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Comments (17,578)

  1. Suzy dolla, you have so blessed me with your kind words and this is such an amazing entry, He is our refuge and rock with out Him I am nothing. I pray that today God will meet you in such a awesome manner, that today will be a place of special remembrance for you. love you always me

  2. Ad BH Říkám samozÅ™ejmost, že kvalifikační práce by nemÄ›la být jenom koláží sestavenou z citací. SkutečnÄ› jsem se setkal s diplomovou prací, kde vlastní vÄ›ty autora byly vždy jen úvodem citace ve stylu: X říká: "…" Naproti tomu Y říká: "…" JeÅ¡tÄ› jiný názor má Z, který říká: "…"Otázkou ovÅ¡em je, jaký podíl kvalifikační práce můžou tvoÅ™it citace tohoto typu. 5% 10% 30% 40%?Ad anonymSouhlasím, že dÄ›kanův pokyn lze číst vstřícnÄ› a medializace v novinách mÄ› nepříjemnÄ› pÅ™ekvapila.

  3. I hope other people think your write-up right here as helpful as I have. I manage a blog site myself and would be very happy for you or the guests on your own web site to check out. Please go ahead and look through my website just like I have with your own and leave a remark or two if you discover anything interesting. Thanks again.

  4. Estou querendo abrir uma empresa de produção de suco natural, como uma produção aproximada de 300 litros por dia, com uma maquina de pequeno porte, para fornecer a restaurantes e hoteis. Quais as documentações necessito? Quais os registros e licenças?

  5. I’m impressed, I need to say. Really hardly ever do I encounter a weblog that’s each educative and entertaining, and let me tell you, you’ve gotten hit the nail on the head. Your idea is outstanding; the difficulty is something that not enough persons are speaking intelligently about. I’m very pleased that I stumbled across this in my search for something relating to this.

  6. Oh, Bettty, this stories are so, so tragic, and then equally triumphant. The painis enorous but then equally huge is the gift of healing. I so wish we had made it to Cambodia! Thanks for sharing these stories and news of what Heifer is doing there. By the way, so nice to see the country director is Cambodian and not an ex-pat!Hugs,Kathy

  7. O’Neill must have know something about that Gulf oil spill to be so spot on in his BRIC acronym, right? Do they plan these things years in advance? Are we supposed to be happy to pass the oil torch to the BRICS? Why is BP shooting itself in the foot? Isn’t Obama a BP boy? What about that oil czar, Mabus? Wasn’t he rewarded by the Saudis?

  8. AH, e sobre a Scuderia;O carro é não é rapido, a equipe ainda sofre com a burrice tipicamente italiana e se ressente da falta dos geniais Todt, brawn e Byrne (nenhum deles italiano, diga se de passagem) com as estrategias estupidas, e ainda por cima o KERS deles é tipico produto italiano, que não funciona como deveria, basta comparar com o KERS da Rnault e da McLaren, que quando usado permitiu a seus pilotos abrirem na reta, enquanto que o da Scuderia pouco ajudou

  9. Wydał Piłat, ukrzyżowali żołnierze rzymscy.W asyscie żydowskich kapłanów i tłumu wielkiego mieszkańców Jerozolimy. Jedni się z niego naigrywali inni płakali. Jak to w życiu.Barabasza wybrał tłum podburzony przez żydowskich kapłanów. Piłat jako Rzymianin zapewne bał sie rozruchów i zgodził się na ich żądania.

  10. Giirl, när du säger att du avskyr ditt utseende undrar jag om du har syn problem? U is hot as fuuuuck! Helt gorgeous.gÃ¥ in pÃ¥ fml.com, riktigt ball sida som fÃ¥r dig att skratta vilken dag som helst. Smile and don’t let your demons get you down!!massor av kärlek frÃ¥n en trogen läsare<3

  11. Awesome review! Convinced me to get it! I have a question i was hoping some of the gear heads could help with…right now I’m running my guitar–>Korg Tuner–>Wah–>Maxon OD808–>6505+…I want the ISP to cut feedback so I’m going to put it before the amp..but should the ISP go before or after the OD808 in the chain? Thanks for any suggestions!

  12. I’d need to examine with you right here. Which is not one particular factor I generally do! I get pleasure from looking through a put up that may perhaps make men and women think. Furthermore, thanks for allowing me to remark!

  13. feel like I have been “all melamine – all the time” the past couple of posts, sorry. (Melamine, oh thy name is Legion and Melamine Toxic Tsunami) Its been a fast moving story and its relevant to all of us who eat

  14. Ja urodziÅ‚am przez cc w znieczuleniu ogólnym. Dziecko dostaÅ‚am 17 godzin po porodzie. PrzystawiÅ‚am je do piersi i zadziaÅ‚aÅ‚o. Pokarm byÅ‚ w mojej gÅ‚owie – myÅ›laÅ‚am o karmieniu, chciaÅ‚am tego, tÄ™skniÅ‚am za moim dzieckiem. Trzeba próbować! Mleka nigdy mi nie brakowaÅ‚o:)

  15. Pecat boss Anda!Serius, jika Anda berani.Jika tidak, coba tingkatkan komunikasi antara Anda dengan boss. Sering kali boss tidak memahami apa yang terjadi dibawah, maka tugas bawahan untuk mengkomunikasikannya. Mudah-mudahan, jika sudah tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dibawah dia bisa memahami.Bagaimana jika boss tetap tidak mau memahami? Pecat saja.Jika mengkomunikasikan tidak bisa, memecat tidak bisa, maka bersabarlah dan berdo’a. Mudah-mudahan ada jalan terbaik.

  16. What an exciting post. You captured the fun and excitment beautifully. Just to mention it you looked soooo beautiful in the photo with your artist friend. Great post as always!!!Love YaGrandma

  17. I can get my eyes away from your website and articles I definitely consider they’re effectively performed and skilled written, searching forward to see some far more stuff from you

  18. Podemos discutir o acessório como sempre.Mas o essencial custa a sair, parece que adoramos a catarse constante.O futebol português está praticamente morto.Os planteis têm quase 90% de estrangeirada,a maioria sem qualidade,se juntarmos isto ao lobbys nos corredores da FPF temos estas convocatórias.Rolando,Postiga,Eliseu,C.Martins,Sereno etc.

  19. We set up a follow up appointment to re-walk through product features / benefits, which is helpful to the client because they are no longer in “sales / buying” mode. It also gives us the opportunity to build relationships, gain add on sales, and to gather referrals.

  20. Paulo Jorge, não tem nada que ver com biometria ou wtf..Também gosto da ‘coisa’ (e o Tim Roth é estupendo, sempre foi…) e tem mais a ver com o que se significa pelo «não-verbal», muito mais que metade do significado de qualquer mensagem vem por aí, e descontando os exageros TV series oblige, o ‘assunto’ está decifrado e codificado há décadas, americanos principalmente, Ann Arbor e por aí…Eu por vezes também me entretenho a topar as contradições entre o verbal, o gestual e todo o resto do não-verbal.Just for the heck of it…

  21. lol if you mean the teleport of the SAOWNS hack, don’t tick it, it sucks, because you need the hole of the entrance (blue) and the exit (orange) and you can only put one, tick spirit, or canonball

  22. Michael,Thanks for your comment. Years ago I began my criminal practice in district court in Massachusetts and had my first jury trials before six-person juries (though this was in adult, not juvenile, court). Massachusetts judges are not elected, which does help, I agree. I tend to think that closed juvenile court proceedings can cut both ways, however, as there isn’t public pressure on the judge to convict/adjudicate delinquent, but there also isn’t any public oversight. Any thoughts on what an ideal juvenile court system would look like?

  23. powala foremka, nie?:)Oj to dobry taki kolega, wiesz moze wtedy tez bym sama nie piekla, albo by mnie tak nie kusilo jesli mozna dostac, dobre i duzo :DA w nowym-starym domu: powiem ze dobrze ale wszystko powoli, jeszcze chwile nam zajmie nim sie na nowo urzadzimy (dom mam na mysli), a tak to w zasadzie Praga tak piekna jak dawniej, mieszka sie tu fajnie, jedynie czasem doskwiera delikatne emocjonalne zamkniecie, ale wazne zeby minusy nie przeslonily mi plusow :-)Pozdrowienia!@ Ania: kochana! :*

  24. lot's of people are arguing about weight of this or that in the ranking algorithm.Fair enough, because google's ranking is a bit like Coca-cola's composition : We more or less know what's in it, but we don't have the exact formula for it…And I guess that at least Coke's formula does not change every day !

  25. Wat een tegenstelling .zomer vesurs kerst! Moet je wel even kunnen omschakelen. Wat ik persoonlijk graag terug zie in de kerst Delicious. is het volgende:Mijn oudste zoon Milan is tweede kerstdag jarig (wordt 8 jaar). En om hem en de visite met speciale kerst lekkernijen te verrassen zou ik graag wat toegankelijke maar wel feestelijk recepten willen zien van taarten (liefst met appel) en hapjes.Ik wens jullie alvast veel inspiratie toe! En hopelijk kunnen jullie hier iets mee in de kerst-editie!Groetjes Angela Nagtzaam

  26. I so agree that your home is what you make it. I have to constantly remind myself that our house is a blessing, lent to us by our gracious Father to be used for the furthering of HIS kingdom (hospitality, etc.)–not just to make me comfortable. Our home is how we make it our haven.Thanks for all you do!

