéllar, consultora sénior de Psicólogos Empresariales, para que nos dé algunas pistas de cómo las pymes pueden reclutar talento. 

  220. Well done Jen…I think your LOVE print is a global favourite!!..and no matter how many sneaky slugs copy it( sadly they are always going to be there)I know most people when they think of the LOVE print..you will think of Made by Girl.Heather is a doll..I love her passion for colour and she is such a talented stylist.Let me know if you don't end up receiving a copy..and I will be more than happy to get one out to you. Anna x

  221. I, that post quite old, but can you look at the comment;p. I have a question. I’m thinking of buying apples, but I have no idea how to check the Mac OS X from the perspective of the whole system and the programmer’s point of view, whom must all work;p. As matter is pn this respect?. Is it true, that on OS X with Photoshop there are any problems?. If you already know a little bit on the apple, can you recommend for me some book’a?. Mainly I’m talking about, was able to expand as much RAM as you can. 4GB should be enough for me everything that you need and some better graphics card.

  222. Your friend laura here:) I ran out and purchased Lash Stiletto after reading that it was the magic mascara which made your lashes look amazing & I am happy to report that your claims are true! I love it and it works wonders on my lashes. My lashes thank you for your “investigative” journalism:)

  223. that was easy is blind.kev,Will start me trasformation on Saturday just curious. If I submit pics and a log how do I ensure they are for the blog on;ly and will not be used for gain (or amusemnt ) for other. I other words who has the rights to the images I intend to post.EVEN IF I DONT SUBMITS PICS I WILL DO MY TRANSFORMATION……thank you for the inspiration you are a good person….

  224. evom disse:Olá Bruno,O Rayne Vandal e o Wolf Shark Landyachtz são indicados para downhill e slides. Não é muito comum vêlos aqui no Brasil, pois ambas as marcas são pouco conhecidas (por enquanto). Sobre os shape com tail, existe uma grande quantidade de opções. Particularmente gosto dos shapes com tail da Sector 9. Abs!

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  226. .We have a boy (which is secretly what I wanted), and everyone keeps asking me when we’re trying again (I’ll let you know), and if we’re trying for a girl. Because I should have a girl. It would be “the right thing.”Um. No. I have MY boy. Well, we have OUR boy. And he’s perfect for us. The end. [] Reply:April 14th, 2010 at 8:09 pmI don’t get why people think they know what you should have. People have done fine with the genders they’re given for thousands of years. I can’t think of anyone I know who wishes their kid was something else.[]

  227. I just love ur channel & Facebook post. One of my favs. You have an amazing personality! Could u do an up to date video on your favorite nail polishs. You rock? the prettiest colors. Thanks in advance.

  228. "Tietenkään loogisesti ei voida mitenkään päätyä ko. johtopäätökseen.Eikä mihinkään muuhunkaan moraaliseen johtopäätökseen. Moraalia ei voi ratkaista logiikalla."Tomi,Oletko aidosti siis moraalinen relativisti? Tästä nimittäin seuraa, että kansanmurha on aidosti yks hailee, noin perimmältään. Vaikka useimmat ihmiset olisivatkin tällä hetkellä toista mieltä.

  229. I bought this game instead of COD Modern Warfare 2 so that I could get a “feel” for this game before moving on to the latest and greatest. I am glad I did! I am playing 1280×960 on a Core2 E6600 (8800GT video card). All I can say is WOW. With a quality set of speakers the realism is fantastic. Get this game and start in if you are new to COD. You won’t regret it. Oh, almost forgot. This game loads, configures and runs perfectly on Windows 7 64 bit. Enjoy!

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  231. Also ich hab auch die beta2 von GPGMail im Einsatz. Tut eigentlich ganz okay…Hab davor sogar mal Thunderbird mit Enigmail benutzt… aber irgendwie ist Thunderbird aufm Mac net so ultra. Das globale Adressbuch sollte mal benutzt werden…Was für andere GPG Tools für den Mac gibt es eigentlich? Ich hab eigentlich nur relativ bis sehr alte tools gefunden…

  232. Sateene dit :c’est étonnant à kel point la police française néglige cette affaire. comment peuvent-ils confirmer la thèse du suicide alors qu’on a pas retrouvé d’eau dans ses poumons? si c’était arrivé à un de leurs compatriotes au Gabon, on nous aurait fait le bruit jusqu’aaaaaaaaaaaaa… c vraiment n’importe quoi l’amitié francogabonaise.

