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Comments (18,428)

  1. Btw, Babasv, I’m referring to the whole of Osho’s work, not simply to the Ranch experiment, which did ‘fail’, of course, as your original piece yesterday seemed to indicate you weren’t just focusing on the ranch.Nevertheless, it’s also the case that living at the ranch was hugely beneficial for many, in purely personal terms, wasn’t it? Didn’t you yourself enjoy it, for example?Not forgetting the invaluable benefits of learning from the mistakes, however shocking that unconsciousness/lack of responsibility might appear in retrospect.Clouds and Silver Linings, Babasv….

  2. Greetings! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site? I’m getting sick and tired of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be fantastic if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

  3. The only way to resolve this endless cop reunions that end without IMPORTANT solutions and cclear commitmens is to oblige usa and china (the greatest green gas emitters) to assume a commitment with clear objectives and purposes, and not a “declaration of intentions” like they always do. But somehow I think this is a lost cause. yesterday was already too late if you know what I mean…

  4. What would Jesus cut?You’ve got to be kidding!Remember the story of the loaves and fishes? Jesus would feed the people.And, lo and behold, we have just such a cornucopia. The Federal gov’t can create as much money as we need. What looks like a deficiency is enough for everybody.

  5. Amen, Howie, if I didn’t think all the CATH-OLICS were going to HELL! I would say you were going to Purgatory instead of plain old hell, cuz you ain’t that bad for a Liberal. Check out my website all you readers to find out how many days the Mormon founders have been in HELL for. Also, check out my anti-Liberal/anti-Mormon/anti-Cultist hate/love fest this next season.- Pastor Bob – Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Minister

  6. People of the world need you to remind them that one’s respect and compassion for oneself is basic to respect and compassion for others. Thank-you for your wonderful work.

  7. Simple response!Koreans don't care where the four J-lawmakers want to visit. We are angry their intent to use this matter as a political show.They ignored the fact and truth that Dokdo is a Korean territory and there is no Takeshima except their immagination. Therefore, Koreans are angry their intent to use Dokdo for their political interest.

  8. Not trying, doing. I used to buy a new MOPAR every few years. Still drive a '64 Dart with an infusion of 426 under the hood, and '93 Dakota with a rodded and reamed 440. Just for giggles around the 'Vette set. Who never seem to look at the tires. The YF's daily is a Voyager. But no more MOPE's. In a few weeks we will be visiting the Honda dealer. They have nice vans, too. Stranger

  9. tggp: I’ve noticed comment volume decrease over the past couple of months. I personally think the posts are becoming harder to read, that the focus and clarity has dropped. But I don’t blame Mencius, he has a child to care for after all! Still, I agree with you that hammering Progressives in a short and concise manner ratches up the excitement level.

  10. Great Content…we like to honor many other internet pages on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out…

  11. Ooh, the ravioli sounds great!I love traditions and always hate it when one ends. One of my favorites as a kid was opening one present on Christmas Eve…which I continued with my own kids. My husband and I did not have to do much competing for favorite traditions as he’s from Turkey and we don’t share many holidays. So now we just get to celebrate double! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  12. thanks for this blog,pls am a university student doing research on using catapult C to design an electronic game, i have a liittle challenge on the vga out put after generating bit stream, the signal is not displaying, the RTL include output containg “triosy_lz”, wondering where will these out put be connected to.thanks

  13. Albert,És evident que el podcàsting als Estats Units es troba molt lluny de la resta. I no tinc clar per què. Com que estic en plena tesi, intentaré treure’n alguna conclusió si aconsgueixo parlar amb tres o quatre “gurús” del podcàsting d’allà. Ja ho explicaré.

  14. Oh, I remember that first night so well. It was full of all you describe–fear, anxiety, joy, surrender, strength. Glad that things are better now, Aidan, and that you’re recording all of it–the highs and the lows. You are narrating her story until she can pick up the reigns and do it herself, and that is a real gift. She will know of her first days and years, and she will know you!

  15. à°šైతన్à°¯ à°—ాà°°ు, ధన్యవాà°¦ాà°²ు!à°¨ేà°¨ు à°ˆ à°ªోà°¸్à°Ÿు à°°ాà°¸్à°¤ూ à°•ూà°šుంà°Ÿె à°®ా ఆయన à°µంà°Ÿ (à°…à°¦ే à°²ెంà°¡ి,à°…à°¨్à°¨ం, à°¬ంà°—ాà°³ా à°¦ుంపల à°µేà°ªుà°¡ు. à°Žà°ª్à°ªుà°¡ూ ఇదే à°°ెà°¸ిà°ªీ) à°šేà°¸ి ఆఫీà°¸్ à°•ి à°µెà°³్à°²ాà°°ు.

  16. hummm, que cela a l’air délicieux. Moi aussi j’ai des voisins testeurs. J’entends quelques fois par la fenêtre : “dis t’aurais pas fait du pain toi aujourd’hui?” Et t’as pas la recette ?J’adore. Je dois avoir une vocation refoulée de cantinière, à nourrir beaucoup de monde :)

  17. Beste Erik, stoppen met roken voelt niet langer als een verplichting. Je manier van spreken is een open en vrije aanpak, en dat vind ik zeer positief.Deze workshop geeft me moed om door te gaan!

  18. Greetings,I read your article in Natural news. In reference to Right of refusal you stated “There are no federal laws in the U.S. that force you to accept a medical procedure. Any state laws requiring vaccinations violate your constitutional rights and cannot be legally enforced.”Do you know how this applies to health care workers who are forced by their employers under their “Company policy” ?

  19. Thanks Anon, for an interesting question and thanks to all who've responded with such brilliant advice. So the consensus of opinion is: don't risk it, or if you do, change names and some character details or sub to different countries.

  20. , when borrowers stiff the system in small numbers, the system can take the hit. But there is a tipping point — and the borrowers passed it.If you lend someone money, do you expect that person to repay you or not?If you do not, then lend me as much as you can. You won’t object if I default. That’s great.

  21. Pero es que lo de U2 en Achtung Baby fue exagerado porque lograron lo que ningun grupo logro en esa epoca. Metallica quiso hacer lo mismo con Load y madre mia que escalabro más grande, a Bono le copiaron hasta las gafas de mosca todos aquellos grupos alternativos de mediados de los 90.

  22. apoptose [apCptoz] n. f.ÉTYM. 1994, l’Express; de apo-, et ptose.v¨ Biol. Mort génétiquement autoprogrammée d’une cellule. | « L’apoptose s’accompagne d’une fragmentation des chromosomes conduisant à leur destruction » (la Recherche, 14 juil. 1999).Le Grand Robert

  23. Bem-vindo Caíque ^^/ Obrigado pelo seu trabalho.Essa série de Rides é incrível *_* Se alguém conseguir editar e traduzir tudo… Bom, seria ainda melhor u_uE seria ainda ainda melhor se o pessoal que tem os cards de verdade gravassem os jogos e pusessem no Youtube Ou já fazem e eu nunca vi?

  24. and of course technology can be counted on to advance.===================================Not always. A recent claim that neutrinos coulc sometimes exceed the spped of light has been withdrawn.F still equals MA, so while we may get incrementally better at applying F, each increment is going to cost more than the last.Same goes for finding the fuels that we need to make the F.As for current high gas pries, the best idea I have heard is to eliminate the various blends that are required for different seasons and areas and settle on just one blend for a few years – until the energy glut happens.