  27. Antonio,grazie assai del tuo passaggio. E’ vero. In queste mie brevi poesie scritte di getto, esce come automaticamente la concentrazione semantica che sottolinei. Forse perché risento della mia preparazione classica di base, che ormai lascia le sue tracce anche nelle composizioni più immediate.(è un onore stare in pagina con te

  28. I’ve used rags soaked in mineral spirits, set on the glue then let soak for an hour or so. It’ll soften the glue right up and it wont hurt the fiberglass. It is still labor intensive to remove the glue after it’s softened up. I use softer plastic scrapers and my thumbs to ball it all up. (I have blistered my thumb from all the rubbing before though.)-Larry

  29. la versión de MSX, lo que vos decís pasaba a partir del nivel 10. O sea, del 1 al 9 los niveles estaban prediseñados y eran siempre los mismos; a partir del nivel 10 eran aleatorios.No sé si la versión de MSX también tiene final; nunca tuve el aguante necesario para ir más allá del nivel 26 (que fue lo más lejos que llegué).

  30. une coquille rigolote aujourd’hui:« Environ 1 200 gendarmes, appuyés par des hélicoptère et des équipes cynéphiles, sont intervenus pour arrêter des chefs de clans et membres de familles mafieuses de la province de Palerme et également en Toscane. »C’est bien des chiens qui aiment le cinema, mais ils servent à quoi dans la lutte anti mafia ????

  31. Sobre o P.S. – Os canais Sportv, antes do começo da Olimpíada, ficaram passando os filmes oficiais dos Jogos Olímpicos anteriores, inclusive o de Moscou/1980. Provavelmente, foi lá que ele viu. Por outro lado, com relação a fatos emocionantes, algo que sempre me toca é a cena da queda do Hindenburg, com a narração (aos prantos) do repórter. É de arrepiar!

  32. Grillo non ha un vero programma politico e spesso fa troppa demagogia. Ma è una pistola puntata alla tempia dei vecchi partiti che intima loro: “Cambiate o morirete”. Se l’elettore, in cabina elettorale, si dovesse trovare davanti partiti politici vecchi e con programmi politici inconsistenti, potrebbe facilmente votare M5S: questo i partiti lo sano, lo temono e spero che siano costretti a cambiare. In questo senso, Grillo è utile.

  33. ಅಬ್ಬಾ! ವಾಹ್! .. , ಈ ಲೇಖನ ತುಂಬಾ ಮನತಟ್ಟುವಂತಿತ್ತು, ಇದು ಒಂದು ಕಣ್ಣಿನ ಆರಂಭಿಕ ಎಂದು, ಇದು ವಿದ್ಯಾರ್ಥಿಗಳ ಜೀವನದಲ್ಲಿ ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಒಂದು ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣ ನ್ಯೂ ದೃಷ್ಟಿಕೋನದಿಂದ ನೀಡಿದೆ. ನಾನು ಶಿಕ್ಷಕ ಆಮ್ ಆದರೆ ನಾನು ನನ್ನ ಸಹ ಶಿಕ್ಷಕರು ಓದಲು ಬಯಸುವುದಾಗಿ & ಈ ಜೀರ್ಣಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು.3e51

  34. The lag-free wireless functionality is a big plus for those on PS3. I finally got around to picking this baby up (with a pre-owned copy of SFIV). No complaints…other than those innate to using a d-pad for Street Fighter (god damn jumping on accident after an overzealous QCF).justinVA:F [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)

  35. Greetings! I am currently in matric and was wondering if there were any study packs still available as I know I will be able to benefit from it. I am also a Mindset fan and benefit alot from their work. I hope that there are still available.Thank you for your time.

  36. This is someone who knows her body! Docs sometimes want to blow you off because they to make their own diagnosis. They don’t want to listen to you. This is one determine woman! You go girl!! Nice video!! Thanks for posting poppintime!!Well-loved.

  37. I don’t mind in the slightest. It was actually a bit of frustration that all the best WP themes will cost me, so I tried to give TAG a makeover I could afford! Thank you for letting me know – and as you can tell, I’ve changed the background to a luscious (and non-distracting) shade of cream.

  38. Organization is not my strong suite and is one of my resolutions for 2010. I need ideas on paper organization, including scrap pieces. Right now, my paper is on shelves. My husband build little shelves for my rubber stamps and my acrylics are in a photo album in the individual sheets. I like the idea about accessories. Too often, I throw the packaging away and don’t remember what I used.

  39. I wasn’t perfectly sure if the script “英宗十一年 江原監司趙最壽啓言 盃(鬱)陵島地廣土沃有人居田他而其西又有于山島 亦廣闊云則所謂西字與此各之在東相佐” is correct or not. I hope someone will check my 漢文, thanks.

  40. Me responda uma dúvida doutor???O resultado da partida entre Internacional e Palmeiras está suspenso até o julgamento né doutor?Dessa forma, nos leva a crer que todos os atos e acontecimentos também deveriam estar suspensos, aí me gera uma dúvida….E os cartões? Estão suspensos? Jogadores que tomaram o terceiro amarelo poderão jogar? Em caso afirmativo, estará sendo criado motivo para os adversários do próximo jogo reclamarem….Complicado né doutor? O senhor saberia me responder a respeito dos cartões???abraço

  41. " WOW this is working s603rd N77..Thank you I've found ur post…Am using opera mini 5.2 handler download it to my site hotkenneth.xtgem.com " Good for you : )

  42. Le maître est en toi ! Je puis te l’assurer. Si vous voulez rire, allez mettre le bordel avec UU sur une autre histoire de maître « Suprême Master Television » la dernière pub du Monde. Si vous n’y comprenez rien passez donc par chez nous.- Z’êtes un maître, patron, enfin un contremaître !- Pardon ?- Un centimètre ?- Andouille.

  43. Basically to follow up on the update of this subject matter on your website and wish to let you know just how much I appreciated the time you took to publish this helpful post. Inside the post, you really spoke on how to seriously handle this thing with all ease. It would be my own pleasure to accumulate some more concepts from your blog and come as much as offer others what I learned from you. Thanks for your usual terrific effort.

  44. Initial incarcasem si poze cu produsul final. Inainte de a finaliza postarea le-am sters. Nu pentru ca specialitatile respective nu ar arata apetisant sau pentru ca nu au fost delicioase, ci pentru ca la genul acesta de bucatarie accentul artistic este pus pe preparare si mai putin pe asezarea produsului in farfurie. De obicei totul este taiat in bucatele si asezat cu o spatula in mijlocul farfuriei fara mari pretentii. Am preferat sa las loc imaginatiei.

  45. à°®ంà°šి à°ªుà°¸్తకాà°²ు à°¨ి పరిà°šà°¯ం à°šేà°¸్à°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ంà°¦ుà°•ు à°šాà°²ా à°¥ాంà°•్à°¸్. à°¨ాà°•ు ఇన్à°¨ి à°°ోà°œుà°²ు నవలలు à°…ంà°Ÿే à°¯ంà°¡à°®ూà°°ి, యద్దనపూà°¡ి à°µే à°¤ెà°²ుà°¸ు. à°•ాà°¨ీ à°µాà°³్à°³ నవలలు à°…à°¨్à°¨ీà°šà°¦ిà°µేà°¸ాà°¨ు, à°®ొà°¨్à°¨ à°‡ంà°¡ిà°¯ా à°¨ుంà°¡ి వచ్à°šేà°ª్à°ªుà°¡ు ఏమి నవలలు à°•ొà°¨ాà°²ో à°¤ెà°²ియక à°®ేà°°్లపాà°• à°µి à°•ొà°¨్à°¨ాà°¨ు. à°…à°ª్పటిà°•ి à°¨ాà°•ు à°ˆ à°¤ెà°²ుà°—ు à°¬్à°²ాà°—్à°¸్ ఏమి à°¤ెà°²ియదు, ఇప్à°ªుà°¡ు à°‡ంà°¡ిà°¯ా à°µెà°³ిà°¤ే ఏమి à°•ొà°¨ుà°•్à°•ోà°µాà°²ో à°’à°• ఐడిà°¯ా వచ్à°šింà°¦ి à°®ీ à°¬్à°²ాà°—్, à°‡ంà°•ొందరి à°¬్à°²ాà°—్à°¸్ à°šà°¦ిà°µిà°¨ తరుà°µాà°¤. à°°ంà°—à°¨ాయకమ్à°® à°—ాà°°ో నవలలు à°Žà°•్à°•à°¡ à°¦ొà°°ుà°•ుà°¤ాà°¯ి?

  46. I didn't throw all of them under the bus. I know quite well that not everyone is the same anywhere. But the factors I identified do for the most part prevail. They would have prevailed in Europe not too long ago as well. Even parts of America.My point is not that people in the third world are evil, but that liberalism lies about the gap between countries that have made some progress and those that aren't there yet.