  233. Historia de CleopatraCleopatra nacio en Egipto el 69 a.c. Y murío el 30 a.C. Cuando subió al trono se tuvo que casar con su hermano. Cuando Julio Cesar llego a Egipto, Cleopatra hizo un trato con él: que si mataba a su hermano ella pasaría al trono. Julio César aceptó y hizo lo que le dijo. Cleopatra es famosa por ser la última reina de Egipto.

  234. Ad, dass Du Blogs meidest, die keine Kommentarfunktion haben, erscheint mir ein wenig überspannt. Du solltest Blogs wegen der Inhalte lesen, nicht wegen der sozialen Grundhaltung des Autors. Keiner nimmt Dir Deine Kommentare … Ich glaube, ich sollte in Zukunft dieses Blog meiden, sein Autor geriert sich als Hohepriester der einzig wahren Blogger-Religion.

  235. La tarte, j’ai adoré: techniquement « la tarte » n’est pas COD. Cette phrase présente ce qu’on appelle en linguistique un cas de dislocation à gauche; « la tarte » est extraposé. La séquence ne peut être considérée comme COD qu’en cas de pronom de reprise: « La tarte, je l’ai adorée ».PK

  236. How do the Lakers go on a 17-1 tear and play like they have these three recent games? It’s goddamn baffling. The Nuggets, okay, different players and they have always been more physical. Utah, sure, they were probably hell bent on revenge.The Warriors?Please, one of you greater basketball minds, what the hell has changed?

  237. – I don’t think your assertion that the Republicans may let some tax-breaks for the middle classes expire is correct. I’d be suprised if most Republicans weren’t in support of tax cuts for the middle classes.If I was a politcian in the US right now I’d be arguing for tax cuts and spending cuts exceeding the cost of the tax cuts – and there would be extreme fiscal discipline across all programs.

  238. An impressive share, I just given this onto a colleague who was doing a little analysis on this. And he in fact bought me breakfast because I found it for him.. smile. So let me reword that: Thnx for the treat! But yeah Thnkx for spending the time to discuss this, I feel strongly about it and love reading more on this topic. If possible, as you become expertise, would you mind updating your blog with more details? It is highly helpful for me. Big thumb up for this blog post!

  239. Just wanted to know when he gave this autographed photo…during or after WGM. Am happy, but will be jumping up and down if this was given really recently. Coz this is proof that they are still close. I wish to jump up and down. lol, so if there is someone who knows, pleeeeze pretty please, let me know. Thanks!

  240. 三人のお子さんを育てながら、お仕事にも責任を持って取り組んでいらっしゃるご様子に尊敬の気持ちを抱きます。みなさんの色々なお考えに対するきりんさんのお返事も拝読していると、ホントに色々と考えて試して頑張っていらっしゃるご様子が感じ取れました。私には参考になる経験も無いのですが…、一つ気になった事が有ったのでコメントさせて頂きました。次男さんの発言が、いつもとても物わかりが良い…と言う事が少し気にかかりました。そんなに欲しかったカードももう要らない、卒業する。…と言われる。お小遣いも500円で良いとご本人が決めたと書かれていましたね。その場限りの嘘をついているのでは…と言うのでは無く、ご両親の期待に応えようと、次男君のとても一生懸命な姿が感じられるのです。親を困らせてしまった、期待に反してしまった自分を反省して、本気で卒業しますと思って言っている…。でも、ホントの本音が言えているのかなあ…と気になりました。私は長年保育士として仕事をしてきたので、子供の気持ちが少しだけわかる部分も有るのでは…と思っているのですが、子供って褒められると嬉しいしやる気になりますよね。自己肯定感を育てていくためにしっかり褒めましょうと、どこにでも書かれています。私も「お手伝いしてくれてありがとう」「すっごく助かった」「優しくしてくれる◯◯ちゃんが大好き」等と言ってきましたが、子供が自分自身を好きになり自分に自信を持つ一番の褒め方は、行動