  25. I’ve been waiting to become a foster parent for almost a year. Despite all you read on their website, they are only looking for foster parents for teenagers and those with severe medical needs. Everyone else goes on a long waiting list.

  26. Third Flower…My spouse and i have already been now delighted that Albert could carry out his studies because of the suggestions he had through your web page. It’s on occasion perplexing to only usually be freely giving techniques which lots of people could have be…

  27. Anonyymi:Voi ei! On pakko vaan turvautua johonkin korvaavaan toimintaan.Sun pitää vaikka testailla tän sivuston reseptejä, hih!Stazzy:Kiva kun löysit tänne, tervetuloa!Anonyymi:Jep.Näin se on.Elina:Totta, petalla ei ole pelkästään puhtaita jauhoja, mutta juuri noi mainokset on musta jees. Miksi aina löytyy jotain epäilyttävää sieltä, missä sen vähiten kuvittelisi piilevän?

  28. Hey Loony, no you’re not too late. I am still in decision-making mode. You’re right in that people familiar with the name will shorten it automatically, so that’s good. I do like the idea of the logo, so I’m feeling I’ll do pretty much anything to keep that, lol. Thanks for your vote, and I’m adding it in!

  29. Jack Sullivan, idem pour moi, si j'avais dans mon entourage une jeune femme qui souhaite un parfum moins courant que, disons, Allure ou Coco Mad, je n'hésiterais pas à lui recommander Amyris Femme. Je pense également qu'il peut convenir au-delà de 25 ans: le côté irisé lui donne quand même une certaine tenue et de l'élégance.

  30. Aminosäuren sind gut für den AusdauersportNicht nur Hochleistungssportler wissen Aminosäuren zu schätzen. Wer als Hobby den Ausdauersport für sich entdeckt hat, weiß, dass sie wichtig sind. Denn sie bewirken eine bessere Leistungsfähigkeit. Auch die Gesundheit und Regeneration wird verbessert. Im Besonderen ist hier das L-Carintin zu nennen. Es ist für eine gute Regeneration zuständig. Danke für den tollen Artikel, vor allem die Lebensmittelliste finde ich sehr interessant.[]

  31. I have it too. Didn't know it could hang on the rack. I'd always been jazzed about the fact that, once everything's clean, I could just pull the entire container-full of silver out; put it on the counter above the silverware drawer and make a quick transfer.

  32. I’m not a big Jacobs fan. I’ve watched him for years and he’s easily the biggest back I’ve ever seen who so easily goes down with the slightest bit of decent contact. Watch how he plays if you haven’t seen it. If he doesn’t get through the LOS he goes down easily. If he does get through he usually finds an extra gear. But for a running back of his size, I would expect he wouldn’t be so easy to stop with the first hit……….

  33. It’s not something I would normally do. I did stick with it for a few months and, if I remember right I did take out the batteries… really only bought it cause it was the cheapest way to get all the albums (and I got a staff discount on it too) and I actually wasn’t that fussed about the box. I just thought it looked naff and it was really cheap and plasticy. So I turfed it. But I kind of regret it because it is probably a rarity now!

  34. Entre les voeux pieux (17, 18), les promesses qui ne seront pas tenues (1, 11, 12, 14, 15…), celles qui datent de 2007 (2, 3, 4…), celles qui donnent l’impression que le président découvre des problèmes (28, 29) et celles qui prouvent qu’on se moque clairement du monde (1, 16, 30), ça ne laisse pas grand chose pour faire une France forte…

  35. This recipe looks really yummy. An interesting side story – I recently watched this video for the first time, and just yesterday I happened to be in a local Goodwill shop and stopped to look at the pile of cookbooks for sale. I was pleasantly surprised to find a copy of the Southern Living annual your recipe was published in. It is a lovely cookbook and I am sure i will find many other great recipes in it. I just thought it was amazing to find that exact same cookbook just sitting there!

  36. I went to Amazon.com to preorder because just the knowledge that I had preordered my very own copy of the book gave me such a huge sense of self & relaxation, esp. after 4 months of successful fire academy training. Glamping was just what this 44 yr old mom needed after keeping up with a bunch of twenty-something yr old guys. The many sides of me will be so excited to read the book especially after my own 1st Glamping adventure next month:)

  37. To Meshi:這兩句話的意義一但放入脈絡中,恐怕就會差很多。「你怎麼可以把人命和XXX拿來比較!」在漫畫的對話脈絡中,是一個完全沒有論證和理據的人本主義口號;反之,Wong的討論裡卻提供了他的質問的前提:「… monetary value… does not reflect the values of things all things considered.」這大概可以說是效益主義的基本主張,事物的價值可以從很多面向來衡量,而效益主義要計算的不是任何一個單一面向,而是將所有面向全盤考慮後的總「效益」。因此金錢價值是效益的一種,但只道出了效益計算中的一個面向,卻無法反映總效益計算的結果(all things considered)。不遑多讓嗎?其實讓了很多。

  38. quelle honte dans kel monde vivons nous trainez des femmes et des enfants. je passais souvent des week end avec ma belle soeur dans ce squatt mais croyez moi ils n ont vraiment pas le choix car cet endroit est quasi invivable et voir ses gens se faire traitez comme des animaux par la police c carrement inhumain esperons que la suite soit positive après un tel desastre

  39. Well, if Tech Support is lending out his tech services, I could use some aesthetic support for my blog Kidding. Well, not really, but I could only pay in frozen pretzels. At any rate, I still have the same nickname I’ve had since I was little–Busi (pronounced Boo-shee.) It’s Polish for grandma, and my mom and grandma have called me that since I was a baby. Friends call me “Abs” at times, but for mom and gram, it’s Busi. That will never change!

  40. "Yeah that's what you notice when you're in New York. Cops and cop cars everywhere. NYPD has like around 40,000 officers.Does LA have a similar heavy police presence? If not, why not? Is it because LA isn't a walkable city and everybody drives and thus is less "exposed" since they're always driving in or out of relatively secure buildings?"The LAPD has about 10k officers, and LA has about 4 million residents, so NYC has about twice as many cops on a per capital basis.

  41. I saw the America exhibit while it was in Savannah (it wasn't here long) and was totally blown away. Dan totally controls the light and achieves a real painterly quality in all his images.It looked like he was using a gridded beauty dish high and to the side and another light on axis for fill. Do you have any idea how he lights or how he gets the effect he does?

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  43. Howdy! I know this is kinda off topic nevertheless I’d figured I’d ask. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest writing a blog article or vice-versa? My website goes over a lot of the same subjects as yours and I believe we could greatly benefit from each other. If you might be interested feel free to shoot me an e-mail. I look forward to hearing from you! Wonderful blog by the way!

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  45. JM, October 1, 2009 at 10:11 pm Oh Dear…we are booked to leave Adelaide next Tuesday, I checked the booking on their website and it came up with a message that we should contact their call centre immediately. Trouble is they don’t actually answer calls on the call centre, only found this out later from friend who is in travel…I had tried for a long time. I have sent them a fax asking them to ring me……no reply. Are they still in business? Why would they put a message on their web site, but not contact us direct?