  47. I work for google, not apple, but have friends that work for apple. Apple definitely has a very elaborate monitoring system in place, I am 100% certain of this. So taking this into consideration, I feel that maybe the remainder of this article is not very accurate. Maybe the source of your information is only seeing a small piece of the picture, and not the whole picture?

  48. UciekÅ‚em siÄ™ do metafory,aby nie zostać ofiarÄ… na oÅ‚tarzu paÅ„skiej strategii marketingowej:)Chodzi mi ,o “sypanie piaskiem” i “bitwÄ™ na Å‚opatki” na blogu “prowincjonaÅ‚ki”.Ja w perkaliki nie owijam,a “bo CiÄ™ wyrzucÄ™” również nie dla mnie. A wiÄ™c ?

  49. Información Bitacoras.com…Valora en Bitacoras.com: Cada viernes en Twitter hay la tradición de destacar a los mejores twitteros de la semana enviando tweets con los signos #followfriday y/o #FF. Seguro que tú también lo haces de vez en cuando. ¿Pero sabes realmente cómo ……

  50. Bycie na Ty z subaru nie uwłacza, co do kierowcy to raczej kopnęłabym go w zadnią stronę medalu. Proponuje jakąś drobną rekompensate; kartofel w rurze wydechowej na przykład, jaki miły, a efekt murowany. Nie namawiam do mordy obicia, szkoda brudzić łapek chyba, że jacyś chwilowo nie zajęci by się znaleźli?

  51. Ad JPo:Logicky jsem použil nejslabší argument, který postačoval k vyhovÄ›ní ústavní stížnosti, protože kdybych napsal svůj právní názor bez kompromisů, hrozilo, že ústavní stížnost "neprojde asistentem".Myslím, že – stejnÄ› jako soudce zpravodaj v prvním senátu NSS – byste se mÄ›l zamyslet nad tím, není-li váš pohled příliÅ¡ deformován správní praxí a vydrženými právy úřednictva, tj. zásadou "befehl je befehl" a "nejdřív poslechni a pak si můžeÅ¡ jít stěžovat, pro mÄ› za mÄ› tÅ™eba na lampárnu".

  52. "This meditation is about power, as every human endeavor hinges upon who has the power to lock you up and lock you down. If a Ph.D. is delusional, is it a far stretch to believe that a congressman, Secretary of State or President may be delusional? As a society, we live by our delusions, packaged as realities.What can we say? God's will be done, or Allahu Akbar! When's that fish fry start?" True that. Btw, i find this a witty/humorous post.

  53. Thank you for this article. I’d too like to natter in relation to the fact that it can ensue remorselessly proviso you are in discipline and preparatory not on to initiate a prolonged trust status. In attendance are many students who are simply just frustrating to continue and have an complete or beneficial thanks the past can now and again be real a hard ingredient to have.

  54. Love your fashion info! Would Simon ever consider the cigarette that is just steam? I am not sure what the name is, but it looks real and you do inhale it… Just no chemicals. It helps some get through physical addiction.

  55. la llamada se cayó no porque hayas excedido el límite de tiempo, sino porque la velocidad de conexión quizá se redujo de repente. La transmisión de voz sobre IP requiere de unos niveles mínimos de velocidad de conexión. Intenta nuevamente y me cuentas. Si no es posible comunicarte, abre una cuenta nueva utilizando otra dirección de correo electrónico.Espero verte de nuevo por el blog!

  56. Hi there,I just tried to use Webzine for the first time. I have no problem with scrolling the articles list up and down, and while viewing an article I can scroll left and right to other articles, but I cannot scroll vertically to actually read the article…I have tried clearing all chache, uninstalling, restarting my phone, so far nothing helped.Motorola Defy running CM7. I have no other bugs or bad symptoms with Dolphin.Cheers, Shawn.

  57. I´ve luckily pre-orderd mine to and since last night that i got the mail she´s coming home im so Excited!! She´s going to look lovely with my other girls and this is really making me wanna buy any Orchid Seed statue almost haha .. ( Yes even women collect these..or i do atleast :P )Awesome and very accqurate Review :) enjoyed reading it and lovely pictures :)

  58. Corpomercadeo. Corporación de Mercadeo Agrícola. Si tu mamá era adeca, copeyana, uredista, pcvista o lo que fuera, tenía acceso a pastas, carnes, leche, enlatados, embutidos, vegetales, aceites, etc, sin hacer humillantes colas ni vestir franela de un color u otro. Y los envases tenían un rótulo que indicaba “Este producto es subsidiado por el gobierno nacional” la leche líquida de un litro costaba 2 bolívares con 50 céntimos y fuera de la marca que fuera, tenía dicho rótulo. La podías comprar donde te diera la gana.

  59. the only reason i do care whether sanford cheated with a man or a woman is BECAUSE i'm sure the good governor is anti gay and this will add to the list of hypocritcal shit i like to keep track of.I was kinda hopin' it'd be a case of brokeback gaucho love, but alas, he's too boring for that. ;-)

  60. Again to my… men es para pedirle un favor revise el ultimo link de skirim 5 por mediafire tiene problema de descarga, el asunto es que son 77 megas pero esta demaciado lento pa descargar, tiene un promedio de pausa de 4 a 6 segundos en la descarga, haciendo que esta se termine de manera aleatoria sin haber descargado los 77 megas, solo me queda ese y no lo he podido descomprimir porque me bota error en el ultimo… :dizzy: men arregla eso plis….

  61. Mmmm… Lebkuchen sounds tasty (had to Google it though ). Your purpose and I are jealous, Iris. Bright Little Socks has a lot of purpose… once I ‘found’ mine it was interesting to look back and see how many times I’d been expressing my purpose without even realizing it.It was written all over my work. Ps. You busted me… Each of those images takes some time… and I’d created a similar image for Jacob’s recent interview on AS… so I reused it. :/

  62. Jeg fikk også min del av regn på den korte uken jeg ferierte på Gran Canari. Storm var det til og med, men det gikk jo fort over. Dessverre ikke sånne flotte grader som du viser til, men alt er bedre enn det vi har her hjemme vinterstid. Jeg skal vise bloggen din til noen venner. De skal nedover i mars. Innlegger om skinker og ost er midt i blinken for dem. Et flott tips til steder å få med seg.

  63. Hi again to VaBeachArchie….You’re up late tonight!!!!!..We are going to the VA Beach tomorrow for the day…. We usually go up around 39th Street near the Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort….Love how they have the umbrellas and those nice lounge chairs with the comfy blue chair pads you can rent….Makes a day at the beach so relaxing…..Miss Vicki

  64. ben 1960 doğumluyum.1997 de 270 gün ssk günüm var 2001 yılında tarım bagkuruna giriş yaptım şuana kadar günlerim tam olarak yatırılmış durumda. tam olarak günlerimi hesaplatmadım nezaman emekli olacagım konusunda hiçbir fikrim yok.sigortaya geçiş yaparsam nezaman emekli olabilirim? tarım bağkurunda kalırsam nezaman emekli olabilirim? bana yardımcı olabilirseniz cok sevinirim şimdiden teşekkürlerimi sunarım.

  65. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

  66. I’m looking at booking a Contiki Europe tour for this summer, either one of the 35 or 47 day ones I think. I’m wondering, what are the Contiki Villages like? I’ve heard they can be kind of sketchy… but I’m thinking it’s better than doing hostels on my own! lol Like are they normally pretty close to transport (i.e. tubes, trains, etc.) to get into the city? Were they mostly like 2 people cabins?? Looks like your trip was AMAZING!!! I can’t wait!!!

  67. / Very good blog you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any user discussion forums that cover the same topics talked about here? I’d really love to be a part of online community where I can get feedback from other experienced people that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Bless you!

  68. Hans: "America has become a debtor nation; unlike the past as a creditor…"What does this mean? When was America a creditor nation? American corporations have been issuing debt for over a century. American households have been borrowing to finance housing purchases for many decades. American government at all levels has been issuing bonds for road construction, for schools, for hydroelectric dams, for sewers, and much more for all of my lifetime of 60 years. We haven't been a creditor nation.

  69. Hi would you mind sharing which blog platform you’re working with? I’m looking to start my own blog in the near future but I’m having a hard time deciding between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. The reason I ask is because your design and style seems different then most blogs and I’m looking for something completely unique. P.S Apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!

  70. of monarchy in the present era though.Anonymous June 28, 2010 11:08 PM:There are actually some who endorse originalism. And in the confirmation hearings Kagan said "We're all originalists". Though that isn't to say she meant it.Gay Mutton:Indeed the Constitution may have influence as a .Mitchell:You may have missed my of Mencius as islam-proponent a while back.