  46. As always Brillant photo and excellent explantion to go with same Thank you for these brillant insights to the ways of New Yorka Brillant blog site , Keep up the great work

  47. Greetings from California! I’m bored to death at work so I decided to check out your blog on my iphone during lunch break- I love the information you present here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home-I’m surprised at how quick your blog loaded on my cell phone — I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G — Anyhow, great site!

  48. Geninne, qué hermoso regalo recibiste! Veo que sos la inspiración de unas cuantas personitas como yo! Una belleza las bolsas que hiciste para tus sobrinas… Admiro tu creatividad y capacidad de trabajo… ¡Espectacular! seguiré pasando a ver con qué me sorprendés… (sigo en la búsqueda de los materiales para sellos, ya te contaré)

  49. I love everything that ARK sells–especially since I do feeding with infants and toddlers. I regularly use the Baby Grabbers, Y-chews, and z-Grabber with my littlest patients. I also use the Z-Grabber/vibe with my toddlers who are picky eaters–they love to use the cat/mouse/dog tips as “spoons” and it encourages them to try “scary” foods. Love it all!

  50. Well Davey mate, if she wasn’t “fucked” last night she def will be now! ………..fuckin hilarious watching BS Extreme last night, was like watching an Austin Powers comedy film, with lamp shades and french sticks etc strategically placed so’s you don’t see any cocks or pussy ………..how the fuck can you have a five way gang bang without a cock or cunt in sight!…………..yep, good job I was too pissed to give a fuck! …..have a great day guys! ………………..Tony MrT

  51. Can anyone show me the error of my ways?If we have dilegently read text and watched the video, but continiew to be unverified, what's missing?Verification failed. We couldn't find the verification meta tag.When I post questions I'm refered back to the article and video.And the loop begins again: reread, rewatch, recopy, repaste, only to be un-verified again.The painful parts are the obvious simplicity and feelings of futilityinvolved in not having my question ansewered.

  52. Tel Aviv late last year agreed to release 450 Palestinian prisoners demanded by Hamas. But it offered to release four senior Palestinian resistance figures, Marwan Barghouti, Ahmed Sa’adat, Ibrahim Hamad and Abdullah Barghouti, only on the condition that the influential prisoners were deported to the Gaza Strip or a third country. Hamas rejected the exile of the Palestinian detainees and vowed it would not give in to Israeli demands. Sorry, I exagerated the number.

  53. Анонимный мыслитель / сами девочки и поебаные девочки(16-22) сами лезут к 30 летним, а потом вот такое быдло еще ноет, сами же виноваты, сами хотят красивой жизни xD

  54. Lässt du Piwik auf der selben DB laufen wie dein Blog?Es gibt zwei Probleme, die ich mit Piwik feststellen musste: Einerseits lädt Piwik langsamer als GA und verlangsamt damit das Laden der Seite, andererseits wird Piwik mit wachsender Datenbankgrösse langsamer.

  55. Danielle dit :BonjourJe vous felicite pour cet interview. C’est remarquable d’intelligence et de sensibilite.J’admire la facon dont vous avez amene Olivier a parle si sincerement et sensible du travail d’entrepeneur.Si les techniques sont extrement importantes, le cote psychologique de cette activite n’est jamais ou tres rarement mis en evidence.FelicitationsDanielle

  56. I really just want to know where on earth Edward’s “my son” bit came from. I can see brothers, I can, but…SON?I wish they had skipped over the J. Jenks plotline and had some awesome vampire battle. That would have been fun to read.

  57. If we can deliver NBN to every home on the continent why can’t we pipeline some of that lovely water over here? C Y OConnor got it right over a hundred years ago, piping water with a pipeline you can stil touch and understand today, from Kalgoorlie to Perth. So is it really impractical to view that exponentially and to consider it as a national option?Remembering his suicide in 1902, after years of dealing with criticism and political struggle, let’s hope the NBN gets completed without similar tragedy.

  58. “And please refrain from discussing or; engaging in any sort of inter-office bleeping fingerbleep bleepsting; bleepesting even though so many people in this office ARE BEGGING FOR IT.”-Gob

  59. Guys. HE BROKE NO LAW (and in his gut he knew it). Therefore Mr ATF couldnt do squat! Lying or being uninformed Mr ATF was but our boy here wasnt even remotely close to charges that could stick. Maybe scary and frustrating in the moment (until the head cleared)….but again, he wasnt close to having this “almost ruin his life”.

  60. ну якщо вам нецікаво, то вибачайте. думаю, іншим відвідувачам цікаво було побачити цю статтю та дізнатись про ці фільми.про момент з героїном я так написав, бо момент справді шокував….я ж не про те, що мені героїнові доріжки в снах сняться =)

  61. W przeciwieństwie do innych okupowanych krajow, w Polsce istniał Volkslista. A Volksdeutsche kategorii I otrzymał bezpośrednio obywatelstwo i mógł należeć do NSDAP. Volksdeutsche kategorii I tworzyli właściwie NSDAP w okupowanych rejonach Polski. A Volkslista tworzyła się od października roku 1939.Czaja był kategorii I.

  62. This website is mostly a stroll-by way of for all the information you needed about this and didn’t know who to ask. Glimpse right here, and also you’l undoubtedly uncover it.

  63. è in buona fede, lui crede veramente che l'e-cat, l'hot-cat, il wet-cat, l'x-cat funzionino. Glielo ha detto Rossi in persona, perbacco!…"Lo sai cosa ha fatto Proia prima di firmare con Rossi (e quindi di pagare per la licenza)?E' stato scritto su questo blog, ed è alquanto diverso dalle cose che scrivi…

  64. Turning “Chinta” into “Chita” is what happens when someone is not attentive while listening. That’s why atleast a certificate course on common sense, attentiveness and understanding should be made mandatory for the people who are expected to carry the “burden” of projecting the immaculate image of India and its servants.

  65. Hello there! I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this website? I’m getting tired of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be fantastic if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

  66. i had the airbrush pen for a few days now and i couldn’t make good use of the scroll wheel. wacom’s website has nothing about it on there. this video really helped. thanks jason!

  67. “A man takes responsibility for his own actions and doesn’t blame someone else, even if they didn’t act on the complete up and up.”Taking responsiblity for your own actions and blaming others for their actions aren’t exactly mutually exclusive activities. For example, if I leave my car door unlocked, and someone steels my cd player, I may blame myself for leaving the car unlocked, but that doesn’t make the thief any less a thief. Just saying.

  68. Check if the gasket is still good. If the rubber is no longer soft or has any cracks, you should replace it. This means you can cut it away and make the glass removal much easier. Push a strong knife into the center of the rubber, making sure you don’t hit the glass. Cut all the way around to remove the rubber. You can now push the glass out from the inside. Have someone else on top of the car in front of the windshield. This person should catch the glass when it comes out..

  69. GorÄ…co polecam wszystkim zainteresowanym w aptece za pieniÄ…dze obejść w lokalnych aptekach i zapytać, czy ich otrzymania. Idź do lokalnych szpitali, jak również i zapytać, czy sÄ… one zatrudniania farmaceutów. Wiemy, czego siÄ™ spodziewać po zakoÅ„czeniu szkoÅ‚y. Jednakże, jeÅ›li naprawdÄ™ kochasz chemik nastÄ™pnie przez wszystkich Å›rodków …. chodzić do szkoÅ‚y i zdobyć dyplom. Nie spodziewaj siÄ™ przedsiÄ™biorstw do przeÅ›cigajÄ… siÄ™ próbuje przejąć.