  71. Hey Guys,I'm finding it really hard to navigate YouTube with the new layout. Although the hoverover is annoying, you've placed "Top Rated" and "Top Favourite" – the two most accurate measures of YouTube popularity – at the bottom of the list.Can we have a choice between old and new, similar to before the new version went live?Thanks,trextor

  72. Do sites using SWFObject for example, with content in “hidden” divs or other need to go back and remove this content? Is this type of content now considered duplicate content?Thanks for your time and this great news!-Brian Ussery

  73. I love The Wave. I agree with Jessica, the scallop appetizer with corn & bacon, wonderful.I have food allergies and this is a terrific place to get a safe and delicious meal. I had the gelato trio for dessert last October, they had caramel popcorn gelato – I wanted to sneak in the kitchen and eat large quantities of it!If you get Jamal for your chef, you are in for a treat, awesome guy that can really cook!

  74. Beck should know that forging a legal document, even if the fields are completed to match the authentic original, is still forgery and a crime. Committing a crime and then presenting evidence of that crime as a strategy to make the opposition look like kooks would be a very stupid strategy, sure to backfire.It's a good thing that Beck isn't a political strategist.

  75. Obviously this is thought through, and I’m merely a layman. But don’t we need a natural (or parsimonity) requirement also, to disallow interpretations that makes special pleadings and allow dualisms? There seems to be some interpretations that bases QM on consciousness and/or consciousness on QM.Or are they already ruled out by above criterias, such as “An interpretation should not conflict with any empirically established facts”?

  76. a5156181la Current Population Survey (CPS) qui est utilisée par le BLS aux Etats Unis ainsi que la EU- Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS) qui est utilisée par Eurostat dans l’Union Européenne utilisent toutes deux EXACTEMENT la même définition du chômage qui est celle de l’OIT. D’où sors tu cette histoire de “considéré comme mort” pour la CPS?34745

  77. I notice Deputy leader of “the parliamentary wing” is distinction made only by members of the Greens, the Greens MPs themselves refer to her as Deputy leader.Anyway, that’s all semantics really. My advice is the Greens should focus on grassroots democracy (I’m not talking just about local council elections) and really try and harness people power – online ballots, open pre-selections, getup-style fundraising. However, that was my advice to the Democrats and they hated that advice too! So maybe I am wrong.

  78. Nigel, I’ve got no problem with CCTV and ANPR, provided that the Police need to get a court order to view the material for a valid investigation, not just accumulate data and go on fishing expeditions.Womble, grocers, the lot of them.Tbrrob, if you are up this way, I’m sure he would buy you a Pint. (Until the election is called of course, when it becomes campaign expenditure!)

  79. Last time I read the agreement I sign with them, it gives me the right to make copies of my papers to give to others, make copies for classes and seminars I give, etc. I do remember that, with a different publisher, I had to get permission to include a paper I’d written as a chapter in my dissertation

  80. 25dLokesh,That`s an interesting essay.I enjoyed that.The only thing I find a bit hard to believe is that `A` was the one glancing down at her low-cut dress rather than you!Also…armchair revolutionaries without a cause?I`ve a sneaking feeling I may have come across one of those somewhere…And was it really “fashionable” to take sannyas?Mind you,I did meet an Armani sadhu with the whole designer saffron kit and goldplated kamandalu once in Delhi, so anything’s possible, I guess….

  81. Yes, Rebecca this part of social media, responding to “people who are twits and who I’d like to ignore but I feel compelled to address so other readers aren’t mislead”… that becomes so consuming at times – and even stressful. I feel the way you do, that I’d like to fully ignore them, but I wonder if other people reading their misinformed comments will be swayed away from healthy vegan eating, etc. LOL, that is the most unique new year’s resolution ever!! Thank you for that perspective, and for understanding – I appreciate your feedback.

  82. Politiet skulle hatt helikopter og klarare beredskap. Dei skulle ikkje ha lasta bÃ¥ten sÃ¥ full at han mÃ¥tte snu. Kva har dette med hormondanning Ã¥ gjere?Eg er svært, svært glad for at politiet ikkje synte “den maskuline, aggressive pÃ¥gÃ¥enhet” dÃ¥ dei rykka inn i ein potensiell gisselsituasjon pÃ¥ ei øy med fleire hundre ungdommar.

  83. à°¶ంà°•à°° à°…ంà°Ÿేà°¨ే à°¨ాà°•ు శక్à°•à°° à°²ెà°•్à°•à°¨ à°‰ంటదయ్యశిà°µుà°¨ాà°—్à°¨ైతది…..à°¸ీమనైతశబ్à°¬ాà°·్ à°°ా à°¶ంà°•à°°ాmy god it is mind blowing.great à°¸ుà°œాà°¤ à°—ాà°°ు. hats off to bharani.

  84. T 12:09 “..3.6 million individual animals supposedly saved on the ark.”And then there are the many species which have died out since the beginning of evolution. I wonder what happened to them? Did Noah say, “You are evil animals, just like the evil humans. You stay here and drown.” Or, did they die and were pitched off the ark? Or, were they eaten on the ark? Or, did they die after the ark when there was nothing to eat?Literalists, we’re waiting…..

  85. Muito interessante esta abordagem, eu mesma me considero uma Ciberviciada e estou sempre me policiando , tempos atras estava com falta de atenção, não consegui me concentrar para ler meus livros de Filosofia acabei percebendo que era a Internet que estava modificando minha atenção , limitei as horas online e recuperei minha capacidade de concentração. Ufa!

  86. Maybe because I'm a stereotypical Irish hot-head, I'm inclined to say that Israel should just fight and kill all the bastards who are causing so much trouble. Start by sinking the damned "aid" ships and then start working on tossing the terrorists from Gaza.

  87. Fabulous posters, Essam tells it as it really is and will be if people don't wake up to what is being done to them. Stroke of genius. Art is about making you think, the powers that be don't want masses of people suddenly thinking for themselves, that's way tooo dangerous. Images stay in your mind. Use the silent weapons on the gubbermint. Good for Essam, I think he wanted to be caught btw – gives even more publicity to what he is trying to say.

  88. zegt:Leuk artikel! Ik heb de website gelijk opgeslagen, handig voor een leuk uitstapje.Mooie trouwfoto´s Debbie, wat had je een prachtige jurk aan!Duh, ik heb nu 2 keer geprobeerd Kasteel Amerongen te bezoeken en 2 keer mislukt. Er waren steeds verbouwingen enzo *grrrr* –> daar heb ik dus de Amerongse berg voor op en af moeten fietsen terwijl het 30+ graden was, ik zeg gekkenwerk haha!

  89. а нас вчера развернули в домодедовской зоне – Внуковская зона закрылась прилётом самых Главных!… Так что дошли до МКАДа и вернулись назад.А вообще жара была сильная, самолётам летать тяжело. Одна тэха (не наша слава богу) вчера села в поле где-то по пути с Северки в Череповец (?!). Благополучно вроде, интересно что будет дальше с ней

  90. Une superbe page Alexandra… tu nous donnes plein d'id&ées, merci! Je crois que ce qui me plaît le plus, c'est la subtile harmonie de cette grande page en rouge uni et du rouge en petites touches sur les photos de la page d'en face.

  91. Анонимный мыслитель / Бля, я так надеялся что Вальнов его хоть на хуй пошлет…Не судьба)

  92. G1 in ITA non sono sicuro, ma sulla compatibilità nessun problema: già la precedente edizione completa( quella chiamata Gothic Universe x capirci) era perfettamente compatibile con Win Vista e 7

  93. I’m just commenting to make you know of the amazing discovery my friend’s princess enjoyed reading your site. She figured out plenty of issues, including how it is like to possess an ideal helping heart to get many people without problems have an understanding of selected hard to do issues. You actually did more than our expected results. Many thanks for producing these necessary, healthy, edifying and as well as unique guidance on the topic to Emily.

  94. Cyber-wandering and looking for something that might help my own business. Stumbled across your blog and enjoyed the visit. Thanks for the read. Visit if you have a chance.

  95. می‌گه:سلام به همه دوستانخواهشمندم اگه کسی زیرنویس فارسی فیلم the twilight saga 3: Eclipse گرگ و میش قسمت سوم بنام ( کسوف ) رو داره به ایمیل من بفرسته دعای خیر بدرقه راهش میکنم.email : []

  96. I know Sandra! Fisher always surprises me when he does that kind of stuff. He is generally quiet … then he comes in with that big booming voice and says something totally unexpected and I too laugh right out loud! I’d like to get him on camera more often. It would be fun to do some clay experiments with him as my lab assistant… who knows, a mother can always dream!

  97. , In full diet mode I eat a lot of satsumas.I eat a hell of a lot of cous cous too, and baked beans, mushrooms and eggs.Pasta and sauce with quorn mince.anything with no fat in basically.

  98. Matt, how would you go about implementing Carousel functionality on a single image? Many sites use just one image and not a gallery of images… many sites currently enjoy a lightbox plugin that supports both single image and galleries… I enjoy Jetpack and believe Carousel to be a superior design, but at present it seems to inferior to many other lightbox solutions for its lack of single image support. Please tell me I am wrong.