  70. jag skulle ju älska om de va lite rockigt gärna med lite läder detaljer En åkpåse som är användbar både på vinter som på vår och höst Och varför inte en åkpåse med fårskins stuk

  71. Freelee, I am very glad to hear that you no longer mentor. That is a very wise move. Your ebook is only successful because desperate people who want to lose weight are easily sucked in. You prey on that. I’ve read your ebook and it reads like the journal of an uneducated teenager. You must be very happy with yourself that you can sit on your ass and make money off other people’s desperation.

  72. As for me as a retired veteran, I will NOT vote for a ticket that has anyone on the ticket that is not qualified under the Constitution. Rubio, Jindel and obama are NOT qualified.If I have to, I will vote 3d party or not vote for President.

  73. ben 12 yaşındayım ve sigaraya alerjim varr ama etrafımda bir sürü kiÅŸi sigara içiyon ben bunu engelleyemiyorummm etrafımdakileri engellleyemiyorum ama sizleri yani bunları okuyanları veee buraya yorum yazarları uyarıyorum lütfen sigara içmeyinizzz hemm sizin için hem de bizim için çok zararlıı siz kendinizi ateÅŸe atıyorsunuzzz ben size emir degil ricada bulunuyomm lütfenn bırakın artık ÅŸu kagıtt parçasınııı…..

  74. جناب مانا؛آقای قدیانی درست می فرمایند، سایت به این صورتی که شما مشاهده می کنید نیست!از مرورگر موزیلا و یا کروم استفاده کنید تا قالب واقعی را ببینید!

  75. Valencia CF is interested in bringing CA Osasuna central defender Alejandro Arribas to its rank in the summer. Valencia CF only has 3 central defenders right now and with Victor Ruiz being transformed into a defensive midfielder the club is going to need defensive reinforcements in the summer and Alejandro Arribas fits the profile.

  76. Having the same issue as Jan on the 3rd page: -“I use quite a few pages (as opposed to posts) on my site and have one as the static home page. I’m wondering how I can change the navigation menu in the header so it only shows certain pages. I’ve got around it sort of by creating sub-pages but the static page for the front page shows up (though it looks blank because I’ve removed the title). Any help would be greatly appreciated.”

  77. mi mujer esta embarazada de 8 meses, la citaron para presentarse como presidente de mesa, debe cumplir con el cargo? Como debe proceder? no encuentro información en ningun lado con respecto a este caso puntual.Y respondió el 22 de octubre de 2011 a las 23:06:Andrés: Por lo pronto avisar a la Secretaría Electoral Nacional de su provincia (envíe un telegrama). Certificado médico de que por estar de 8 meses no está en condicione de actuar como autoridad de mesa. Y vaya mañana a las 7:30 y avise al suplente y al delegado electoral que su esposa no va a estar disponible.

  78. What would the fund pay for? Rewarding states and school districts that are making big progress.What progress? Isn’t our society going to hell? On second thought, I’m sure that student performance in the New Orleans public school system has made some progress since Katrina. How could it not have, considering the kind of demographic change that’s happened there? Something tells me however that the Dept. of Education is not going to reward New Orleans for that.

  79. Value connected with princess or queen reduce wedding bands ranges good style and other factors. However best part will be the particular rings could be molded in any style you desire from low-cost. Contrary to excellent precious gems, these types of pebbles becoming subject to hidden faults as well as discoloration are usually inexpensive although becoming brilliant as well.

  80. One more question the rates you quteod as assume are based on double occupancy, as travel rates generally are. Is that correct? If so, I wonder if there could be some way for those whose partner doesn’t want to go to team up and room together? Just something to think about. That is a steep price for that cruise, if you don’t want the LH connection.

  81. Saga: Así es, Black Sabbath con Ozzy o la genial encarnación Heaven and Hell con Dio son una bandototota legendaria.Creo que por ahi no había puesto bien el video, ya lo corregí y ahora si se puede ver.Saludos y gracias por el comentario

  82. “I respectfully suggest that you open your blog to comments, so that people can go over there and argue.”I would love to do this! I used to have comments open but shortly after WHB went to the #1 position on Google and Yahoo for the term history blog my comment forms started getting spammed. I was removing 20-30 viagra posts a day. I finally just turned the comments off…How do you keep the spam off of the Gates of Vienna comments?

  83. Vedete Zeman non ci pensa due volte e mette fuori De Rossi Osvaldo…il mister no non ha il coraggio di fare delle scelte deve capire che Insigne è un talento è seguito dai club europei vedi il Psg, i sceicchi se lo vogliono lo prendono gli danno il doppio che prende a Napoli e lo fanno giocare titolare..Verratti gioca titolare in Francia a Napoli avrebbe fatto panchina..mister coraggio…

  84. lea disse:Samarone e InácioGostei do artigo e acho essa diogomainardização de alguns escrevedores brasileiros uma mesmice. Nunca li nenhum artigo do carequinha aí de cima mas pelas citações citadas, já não gosto dele. E existe uma certa dose de autoconfiança alta demais em brasileiros que se destacam. Já li que uma espécie de embriaguês psicológica acontece quando vencemos e encontrar o limite não é fácil.E falando em embriaguês psicológica, Saudações Tricolores pra vocês.

  85. Winkler IS an important United Methodist leader, as head of the Board of Church and Society. No one speaks officially for the United Methodist Church – only a corporate personality (General Conference) does that. That does not mean, however, that he is not a public face of the church or that his comments are not worth considering. Our church is better off if we have substantial arguments that deal fairly with positions of others and represent what others say accurately. Insults and attacking straw men may make us feel better, but they aren’t helpful.

  86. Your insight and desire to enlighten has made me think of something I am currently reading… “Every human being who accomplishes the task of being her or his personal vision will become a role model for others, whether he or she is aware of it or not.” (from “The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers” by Jamie Sams). I know that your personal vision on this matter will make an impact. Please stay safe.

  87. A Yves. A son heure, la Comtoise, avec sa petite charrette de l’armée Suisse, nous accompagnera sur la réserve, au-dessus du lac Blanc. Il n’y aura pas de D N* 350 dans ses « fontes » pour refouler l’excès des touristes en plus d’un D N* 200, qui pourrait déjà exister pour les autochtones…Bien sûr que je plaisante, mais la journée, elle, ne sera pas « chômée » ! ( * Diamètre Nominal )

  88. la protestul din decembrie, de ziua internationala a drepturilor omului, televiziunile de ce au avut grijă să nu se mai facă atâta vâlvă? Şi atunci de ce jandarmii au avut grijă să oprească protestul încă din faşă? nimic ciudat, nu?

  89. hebt er maar eentje nodig die labiel genoeg is om zoiets letterlijk te nemen. Er is nu al sprake van een groepje mensen dat op zijn commando mensen gaat stalken en blogs terroriseren. Kat zal zich ongetwijfeld beroepen op "satire" als hij voor zulk soort uitspraken ter verantwoording wordt geroepen, maar volgens mij blijkt dat niet uit de volstrekt humorloze, verbeten context.

  90. Though I like very much the use one can make of the little poles or stands with the LED lighting on top. I have seen companies use them in the glass top areas of pedestals or museum stands and also mostly on custom made glass jewelry vases. They are very effective as accent lighting and to hilight specific pieces of jewelry. Sometimes they even can be combined with conventional halogen lighting inside the cabinets and are very effective.

  91. Lyndsy Marie Fonseca (born January 7, 1987) is an American actress best known for playing Colleen Carlton on the CBS daytime soap opera The Young and The Restless, Dylan Mayfair on the ABC series Desperate Housewives, and Ted’s daughter in How I Met Your Mother. She also played Katie Deauxma in the 2010 superhero film Kick-Ass. She will star as Alex in the CW’s Nikita.

  92. DianaPentru ca sunt foarte departe de ea, pentru ca e prea mare distanta ca sa mai ajunga posta de aici pana la ea de Craciun, pentru ca inimioarele spun totul, caci e in inima mea, pentru ca e trista si singura si bolnava si movul este starea ei, pentru ca a fost si este inca o Doamna eleganta si rafinata, pentru ca ii place foarte mult argintul si o incarca pozitiv cand il poarta, pentru ca stiu ca nu numai gestul, ci si cadoul in sine ar surprinde-o si ar bucura-o nespus… toate acestea, pentru Mama ! Multumesc mult Ada ! :X

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  95. Caros amigosIsto do tempo (afastamento da data)e da idade (que vai avançando)….De facto havia uma estrada em construção quando estava em Piche, todas as manhãs os obuses 'batiam a zona' onde os trabalhos se iam retomar, mas certamente que era a de Nova Lamego a Piche que não estava completa.As minhas desculpas pelo lapso.Um abraçoHélder

  96. Hey Sidaiwu, Icould kind of careless if you don’t belive me. And did you know that Charles can be a girls name to? No I did not have a visitor from texas. And i don’t konw a kaydra. And let me ask you this,you are doing a lot of background checking on me, you are acting like you are the police. So I’m kind of supicious of you. How are you recieving all of this information.

  97. Adriánon A los que se le queda la pantalla negra o les dice missing keys y demas es simplemente porque redsn0w aún no ha sacado versión para 6.0.1 el 15b3 solo es para 6.0De momento no hay jailbreak, este tutorial es para 6.0 y yo de vosotros cambiaria esta linea:“Cabe aclarar que nos hacemos responsables de los errores que pueda causar este procedimiento en tu dispositivo.”Os puede traer algun problema legal indeseado.

  98. Con la presente chiedo informazioni circa la vendita del latte di asina.Il problema è che abito a Trento e ne ho bisogno per mio figlio di 3 anni, che è allergico. Vi è possibile fornire a domicilio questo latte o Trento è troppo distante per un’eventuale spedizione?Se vi è possibile spedirlo quanto costa al litro?Ringraziando per l’attenzione resto in attesa di riscontro alla presente sul mio indirizzo email:

  99. UFHASP^FP(A^FIYDFASHFA When this episode ended I definitely went, "Wait what? WAIT WHAT? DID I MISS SOMETHING? THAT'S IT?????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Tropes that I'm a sucker for… hmmmm. I love it when someone who we've assumed to be bad/evil turns out to actually be "good" (Sirius Black), or vice versa. Turncoats are awesooooome.

  100. Did this last week with Robinson but using a 2 pood KB for the swings and a 115lb thruster – and found the same issue – had to brake the CTB down as the swings were torching my shoulders. Last set was 3 x 5 CTB and 2 x5 thrusters. And worse yet – they were supposed to be 135lb thrusters.

  101. Quina ilu m’hagués fet l’haver de fer-li companyia i costat a la Nimue i als seus vegetals… Bé, vegetarià-vegetarià no ho sóc del tot, però a aquest pas, em queda poc. :*Tolero certes carns i peixos (ben pocs, nets i polits!), i per tant, el meu menú quasi bé hagués estat el del “pica-pica” en plan “súper” (amanida, croquetes i calamars, nyam-nyam!) i unes verduretes com les de la Nimue.¿Entrecot?. Luthien, ara t’entenc a tú i al teu genoll…jajaja. Jugues fort, eh, noia!… “Bon apetit!”.

  102. I think GOOG’s relatively low multiple could have something to do with some of its less than shareholder friendly practices. For example, why doesn’t GOOG buy back the shares it issues through employee compensation schemes? It has the cash and the options + restricted shares are pretty dilutive. It also doesn’t help when the CEO doesn’t attend conference calls.

  103. Quote:The Ikhwan is the only political force that is well-organized and ruthless enough to fill the current power vacuum, provided that elections are held quickly.end quote.Most people who have studied democracy in any Western sense know that ruthlessness and democracy cannot co-exist.Democracy is not the result of ruthlessness either.You can't be ruthless one day and democratic and tolerant the next.This is a tyranny of the minority, if the MB wins big. A tyranny of the majority if they don't.But either way, it will be tyranny, not democracy in any way I would define it.

  104. Yes, we tried the … Yes, we tried the rubberband shooter idea. That worked great but it wound up blasting the figurines off the photo booth!! Create what you are talking about and post a video. Maybe they could manufacture heavy-duty rubber bands with different SW characters or colors (lightsabers) embedded into the bands. Come out with different collectible sets that compliment these fighter pods! Was this answer helpful?

  105. How wonderful a bikepath would be along Shore Road. The road is flat, the scenery is stunning, my family and I would enjoy bike rides together between Oyster Bay and Bayville. Politicians: For a similar bikepath that is immensely popular, look at the Falmouth to Woods Hole, Mass. path, that runs along the water leading to the Martha’s Vineyard Ferry. This bikepath has brought a lot of business to both towns.

  106. I love those romantic venues! Who wouldn't want to get married abroad? Then again I've seen local made romantic because of the couple's love for each other and their families.

  107. пишет:Искал как-бы заработать и случайно заглянул. Интересно, захвÐ2000°Ñ‚ывающе, но пока не готов, да и сайт пока в разработке, но закладку себе оставил – вдруг пригодится.VA:F [1.9.21_1169]Рейтинг: 0 (оценок: 0)

  108. I admire the valuable information you offer in your articles. I will bookmark your blog and have my children check up here often. I am quite sure they will learn lots of new stuff here than anybody else!

  109. The original is so timeless, it’s hard to ever love a remake more. But you had me cracking up cause I didn’t even realize all the funny nods to the 60′s. The clothes primarily! Spot on!But I suggest people read the book too. It was a really creepy read and in a way you get so much more of Norman in the book. Looking forward to your Friday post! We have our share of creepy eepies in Wisconsin and Ed Gein was one of them!

  110. A referral from a musician friend persuaded me to visit Rebecca for the first time. I suffered from a common and sometimes debilitating complaint experienced by many musicians, aching shoulders, referred pain in the arm and neck, and general discomfort in the back. One hour of massage freed my shoulders and back and allowed me to relax my neck completely for the first time in a few years. More day to day comfort and better sleep are other bonuses. I am a repeat customer and highly recommend Rebecca’s therapy to anyone with similar problems to mine. Bernard.