  99. Eu tinha uma piadinha, bem conhecida no Twitter, sobre o Homem-Aranha: “O maior superpoder do Homem-Aranha é saber criar e costurar seu próprio uniforme”.O novo filme acabou com meu gracejo, porque conseguiu dar uma explicação plausível pro uniforme caprichado. Peter comprou roupas de patinação e fez os desenhos com spray. Ótimo.Belo texto, mas senti falta do Capitão América em seu filme na Segunda Guerra. Sensacional adaptação. Já o uniforme nos Vingadores ficou uma merda.

  100. Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

  101. I have twin 300HP 3116TA Cats on my 1995 Ocean Alexander 44′ CPMY with about 900 hours on them. I run them about 2200 to 2250. The only problem I’ve had was with the shut-down solenoid, which had to be replaced on the starboard engine. Other than that, no problems. I understand the 3116′s were recalled, but my particular engines didn’t fall into the serial number range of those that were recalled.

  102. do ofert Piotra (rozumiem, że masz na myÅ›li to co pojawia siÄ™ na stronie vidnetu) to jeszcze daleko,Chociaż muszÄ™ podkreÅ›lić, że nie kwestionowaÅ‚em nigdy skutecznoÅ›ci ofert Piotra – co zresztÄ… on sam doskonale potrafi udowodnić, a raczej ich wymiar wizerunkowy, który mnie irytuje i odrzuca.Tekstami i promocjÄ… zajmuje siÄ™ organizator szkoleÅ„, czyli vidnet, moje wypociny i wkÅ‚ad w promocjÄ™ szkolenia widzisz powyżej.

  103. I’m sure that the Mizrahi had severe conflicts with labor.Likud however is a very conservative Zionist party. If they didn’t support its platform entirely, including its primary former themes of territorial annexation, settlement, and laissez-faire economics, they wouldn’t have voted for them.You are using the difficult status of the Mizrahi to demonize Israel, NOT to support the Mizrahi.In that sense, I regard your emphasis as cynically opportunistic.

  104. Hi this is somewhat of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding skills so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  105. Hi Ihr Zwei, ganz großes Lob zu dieser tollen Seite.Finde ich sehr toll Schreib euch gerade aus dem Office raus, hab mich sozu sagen verstecken müssen. Mein Laptop ist auch wieder in Ordnung, so kann ich wieder auf der Terrasse arbeiten.Bin sehr gespannt, wie eure ersten Erfahrungen seien werden, hoffentlich aufregend, spannend, erlebnisreich und dokumentiert mit vielen Fotos *fg*Lg, aus San Franciscobis bald,Phil

  106. ambasa:“Köszi a kiegészítést/helyesbítést ami a szerb repülÅ‘gépiparra vonatkozik! ”- Az úttörÅ‘, ahol tud, segít! :) “A PG/DRRT történetébe ne mennyünk bele”-engem speciel érdekelne.“ilyen nem igazán gazdaságos üzemet”Gyanítom, hogy a mostani (fél)megoldással “a f*sz másik végére” kerültünk. Tisztelettel: vilmociTetszik / Egyetértek: 0 Az értékeléshez be kell

  107. Panie szanowny, ma Pan bardzo zawężone horyzonty, jeÅ›li socjaldemokracjÄ™ albo paÅ„stwo opiekuÅ„cze kojarzy tylko z PRL, ale to typowe dla wielu Polaków, wiÄ™c rozumiem. Problem z wami polega na tym, że leczycie dżumÄ™ cholerÄ… – okoÅ‚owiecki socjalizm ordynarnym neoliberalizmem.

  108. Képzeld el Max! A párom is gyakran kísérletezik mindenféle kajákkal. Leggyakrabban ő is előkap a fagyóból egy leveles tésztát (ha akciós a Lidl-ben, akkor 20-asával vesszük!) és beletölt valami fincsiséget. Ez, amit leírtál, szinte pontosan ugyanígy már az ő kezei alól is kijött. Én is nagy sajtimádó vagyok, a camambert-ért ölni tudnék, szóval ez telitalálat volt.

  109. How so? The article related the unfolding of the particular ceremony, held in a car park for lack – we suppose pro tem – of official space and the rest of the report was comments made at the time and the criminal-activity background of the particular bailiwick of the new corps. Since when have ‘facts’ become ‘spin’, oppo or other?

  110. · I know what you mean about not being a big sit down breakfast person. Apart from overly large cups of tea the most I can usually muster up is vegemite on toast!Although, I do sometimes try to be better at breakfast and granola (or grindage… love that word!) with yoghurt is super yummy. (It’s always so hard to find the museli without the icky dried fruit isn’t it?!)

  111. shreesha rana i want to know something regarding close friend setting. I want to know if i could know about avoiding other people from my friendlist could not be able to include me in their close friends and avoiding my daily activities posted on their notifications. i dont mean to block that person but simply i want no one adds me to the close friend list. i wish to get quick reply about this matter.

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  113. then i asked so what company do you work for he said the computer company i laughed and said what computer company he started getting cheeky so i kept asking name the company he could not so i told him to f*%k off but yesterday i got the call again he said the computer is downloading a virus i said what computer he did not answer so i asked again what company he said microsoft so i said then i will just ask my brother a symantec employee to have a look at it he hung up so i have warned all family members to hang up if people ring asking about the computer.

  114. Già possedere una bella macchina comunque aiuta. Per imparare poi basta leggere qualche manuale (anche solo le istruzioni bastano certe volte), portarsi la macchina dietro durante ogni momento della giornata e scattare, scattare, scattare… Ah ah, è vero noi con la Canon ci teniamo a distanza di sicurezza da quelli Nikon. Quando andiamo in giro, noi siamo i fotografi, loro i turisti XD (non ho nulla contro i turisti).

  115. Danny HubertAugust 6, 2012 at 2:39 pmHey there! I know this is kinda off topic but I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in maybe guest writing a blog post or vice-versa? My blog discusses a lot of the same resume writing and career topics as yours and I think we could greatly benefit from each other. If you happen to be interested feel free to send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you! Superb blog by the way!VA:F [1.9.17_1161]please wait…VA:F [1.9.17_1161](from 0 votes)

  116. Hallo Andre, zeer interessant om jouw te volgen. En al helemaal met geweldige fotos erbij. Respect voor wat jullie daar doen en bedankt voor het erin betrekken van de volgers. Succes en zie uit naar de volgende mooie fotos met dito uitleg. Ik snap jouw uitleg over de vele verlichting in sommige delen van het land. Ik vaar zelf over de binnenlandse wateren voor mijn werk en zie dan ook snachts de grote verschillen hierin, met ook het verschil in zicht op de sterren. Succes Gerard

  117. Millonario con portada en Forbes donde lucir su bien cortado traje de Thomas Thompson de Londres (donde se vestía Arafat otro “revolucionario”), este judío sudaca rencoroso con España que juega a ser aprendiz de brujo Varvaski… otro servidor de la bestia. ¿Se pueden dar más concomitancias aberrantes en una sola persona? Solo falta que sea maricón y así cerramos el círculo.

  118. …si¡¡¡¡¡ todas somos fans de zara Home…..el catálogo de Primavera…se parece mucho a RIVIERA MAISON….pero sensiblemente más barato…..parece que ZARA HOME…piensa en nosotras….a las que nos gustan los cambios sin gastar mucho…..y aprovecho para decirte…que me encanta pasarme por tu BLOG todos los días…Un abrazo …. Berta

  119. Can you imagine if there was ever to be a George W sculpted monument? Something like a onepiece hear,speak,see no evil drunken lunatic with Cheney, Rove and Rumsfeld whispering to one another and etched into the background.You could do the painting…easily…we´ll sell tickets in order to view it and send the money to the multitudes of poor throughout the land (the T Shirts business alone would be huge).

  120. Adamie!w chwili,gdy poczujesz w sercu miÅ‚osc i doÅ›wiadczysz jej gÅ‚Ä™bi,odkryjesz,że dla ciebie swiat nie jest juz taki sam…i nie bÄ™dzie to wazne …czy to jest kobieta”ideaÅ‚”.

  121. Great post. I used to be checking constantly this blog and I am inspired! Very helpful information particularly the last phase I take care of such information a lot. I was seeking this particular information for a long time. Thanks and best of luck.

  122. Well I agree that a calorie is not a calorie. If you read Gary Taube’s book ‘why we get fat and what to do about it’ you will find a much easier to understand explanation of it all. He’s a science journalist who has done a lot of research. It made it all so clear to me that I no longer feel any need for all this talking about food and cravings and can instead (following his basic ‘rules’) get on with my life – in fact I feel quite sorry for all of you who are still in the process of talking endlessly

  123. / I think the comments are valid. If you think about influence in organizations it comes from many sources, and the natural leaders ( informal influencers) have a role to play. They are not always easy to get involved, but when you do, in my experience they are great doers. Having credible change agents is really important, and credibility comes from either clear expertise that is relevant, or the respect that the person holds in the community, constituency that the change is taking place in. Finding and engaging these people is a route to success in execution of change.

  124. The “appeal to minority” or “reverse ad populum” has got to be one of the most irritating fallacies out there. It seems to be the source of hipsterism, conspiracy theories, and bizarre theologies.

  125. Everyone is firing – it’s part of today’s world (welcome to it Barack!). What Paradigm needs is an image to identify it. What IS Paradigm? CAA is uberagency with big stars, Endeavor remains ‘upstarts’ known for developing (yeah, whatever), ICM now has a big lit dept., WMA is known for music and corporate and UTA is (was?) known for comedy. BRANDING people – that’s what U’re paid for!

  126. I watched this movie tonight with my girlfriend she read the book years ago. While most of the comments tended to lean toward Chris’s schizophrenia I was really upset at his final demise! They was a part of me that wanted to just be there at the final moment to reach out and just hug him. To me he seemed to be running from the past but along his journey he found and touched many different people. I was left with one question. Did any or all of those people he met actally find out about his passing?? Just a thought!rich

  127. Hiya….. Exceptional go through, I simply passed this onto the colleague who had previously been doing a bit of analysis on in which. And he really acquired me personally lunchtime while i thought it was pertaining to your ex smile Therefore let me rephrase that: Thank you for lunch! “England and also America are generally 2 nations around the world segregated through the …

  128. Google mattraks, they are available worldwide … and yes, that means in the US as well.. Prices range from really, really expensive, to rediciously expensive.. . There? are other companies out there as well, which are cheaper, but you’ll have to search around for them. Even so, don’t expect them to be cheap.

  129. Deep breathing when you feel anxiety coming on. Walk away from the little thing that is bothering you (even mentallly) and count to ten.Also take time out to think about things that are important to you and make you happy and when you feel yourself starting to panic about the little things, take a deep breath count to ten and concentrate on what is important to you.You are on the way to making things better by admitting what you do. If it doesn’t get better then would suggest you see a doctor.

  130. Précisons que si le frère de la mère a un rôle de chef de famille et donc a un rôle important auprès de l’enfant, c’est parce qu’il a un lien par le sang avec lui. Rien à voir avec cette absurdité de considérer que le conjoint du parent, étranger à l’enfant, puisse recevoir l’appellation administrative de parent 2 et le parent biologique celui de parent 1. S’il faut reconnaître un lien créé par la proximité entre un adulte et un enfant, ce n’est pas en niant les fondements anthropologiques de la famille qu’il faut le faire.

  131. je l’avais rencontré il y a quelques années lors de la sortie de « Culture & Impérialisme » (1993) ; avec ce grand anglophile nous avions d’ailleurs parlé de Joseph Conrad (vous savez ce « polonais »?), de l’invention de l’orientalisme et de sa collaboration avec Christopher Hitchens. Cela contribua à combler ce grand creux et ce grand vide dont vous m’affublez si perfidement. Bonne lecture donc.

  132. Almost all of the things you point out is supprisingly appropriate and that makes me ponder the reason why I had not looked at this with this light previously. This article truly did switch the light on for me as far as this particular subject matter goes. However at this time there is actually just one factor I am not too comfy with and whilst I try to reconcile that with the core idea of your position, let me see what the rest of the visitors have to point out.Well done.

  133. I have the bean counters cutting you a BIG check and will put it in the mail today. We’ll have to move fast, Curvin, as I fear Sir. Martin, Wren, Levy and all the other big hungry vultures will be moving quickly to secure the global Rose’s Pork Brains account! Yes, they’ll all trumpet their international integration expertise and digital savvy, but I believe we can bring heart to pork brains. Thanks. Be smooth, be quick, be hungry!

  134. Let's see if McChrystal has the integrity to resign….Doesn't matter who was recently commander of those forces. It matters who is commander now. Either he has the trust of NCA or he doesn't. If he doesn't then he needs to either bow out or be replaced. You don't second-guess and hobble your commanders in the field.

  135. Syd, by self-admission, GAC is in an “echo chamber” from his side, probably having been force-fed too many listenings of “Alo Presidente”, and too many readings of ‘The Chavez Code.” Cut him some slack, Syd, why, it could even happen to the best of us, were we forced into the same situation in order to earn our daily bread!

  136. My queries here are “Who exactly is the person or organisation who doing the asking? Who is it who’s in charge of the giving out of funds?” Is it someone at the school, in which case they should surely ( for heaven’s sake!!!) have a better level of educational understanding? Must go out and stand in the snow to cool down! Grrr!

  137. Well, I don’t have kids and I am happy to help pay for the public school system. Part of the reason is that lots of people without children paid for me, you, your husband and your parents to go to public school. I don’t think you can argue that your parents not better served by public education than none. Universal public support of schools is not only the right thing its part of everyone’s debt to society

  138. #17 Tiger – Let’s all hope your ward and stake leaders are aware of your perspectives on Charity, Empathy and Bearing the Burdens of Others. I would hate to see you in action when someone is dealing with a tragedy.And I hope you aren’t married or have children. Spouses and offspring tend not to appreciate a lack of empathy.

  139. I’ve browse through a number of the articles on your site at this point, as well as I truely enjoy the way you web publication. I included your webpage to single of my bookmarks plus beyond doubt will be checking back exceedingly soon. Take a look at my personal webpage additionally in addition to let me understand what you consider.

  140. Ого! Даже до рукоприкладства доходит?… Жесть! ((Никогда не считала эту школу образцовой,даже наоборот – так себе школа,хотя,несмотря на это,тут работают некоторые весьма достойные уважения педагоги… Это хоть утешает… ))

  141. Samstag, 11.09.2010War doch klar das Simfy nicht kostenlos bleiben kann und solange der Musik genuss nicht zu sehr gestört wird finde ich das ein sehr faires Modell.Die illegalen Musik Portale haben auch werbung drauf und die Bereichern sich nur daran.Ich würde aber gerne etwas mehr Transperents haben was letzendlich echt beim Künstler ankommt. Und unterstütze ich wirklich die Künstler wenn ich mit einen Simfy Premium Account hole?

  142. با سلاممن و همسرم فایل نامبر کبک را دریافت نمودیم.ولی هنوز برای مصاحبه دعوت نشده ایم. از طرفی تصمیم گرفتیم برای ادامه تحصیل از دانشگاهی خارج از ایالت کبک پذیرش بگیریم. می خواستم بدونم این اقدام خللی در مصاحبه ما ایجاد نمی کند؟و ممکن است زمان مصاحبه ما را اذیت کنند که چرا از ایالت دیگری پذیرش گرفته اید؟

  143. Ancestorjuż pomijam, że po odpaleniu najnowszej afly straciÅ‚em wszystkie zapamiÄ™tane dane z formularzy, hasÅ‚a itp :-/ rozumiem, że może być nowy format bazy danych albo coÅ›, ale czemu od razu kasować? :-/Na pewno nie jest to zamierzone dziaÅ‚anie, lecz zwykÅ‚y bÅ‚Ä…d. StÄ…d też “alpha”… Skoro tak ciÄ™ to dziwi, to najlepszy dowód, że nie powinieneÅ› byÅ‚ jej instalować – na takie rzeczy trzeba być przygotowanym.

  144. The Deadman / les doy un consejo chikillos suban los capitulos a mediafire es el mejor downloader y subanlos con otro nombre no les pongan naruto a los capitulos ponganle por ejemplo naruto 1 o naruto 2 y suban las partes a mediafire por q les digo esto por que mediafire tiene un complmento con mozilla firefox que s ellama firedownload y hace que por ejemplo la parte 1 que por lo general pesa mas de 200 megas se baje como en 2 minutoss

  145. The fact that abuses in the US does not give China a free pass to trample the rights “guaranteed” in its constitution. If I were from, pick a country, Norway, would you then set about to find some singular rights abuse that my government committed only to say “there, see? You’re country is not so holy (to use Lorin’s term)” It does not excuse at all the significant human rights abuses going on in China or anywhere else for that matter. If you buy this line of argument, then you play right into what the CCP and the Wu-maoers want you to think.

  146. Tijdens onze verbouwingen in 2011 werd opstijgend vocht vastgesteld in onze muren. 4 firma’s aangesproken om te kunnen vergelijken. 2 firma’s stuurden een verkoper en waren zeer duur. Een andere was zeer onvriendelijk en arrogant. Bij dryguard hadden we al direct een goed gevoel en de prijs was bijna de helft van de duurste offerte. Uitvoering was correct en zeer proper, ook de werkmannen waren zeer vriendelijk. Bij de nacontrole 10 maand na de behandeling blijken onze muren volledig droog te zijn.

  147. Dani M. 12/01/2008 Respondereu achei a idéia boa pra caramba. se durou ou não até o final de semana, não importa, o objetivo está sendo alcançado e o mais bacana, não está concentrado em um único estado. ah se aparecesse um GELÃO nos pés da Matriz, aqui no calor infernal de Blumenau/SC. ;]Parabéns, Espalhe.

  148. My experience as a convert confirms every bit written here. I do believe we are being divided in two groups: crucifiers and crucified. The Church is about the experience the Passion because we are not better that our Master and he was crucified. The good news: there is some pain first, then darkness for three days and a glorious resurrection after that. The World (including the crucifiers) will be converted as a result.