  111. Caríssimo, a concordância é recíproca. E, sim, a autonomia social (a sociedade que se dá a si própria como instituinte nas instituições que se dá) e a do indivíduo (capaz de uma relação explícita consigo próprio e de livre-exame dos seus próprios investimentos e representações, etc.) “implicam-se circularmente”, como diria o Castoriadis, e até ao fundo – ou ao sem-fundo – da sociedade e do indivíduo.Vigoroso abçmsp

  112. Certainly not “Socialism”. We are a people that seek rewards for our efforts/riskd. A lot of effort/risks should have a lot of rewards. Little should equal little. Many in society seem to think that they should have things with little/no effort/risk because others have them. “Keep up with the Jones” even if we aren’t the Jones.

  113. Quelques commentaires qui suivaient le mien et invoquaient le texte de Charlotte ont été « harmonisés » (comme on dit en Chine), je me demande bien pourquoi. Ils étaient pourtant très corrects, et bien écrits. Certes on est ici sur lemonde.fr et pas sur un quelconque blog égotiste. Quand même, j’aimerais avoir un jour une explication autorisée sur la Modération. Aussi précise dans les buts recherchés que celle que fournit la Cyberpolice chinoise.

  114. "make it better"…but by whose definition? What if your "make it better" and my "make it better" conflict with each other? The problem with "make it better" is that it's "making it better" for OTHERS. You want to "make it better" for yourself…have at it. But, now you've arrived at "leave me alone".

  115. Adriana Silva disse:Essa Lis é muito esperta, e MUITO diferente da maioria das blogueiras, ela consegue falar de moda sem a mesmice da grande maioria….. olha só o conteúdo do post de hoje. Se vc se diz “apaixonada” por moda e não conhece a DOUTORA Ana Paula, tsc, tsc… você gosta é de comprar “fia” =)

  116. If you have a state arbitration panel, then you should not have the legal ability to defend yourself against the drunken lout who decides your kid’s parent deserves a beating for his kid’s failure to score a goal. After all, you can go to the arbitration board instead of defending yourself from his threatening behavior or actions.See, the idea is to remove all individual liberty, not to actually defuse conflicts.

  117. Great blog about an important but easily overlooked topic. A couple questions quickly come to mind; how have Indian beekeepers battled CCD, or is it even a problem in India? If not, Is cross-breeding of American honey bees with Indian bees (or even Italian bees) a possibility? Sounds like S. India has been battling with Thai sacbrood disease. Does this have the same implications to Indian agriculture as CCD does to Central Valley agriculture?

  118. Me again…Shawn, seems that Armstrong made his small step/giant leap at 10:56 p.m. EST (almost 10 p.m. EST). Still late in the evening, but not early in the morning. Maybe what I’m recalling is that I sat in front of the TV for several hours, up unto 2 or 3 in the a.m. since it was a special event. If you were in CA at the time, then it was close to 8 p.m. It being summer, there was plenty of sunlight outside to be riding your stingray. : )

  119. Nao houve penetraçao, e nao tenho bem a certez ase o meu namorado ejaculou. creio que nao estava no periodo fertil , e desde ai veio-me 2 “menstruaçoes”, diz 2 testes de gravidez, um 13 dias depois do sucedido e outro 16 dias depois do sucedido, deram ambos negativos e foi ao ginecologistas 27 dias depois do sucedido e fiz ecografia, e nao se viu nada. no entanto sinto a zona do utero a aumentar. posso estar gravida??????

  120. Part 2We have only heard that the Americans and Israelis will attack. Most of Iranian is great people they are gentle and have a more than a thousand year civilisation. This is 2012 any attack to Iran will have a 48 hour retaliation reaction. That was donkeys years ago alexander the great attacked Iran. No thanks its 2012 we are fucking strong and we can be nasty as America if we want to.

  121. Spiritual discipline of sleep?I’ve heard of the Rev. Sheets at the Bedside Baptist (for folks who like to sleep in on Sunday morning), but not a discipline of sleep. How un-American!! Be happy and alert in your work, work like h-e-double toothpicks and maybe you’ll get a bonus to consume more “stuff”.As related to values, sleep comes down to the priorities in your life. If you value sleep, then you’ll say no to some things, be SELFISH and get enough sleep. Someone who has 2 hour commutes may not have much spare time for sleep.

  122. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good,but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

  123. Pacifist, this map shows this Take Island (non existent Argonaut Island) as Japanese.It shows Matsushima (Korea’s Ulleungdo) as Japanese.It shows Liancourt Rocks as Japanese.This map is not an accurate rendering of Japan or Korea from neither a geographic nor political standpoint.Us usual it’s another garbage in, garbage out post by Pacifist…… Don’t you have any integrity at all?

  124. Holland -you are guilty of doing what a lot of apologists for Obama and that is pretend that he was just influenced by some other sinister force.Its a a fairy tale. Obama knows exactly what he is doing its why he chose Summers in the first place.Man you are in Brazil and you still trying to pretend this stuff is real. The economic policies of this country has nothing to do with uplifting the people. Its only interested in supporting the ruling rich, the multinationals, the big banks, the defense industry and its lackeys.Come on Man!

  125. Polskie media w polskich rÄ™kach? Pan prezes wydaje siÄ™ już nie pamiÄ™tać, że w 1991 roku poprzednik PiS – Porozumienie Centrum, któremu przewodziÅ‚, staÅ‚o siÄ™ wÅ‚aÅ›cicielem najpoczytniejszej gazety w Polsce – “Ekspressu Wieczornego”. Gazeta zostaÅ‚a przez nowego wÅ‚aÅ›ciciela doprowadzona do totalnego upadku w czasie roku z kawaÅ‚kiem, po czym zostaÅ‚a sprzedana za bezcen szwajcarskiemu koncernowi prasowemu, który zaprzestaÅ‚ jej wydawania bodajże w roku 1999.

  126. Hi Genny,I loved this story…and very much needed to read it tonight. We've been having a lot of these days lately and they make me so sad. Maybe I need to look at them in a different way:-) I love your blog and plan on stopping by often.

  127. Seamana tare mult bluza ta cu cea pe care ai luat-o de pe chictopia..din cate imi amintesc! Insa nu te-am vazut purtand-o pe aceea niciodata..Oricum, e foarte sic si fancy asa tinuta! :D

  128. Magnificent goods from you, man. I have understand your stuff previous to and you are just extremely great. I actually like what you have acquired here, really like what you are saying and the way in which you say it. You make it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it wise. I can’t wait to read much more from you. This is actually a wonderful website.

  129. Ich finde viele der Einsendungen sehr gelungen, gerade den Siegerbalken und das lederne Cover. Zur Diskussion: Ist natürlich etwas merkwürdig, wenn die Erstplazierten bekannte Namen tragen, aber da sie selbst alle bloß Fans sind, find ichs nicht tragisch. Im Gegenteil, als interessierter Laie fänd ich es toll, wenn der ein oder andere ein kurzes Tutorial zu seiner Technik machen würde Der Siegerbalken macht mir große Lust, sowas auch mal zu basteln!

  130. Anda a ser uma prova fantástica e tem tido um gosto especial vendo o Tiago correr!Assim até tem outra magia, outra emotividade.Parabéns para o ciclista que tem tido uma prestação brilhante. É preciso ver que estão lá a maior parte dos melhores do mundo e que todos eles estão a lutar para fazer o melhor possivel.