  149. Thank you an amazing publish, will examine your personal others topics. thank you your thoughts for this, I experienced a lttle bit made an impact to by this article. Thanks again! You earn a terrific point. Portrays natures best by the fantastic report here. I feel if more individuals consideration for it like this, they’d have a better time period receive the hold ofing the difficulty.

  150. basically, most indigo doesn't wash away… so soaking and things like that actually prolong the life of the denim. Sweat, dirt, blog, swamp ass, etc.. all break down the denim, after all it's cotton. I've now started soaking my denim ever 25 wears or 1 month and I think they fade the exact same.-RPKiya, feel free to chime in… ha

  151. I would want to go with you so bad then I'd panic and we'd have to wait til it came out on video and drink and eat pie on my couch… while i stared at your exotic husband.

  152. Hi! This is kind of off topic but I need some help from an established blog. Is it hard to set up your own blog? I’m not very techincal but I can figure things out pretty fast. I’m thinking about making my own but I’m not sure where to start. Do you have any points or suggestions? With thanks

  153. “Apparently, OÂ’bamas tax increases will hit the top 15% of taxpayers.”As part of the 5% paying 44%, I am satisfied there is nothing “apparent” about it. Maybe Ned Beatty was really sccreaming out BOHICA as he was squealing like a pig.The Democratic congress is asking those with money to “kneel down and pray. Pray real good.” Where is burt Reynolds with his bow and some arrows?

  154. Amazing! Your site has a ton viewers. How did you get so many viewers to see your article I’m envious! I’m still getting to know all about article writing on the internet. I’m going to view pages on your website to get a better understanding how to achieve success. Thank you!

  155. Merci Lamid d’avoir précisé, par un simple signe typographique, ce qu’il fallait ajouter pour éviter l’incroyable malentendu que j’ai déclenché en essayant d’expliquer le « puisque ». Un certain Alex en particulier s’y entend pour foncer comme une brute sans avoir même compris de quoi il s’agissait.

  156. commentateurs : si je devais expliciter ce que j’ai écrit plus haut, alors j’aurais mieux fait de me contenter d’écrire seulement deux phrases ou de renvoyer plus simplement à la floppée de critiques qui ont soit assassiné soit défendu cette pièce. A chacun d’interpréter librement – c’est le lieu, et c’est le jeu – les lignes ci-dessus et aussi les photos !

  157. congrats, Barb is the bees knees in childrens portraiture…looks like you are too!!! I just came home from my summer holiday, the sun must have sucked the creativity out of me, I wish I could have had my hands on this before I left x

  158. Jaishree Krishna how do I access Kutchi Bhatia Vastipatrak of Mumbai based, their office address /email/ website / community hall / community members photos to approach for my six neiece & nephew prospective bride /grooms age is from 19 -35 yrs. based in USA / AUSTRALIA / NEWZEALAND / GULF. Yes myself looking for minimum 37 yrs. old professional girl based in Seattle-Washington, pls. do mail picture of girl with full name /addresses India/USA including contact details. We are Vaishnavs and prefer likewise. Bye

  159. You might have read about how loud commercial blenders can be, thankfully the Blendtec ICB3 features a sound enclosure that helps reduce the sound by a few decibels. For simple operation this blender features 4 buttons with pre-programmed blending cycles. Unlike the Vitamix blender, you don’t have to waste time supervising ICB3 while it blends. The two preprogrammed digital controls offer a press and walk away benefit.

  160.  त्यांनी फक्त स्वतः करोडो रुपये केवळ चार पाच वर्षात कसे कमावले हे जरी लोकांना सांगितले, तरीही लोकं पण त्यांच्याच प्रमाणे करोडॊ रुपये कमावतील, आणि भारतातील गरीबी आपोआपच दुर होईल. +1Vishay ha nehamichach, aapan sagle baslo tari baryachda nighto asa…. Durdayva he aahe ki aplyala samjun pan umagat nahi

  161. Intressant fråga. Snabbläste lotterilagen och fick intrycket av att man inte får anordna tävlingar där slumpen avgör. Det skulle därför kunna vara ett brott mot lotterilagen. Dock vet jag inte om en liten tävling är ett brott. Jag får hålla frågan öppen tillsvidare, låter inte som ett grovt brott i alla fall.

  162. The perfect steak is something to be proud of! As you note, it’s difficult to find the right butcher/right steak. I can recommend Chadwicks in Balham. Also in central london (dependent where you work) you should check out McKenna Meats, 21 Theobold road (awesome beef!)

  163. The gymnast “Sexy Alexi” Nemov has his share of female fans. I understand that he has done well for himself modelling.Upon his defection to the US in the 19 seventies, I recall a number of ladies being aesthetically attracted to Mikhail Baryshnikov.Awhile back, some might recall the Russian national football (soccer for the uncultured among us) having done some neo-nude photo shots. Never mind their not qualifying for the last World Cup.

  164. Jag tycker det är intressant att inte en enda positiv kommentar till FRA har kommit in. Säger inte det VÄLDIGT tydligt att politikerna numera är fullständigt ur fas med sina väljare?Är det, ur det perspektivet, konstigt att valdeltagandet sjunkit frÃ¥n över 90% pÃ¥ 70-talet till att idag ligga pÃ¥ runt 80% med en sjunkande trend eller att SD vinner mark?Skrämmande utveckling…

  165. Amei. Tão honesto, tão preciso.Eu já sofri demais com o meu corpo, e meu buraco é bem embaixo. Desde recém-nascida eu fui chamada de feia (começando no hospital e perpetuado em casa), e o que eu fiz nessa vida pra conseguir ser aceita, você deve imaginar. Passei minha existência toda entregando o ouro ao bandido, e de bandeja.E eu era tão linda.E eu sou tão linda… Ainda bem que vi a tempo.

  166. Vincent Salut Sancho, tout simplement qu’elle se met à pousser des petits gémissements, ses mains se crispes, elle les serre contre les draps, elle fait des mouvements brusques avec ses jambes, et son souffle s’accélère ! Mais tu verras que quand ce moment arrivera, tu sauras facilement le reconnaître ;) 3  1

  167. Have you ever thought about creating an ebook or guest authoring on other blogs? I have a blog based on the same information you discuss and would really like to have you share some stories/information. I know my visitors would enjoy your work. If you’re even remotely interested, feel free to send me an e-mail.

  168. sokolyata “Розділяй і владарюй!”,це проходить віками крізь нації,сім’ї,дружбу,людину…Сила не у поділі- у об’єднанні!!!

  169. I will try to oblige with plenty of vegetarian and fish ideas for you. I think tomorrow may be turkey meatloaf with homemade barbecue sauce. Scientific studies have found that ‘white meat’, like chicken and poultry, don’t have the same potential problems as red meat – it’s the haem iron that may be the sticking point, not the saturated fat. Hope you enjoy the recipes and the chat.

  170. j’adore marat,mais ces abrtutis à la tv(canal+) continuent à croire qu’arnaud clément nous interresse encore et préfèrent diffuser ses matchs, quelle bande de nazes !!!bon, marc j’espère que t’a pas été rancunier au point d’être pour les allemands ? viva la roja ! ils ont été super, non ?c’est l’année de l’espagne, va falloir s’y faire ! moi j’y crois :) vamos !

  171. Bonjour, Merci pour ce billet d’humeur ; c’est en effet insupportable cette soudaine manque de distance des journalistes pris dans une euphorie « nationale » hallucinante. Plus rien n’existe que cette ridicule litanie de médailles ou non médailles. On a reproché à la Chine un certain nationalisme ?…Bien à vous tous.

  172. No quiero ni pensar si a alguien le da por iniciar un revisionismo en China, Rusia, Rumanía, en general los ex satélites de la URS, o los USA, con sus recientes guerras, y tantos otros países, aunque ahora mismo los hay sin tener que ir al pasado…Este tío, palmará de lo mas tranquilo en su casita, y si no, al tiempo…poco…Salud

  173. You gals are going to have SO much fun in Kentucky… If I wasn’t getting married that weekend I might think about crashing your party For the great company of course, not the moonshine… I am thankful for all I have – lots of friendship and support. Getting married really sheds light on all that love you more than you ever thought possible.I’m also thankful for coffee… sleeping has not been my strong suit the past few weeks.

  174. Rob, I agree that this was a marketing video. It was important for NASA to make, since the public interest in the space program.But it's also important to stimulate young people to look to science and math careers as exciting and viable options. The Mohawk Man helped a lot with this as well.  Thank you for once again pointing our attention to ways we can step up our marketing by using an excellent example as our guide.  

  175. So how are Obama’s Chicago Bulls are gonna do, because they lost their MVP Derek Rose?Why did Obama skirt answering THAT question?Does his ego extend to ”his team cannot lose?”I admit I’m not ”up” on basketball this year.But it seems Obama’s propensity – of taking a question during the debate and not really answering THAT question while speaking for a while ALL AROUND the question – was still going on AFTER the debate ended.And, if that’s true, at least Obama was consistent.Reply

  176. Very happy this happened. However, when I go to create a new channel on YouTube (I have no channel currently, but I am signed in using my Google+ id) I do not get this screen. I believe I get the legacy "Enter a username" screen (and not even the one shown in this post, basically just a text box).How do I get this then? I love this integration, but I'm not getting it :(

  177. Ja, jeg skjønner det. Jeg obsesser litt selv, men foretrekker å bli opphengt i å telle kalorier enn å ikke spise. Det var mer et svar til Robert Eilertsens kommentar og for å vise at det er flere sider av en sak. Om det er ekstremt usunt er relativt, hvis det kan hjelpe noen som har en tendens til å gå for hardt ut mot seg selv i slankingen, og til å unngå metoder som er mye verre.

  178. Douthat’s column, “The Birds along with the Bees (by using the Fertility Clinic)” about our new report, a single reader left the following remark at nytimes.com: For quite possibly the initial and previous time, Mr.

  179. Shalat dpt menyelesaikn masalh. baik msalah kecil, maupun bsar…shalat ad lh aktvitas yg paling baik…shalat mrupakn jalan msukny pntu reski,,,..krn shlat hdup kita jd bhgia….thank’s all…

  180. Stan actually said a “mexican chicken wrap”. It’s an inside joke that we have. I made dinner one had && was trying to get her to guess what I had. I said they sell it at some mexican restaurants && when she gave up && I told her she was like “CHICKEN WRAPS AREN’T MEXICAN!!” which resulted in me saying “I NEVER SAID THEY WERE!” Now, they never let me live it down xD

  181. The main reason apple is failing to android is its continued, encumberring relationship with iTunes. You always have to sync it to a computer and itunes is always updating and u dont have freedom of choice.

  182. Permanence de de Rugy « vandalisée », il ne faut rien exagérer.Elle a juste été taguée avec de la merde. C’était nettoyé dans la matinée.En revanche, M. Auxiette président de la région Pdl a rapidement envoyé un courrier de soutien au député (beau geste « sportif »), à croire que la lettre avait été écrite la veille…

  183. 9e44katerina:36c103я знаю родителей, которые назвали сына Спартаком, только вот мальчик вырос очень застенчивым и тихим, даже слегка забитым((((d5

  184. Toate aparatele astea high-tech au tot felul de tehnologii inovatoare si captivante, dar nu prea se gandeste nimeni ca sa creeze o baterie care sa tina vreo saptamana. Tin minte telefoanele alea de prin ’97-’98, ale caror baterii tineau si cate 8-10 zile. Bineinteles ca nu erau mancatoare de curent ca cele de acum, dar gandeste-te ca peste vreo 5 ani, daca raman aceleasi baterii, o sa trebuiasca sa-ti incarci telefonul la fiecare ora.

  185. So fucking what? Is he making Hide Minister for the Environment? So a global warming denier cannot be in Cabinet in a role that has nothing to do with the environment? Jesus Bomber you can be a total fascist at timesHold on, hold on – Just like I wouldn’t be comfortable with someone who believes the earth is flat or only 5000 years old holding cabinet power, I am equally not comfortable with someone who believes Global Warming is a Hoax holding cabinet power.

  186. Таня, познакомься с моим бложеком по блоговодству, может что полезное там прочитаешь:nastby.ru/category/spam-umnyie-uroki/[]madonna4ka Reply:Июль 24th, 2012 at 10:50обязательно)))[]

  187. 25 julio, 2007Anónimote comento: tengo en la cofiguracion TCP/IP 1 red principal que es la q qiero controla. mi ip es de 192.168…. y luego tngo otra ip puesta en opciones avanzadas para meterme en otra red del centro para usarla para poder ver el correo interno. Pero el problema es q en el programa me aparece la pestaña de la red secundaria y la 127… esa. y no la 192. Thx  

  188. Считаю, что, для обучения в начальной школе не важно в какую школу или гимназию/ лицей вы идете, главное выбрать хорошего педагога, такого, чтобы не отбил желание учиться у ребенка и был пр-просту добрым человеком))) А вот о выборе 5 класса стоит задуматься( после прочтения безграмотных отзывов учеников нашей гимназии я, откровенно говоря подумаю оставаться здесь или нет…

  189. bygoneblog: NAVAGATOR doesn't have a shift key.We aren't sure what he is using to post with. We think it might be a telegraph key.If he stopped posting in caps, we would assume it was an imposter and get concerned.

  190. Egyszerű, másik css-t kell használni. WordPressben az is_page() feltétellel tudod ezt megteni pl.123456789<?php if ( is_page( 1, 2, 3 ) ) { ?><link rel="stylesheet/css" type="text/css" href="<?php bloginfo( ‘template_url’ ); ?>/style2.css"><?php } else { ?><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo( ‘stylesheet_url’ ); ?>" /><?php } ?>Itt az 1, 2, 3 id-val rendelkezÅ‘ oldalaknak adtam meg hogy a style2.css-t használják. Ha nem ezeken az oldalakon vagy akkor pedig az eredetit.

  191. I love my host family, I am real party of their life. They take care of me, love me and want me the best. The Mom is my best friend, I love to hang out with her, I love the kids ( 2, 4y ) and cannot wait to see them after a weekend. I have my own life, my boyfriend and respect and understand everything who I am. I feel I am the luckiest Au pair in the world, but I never look at this year as a job – they are my family, my friends and they make me happy.

  192. Ottimo su F chiuso oggi anche io sull’aggiornamento. G alla fine l’ho chiusa a 1.74 praticamente sul max di giornata, poi è riandata sui minimi, cmq +5%. Sempre short su eni e mb (x queste seguo l’indicatore che mi sembra bello a pieni giri…). E sempre short sull’indice visto che non ha superato oggi 17560… lo chiudo se domani sale sul max di oggi. Mi ero perso x le ferie il segnale short del 6 lug ma quest’ultimo shortone lo ripaga con gli interessi..

  193. So, it was great couple of segments but I have to ask, WHY?Why did you use your tasting spoon and placed it back in the soup and stir…..TWICE? Really? You would have nailed a chef on any of those cooking competition shows for doing such things. I know it was a TV food swap out segment, but doesn’t matter. Not a good cooking habbit. ====SWAIN::;——–

  194. Ico, mandou muito bem no seu texto "O Mundial da Democracia" no especial do Tázio. Parabéns, continuo fã do seu trabalho e estou na expectativa aqui pelas novidades interativas que vc irá lançar ao longo do ano. Tenho certeza de que vc virá com idéias bem interessantes. Um grande abraço Ico, tudo de bom. \\o

  195. Me reconforta ver estas imágenes , ya que trabajar en MBLUZ con el apoyo de los maestros José Moscó y Ramón Acosta junto a mis compañeros de estudio y de vida: Angel Viloria, Tito Barros, Miguel Duarte, Alfredo Pérez, Alfredo Soler, Rosanna Calchi y Carmen García es lo que me ha impulsado para seguir .el estudio y la enseñanza de la Ecología Acuática (Estudiante Doctorado en Ecología IVIC.)

  196. Al mijn familie aan mn pa’s kant woont in Parijs, en daar gaan we vaak heen. Daar zit ook een Primark (vast wel meerdere, maar ik weet er maar één).. :P Dus ik ga er dan echt vaak heen. Sowieso, als ik in Parijs ben is het enige wat ik doe: Shop till I drop. (a)Maargoed, daar is ie meestal echt uitgestorven. Ö

  197. a song played out in his gruff voice, with a guitar and on the phone..we were on two corners of the country. I still can hear the guitar play ( i try to ignore the toad voice that comes with the memory )Thanks for the treats Sherry!Love the hot stuff card! that is so in the spirit of valentine!

  198. mom Martha did not put up any Halloween pictures up. So my answer was oh she will just be patient. This morning she brought me coffee and her computer with your pictures on the screen with a big smile on her face and said I really want to meet her one day mom she is a amazing mother and photographer.So I thought it would be a good idea to pass this on to you how much you are admired and followed. Best wishes Tammy Van Embden

  199. Gather them up and hold them tight — our dogs, our children, our spouses……………We know it’s not best, for them, to be right there with us At All Atimes, but it can be awfully hard to encourage them to grow and thrive and … leave what feels like safety, here with us…………… — Vicki, whose daughter is on an airplane, bound for Amsterdam

  200. on Hey there! Do you know if they make any plugins to protect against hackers? I’m kinda paranoid about losing everything I’ve worked hard on. Any tips?

  201. Evangelicals have a bad rep because the most visible ones in mainstream society tend to be obnoxious blowhards and the mainstream media has an axe to grind about them. The to know them is to love them strategy only works when members of a particular group actually tend to be nicer than their reputation.

  202. ويوز ڈيپ فريزر اور ايئر کنڈيشنر کا نام پاکستان ميں شايد ہی کوئی ہو جو نہ جانتا ہو ۔ مجھے وہ دن ابھی ياد ہيں جب ويوز کو تعارف کرانے سے پہلے اسی طرح کی لہر کئی روز اخبارات ميں اور مختلف جگہوں پر لگے اشتہاروں ميں نطر آئي تھی

  203. Yes, Penny, I think an empty space away from usual distractions really helps – for me it's linked to the boredom thing; if you're in a friend's empty room or a shed, t