  131. La 2nde Guerre Mondiale… mais comme c'est violent, comme c'est drôle ! Tarantino flâte habilement le penchant de ses semblables pour la violence, spectateurs frustrés de ne pas avoir pas connu les atrocités délicieusement comiques de la guerre.Inglorious basterds n'est qu'une machinerie financée par l'industrie hollywoodienne qui ne cherche qu'à vendre et vous achetez !

  132. Ignorance is bliss for some. Jay z is not now nor will he ever be illuminati,he is not of the bloodline. Jay is a free-mason, a faction controlled by the illuminati. A very powerful member, but very insignificant in the grand scheme of things. He a piece to a puzzle, not to be trusted. As bright as the sun is so many still live in the dark.

  133. And finally, I plugged search terms into Ha’aretz’s archives search, again, nothing.Ugh, Haartez search makes me want to tear my hair out! When they had their makeover a few months ago they did something to their archives and a lot of links to old articles went kaput. I’ve found their search function to be almost totally useless..

  134. @YairI have another question reqgarding access to the toolbar. If I replace access to the standard figure toolbarhToolbar1 = findall(gcf,’tag’,’FigureToolBar’);with a new toolbar throughhToolbar2 = uitoolbar;then the java access to hToolbar2 does not work, i.e.jToolbar2 = get(get(hToolbar2,’JavaContainer’),’ComponentPeer’);returns empty and I can consequently not add ojects such as jButton to it. What is the reason for this?

  135. Bonjour vos recettes sont hyperbonnes et à la portée de tout le monde! pour le mhalbi la crème de riz n'est pas tellement fine es ce qu'il faut la moudre? Merci et bonne continuation

  136. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossips and net and this is really frustrating. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for keeping this site, I will be visiting it. Do you do newsletters? Can not find it.

  137. Hi Sven, das scheint plausibel. Vielen lieben Dank dafür, dass Du Dein Fachwissen bzgl. Druckausgleich hier mit teilst! Und auch das mit der Rechtschitzversicherung scheint leider plausibel.In der Bauordnung habe ich jetzt spontan leider keine konkrete Angabe gefunden. Es kann ja auch dennoch sein, dass es regional abweicht. Ich muss mal versuchen in Erfahrung zu bringen, wo ich das in Erfahrung bringen kann.

  138. I am commenting to let you understand what a great discovery our child gained using your blog. She came to find such a lot of issues, which included how it is like to have a great giving nature to get the mediocre ones just know various grueling things. You truly surpassed readers’ desires. Thanks for showing those warm and friendly, healthy, informative and even unique tips about that topic to Ethel.

  139. Por cierto, que cagada la campaña de IU Verdes en las Bizarricas… han hecho llegar un papel con una foto de la nueva parada de bus, al lado ponen “No queremos jugarnos la vida para coger el bus” refiriéndose a los vecinos de las Bizarricas que tendrían que cruzar la carretera para coger el bus… no se han preocupado de ver que la parada se realizó no para los vecinos de las bizarricas, que ya tienen una en la urbanización, sino para los de la urbanización de enfrente!!!!han quedado como unos idiotas, jajaja.

  140. Nie będą. To tak nie działa. Fantastyka jest jedynie miejscem schronienia dla frystratów z pryszczami co nadmiernie sie pocą. System o tym wie, dlatego faktastyka jest promowana. Dlatego ma tę pozorną wolność, żeby każdy platfus mógł poczuć się bohaterem. To jest zła droga. Przepraszam za brutalność, ale tak po prostu jest.

  141. So Israel commits 40% of the human rights abuses on the planet, year after year? And yes, when two sides of a country fight each other with a majority of the populace supporting the insurgents, it’s generally called a civil war. If one of the sides is not armed, it is called a massacre. Whether the arms come from Russia, NATO or Aliens isn’t material to this semantic argument.

  142. GIORGIA RN 30 novembre 2009 Anch’io sono un pò di ignoranza importata e dico che uno dei problemi dell’Italia è che non si è abituati a chiamare le cose col proprio nome: mafiosi, puttanelle, ipocriti, imbroglioni, disonesti, razzisti, omofobi, raccomandati, corrotti…Non si tratta di offendere l’Italia, ma di non offendere se stessi piegandosi di fronte ad un andazzo del genere e stare zitti.Per l’Italia è più offensivo che i suoi giovani se ne debbano andare, piuttosto che qualcuno abbia il coraggio di dire come stanno realmente le cose.

  143. As one who has had the good fortune to taste Faye’s incredible edible works of art, I can only add my thanks and appreciation for the numerous cakes,cookies and creative confections over the years eaten in Michele’s kitchen.Faye’s creations added a special touch to every occasion and it is evident that puts a great deal of thought and love into what she creates. Here’s to the Van Gogh of pastries and cakes!

  144. daang that makes a big difference. I’m using a liquid concealer right now that doesn’t settle, but fades in about 6 hours. I’m definitely going to go check this one out, thanks for the rec!

  145. Howdy! I understand this is somewhat off-topic however I needed to ask. Does building a well-established website like yours require a lot of work? I am completely new to writing a blog but I do write in my diary everyday. I’d like to start a blog so I will be able to share my experience and views online. Please let me know if you have any kind of ideas or tips for brand new aspiring blog owners. Appreciate it!

  146. Perhaps. I like the literary reference, but we don’t know the guy.Maybe the problem is Lacob’s ego, or maybe he just doesn’t get it. If what we saw last night was all they ever planned to do, Lacob needs some marketing and PR help.Nellie fans were promised a lifelong memory. They didn’t get one. The bottom line is that it would have cost Lacob nothing to put Nelson on center court for 5 minutes to accept his due. And fans wouldn’t have been left wondering why they felt cheated.

  147. De benyttet multi purpose ammunisjon pÃ¥stÃ¥es det i artikkelen, og stemmer det sÃ¥ bryter man Genèvekonvensjonens regel om bruk av ammunisjon som eksploderer i kroppen….men det er ogsÃ¥ mulig at forsinkelsen som ligger i Multi Purpose ammunisjonen (fra treff til eksplosjon) er godt nok til Ã¥ ikke bli omhandlet av denne regelen?

  148. Lehmistä kun on ollut puhe, niin selvittäisitkö, pitääkö luomu-lehmien olla vasikasta asti luomuruualla, vai mitenkä pitkä siirtymäaika on ennen kuin lehmästä ulostullutta maitoa voi luomuksi kutsua? Savon Sanomista kun luin että yleensä luomu-sopimus solmitaan viideksi vuodeksi kerrallaan, joka taitaa suunnilleen lehmän ikä ollakin. Eli pistetäänkö navetan asukaskunta vaihtoon kun nimi laitetaan paperiin?

  149. First of all I want to say great blog! I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you don’t mind. I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear your mind prior to writing. I’ve had a difficult time clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out there. I do take pleasure in writing however it just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually lost simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or tips? Kudos!

  150. As I explained to you, the John Birch society is a wacky/evil org (and it’s whom Alex Jones stole his “theories” from). Do I believe there are globalists? Of course. Do I believe the Fed is evil? Of course. Do I believe that the government is poisoning the water? Of course not. The problem with the water is the lack of government caused by deregulation which came about because of the “Reagan revolution.” Who do you think is going to clean up things? Private industry? No, you need government.

  151. NIAN02/11/2012La prise de conscience est déjà un remède en soi ! Je suis persuadé que confinogo ou sofinca vous aura réglé le soucis primordiale de télévision, et qu à l’heure actuelle vous êtes déjà à votre 2 eme saison d Hollywood girl, et que votre nom Anna c est transformé en surnom de type cocotte ou poulette. Allez courage cette maladie est un choc mais vive picon bière et TF1

  152. Sono allibita, indignata, disgustata! Adoro gli animali con tutta la forza di cui sono capace.. tutti a parte gli uomini. Siamo noi i veri “animali”. Assomigliamo a locuste, infestanti, devastanti. Annientiamo tutto quello che di bello la vita e questo meraviglioso pianeta aveva voluto offrirci. Mi vergogno di essere… un essere umano. FERMIAMO QUESTO SCEMPIO.

  153. Darbi, I too would like to welcome you. This world needs more people just like you with such a loving and giving heart. I think you will feel quite blessed to have found this blog. Cindy and her husband have opened their wonderful talents and hearts up to all of us. Enjoy and grow with the rest of us.I send you many Uuuuuuggggggs (the painless hug), Peggy

  154. nydeleg inspirasjon!Eg går faktisk og tenker på kva eg ønsker meg i det neste huset no om dagen :O)-tregulv-kvitt kjøkken med store skuffer og ikkje overskap-fin, gjerne open peis-bed med spa-stilEg veit at ønska ikkje blir oppfylt,ihvertfall ikkje på maaange år.Men det er lov å drømme! :O)Ønsker deg ein god dag!-klem

  155. PINKA1977cześć dziewczyny, mam pewien problem i potrzebuje rady,otóż w zeszły poniedziałek tj.19 listopada musiałam zażyć postinor,ponieważ w niedziele zdażył się nam mały wypadek a mam już dziecko (10miesięcy)i nie wyobrażam sobie teraz następnej ciąży,nie miałam żadnych działa ubocznych dobrze się czułam, ale w niedziele wieczorem dostałam jakiegoś krwawienia,wygląda to na okres ale to 2 tygodnie za wczesnie!!!czy to normalne ?? do tego jeszcze dzis od rana boli mnie brzuch,jesli ktoś wie cos na ten temat bardzo prosze o odpowiedz

  156. Just to be a little clearer, the 'weight' in my analogy was a metaphor for differentiation, and is thus only relative to other populations. The weight would be set to zero each time two populations split from a common ancestor. The heavier the weight two populations are in relation to each other (differentiated from a common ancestor), the harder it is for the characteristics of the one to disappear into those of the other upon a second contact. North and West Eurasians were lighter in relation to each other then than now.

  157. I was driving to my full-time position in Riverhead while listening to the radio. The program guest was looking out of his apartment window while talking to the host. Suddenly he mentioned that he saw the first plane hit the north tower. A while later, still on the air, he saw the second strike. After reaching my office, my brother called and reminded me that our cousin had taken a new position in a firm in the south tower. Like so many others, he died that morning. I can always feel the sense of time standing still.

  158. Via reason I came across some on cartoonist Al Capp, who was if not a communist at least a fellow-traveler in the 30s. He apparently shifted rightward as he got older. Ctrl+F to "Capp reprimands Harvard", which is fairly entertaining.

  159. Hands down, one of the best wine bars in the New York. The crowd is good looking, the portions are fantastic for sharing and the noise level is just loud enough where you can’t help but here the group next to you. Small plates like meatballs, truffle mac and cheese and prosicutto salad are a must. And be sure to check out the cocktail specials scribbled on the chalkboard against the wall.

  160. What Thom Rainer research are you referring to? Just curious.Yeah, I’m not that into cell groups either. Though it’s quite interesting: in south florida, a lot of the hispanic churches are using them and they are going like wild-fire. There’s a lot of youth cells and they’re multiplying, reaching people, and baptizing people from them. So, from what I’ve been able to see, it really depends on the culture if these groups will work or not.

  161. How about repeating the “Israel is a rogue nation in habitual violation of international law”.“What is international law?”“….general assembly resolution”“But a general assembly resolution is not yet international law. It takes passing the security council to become international law.”

  162. Tapez votre commentaire Vous pouvez utiliser ces mots-clés HTML : <a> <abbr> <acronym> <b> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <del> <em> <i> <q> <strike> <strong> Ce Blog est DofollowNe pas s’abonnerS’abonnerSeulement les réponses à mes commentaires Notifiez-moi des commentaires à venir via émail. Vous pouvez aussi sans commenter.

  163. pisze:Mimo wszystko pamiÄ™tajmy, że to co telewizja pokazuje musi siÄ™ sprzedawać.Niektórych odcinków rewolucji nie daÅ‚o siÄ™ oglÄ…dać, dlaczego? PamiÄ™tajcie, że ekipa nie wchodzi od razu z wÅ‚Ä…czonÄ… kamerÄ… i ona nie jest wÅ‚Ä…czona non-stop.Pewnie jak w każdym show jest zarzÄ…dzenie od dyrekcji co siÄ™ lepiej sprzedaje…. i nieraz nawet nie spojrzy siÄ™ pod szafkÄ™ czy brudno…OceÅ„ komentarz 0  0

  164. Yeah, they should have more respect…lets see the senate is made up of liars, tax cheats, funneling of money to their own coffers, and ex KKK member, one that died was a drunk ,womanizer, responsible for a womans death., onehad a *** thing going in his basement…HEY SHOW SOME RESPECT!! IMAGINE calling a politician a LIAR!!! Most of these people should be in jailr…who has any respect for any of them…..the cost of the Botox alone for the 2 behind Obama..could feed the poor! Give me a break!

  165. Wow! What a fantastic idea. I loved watching the same thing happen on the golf channel with Haney! Now we get to see it happen to someone we care about!This journey sounds like it could be your vision quest!Cue the survivor music video “eye of the tiger!”I’m very curious to hear abt the kinds of things u learn as this quest progresses!Good luck! God speed!

  166. Habits are what known as the mirror of a human.These are the ones through which one can even attract a few individuals or can make the whole crowd go away!for example,,If a person is a negative thinker he just cant imagine himself reaching up to the glories he dream every now and then!Thus our habits are what can bring us the prestige or can even take away even what we have at that time!

  167. Pues nada Diego el placer ha sido mio. Pero aún a riesgo de que pienses que quiero tener la última palabra, solo diré, que por mucho que diga el cheff sobre su plato bien adornado pero francamente escaso en sustancia, yo me quedaré cien veces de cien, con el bocadillo de jamón.Saludos para tí y como no para Rudy! :)

  168. Hola me ha encantado toda la información que aqui he encontrado, felicito a todos y a todas las maestras que día a día ponen un poco de si misma en cada una de esas personitas que recibimosen el aula, ahora bien si alguien conoce de un sitio parecido a este pero de educación secundaria les agradezco me lo recomienden pues soy docente de liceo y esa es una de las areas más olvidadas, siempre que busco información la consigo para primaria y la debo extrapolar y acomodar para bachillerato……… Sigue así Mabel que Dios te bendiga pues tu labor es maravillosa


  170. Thanks for this wonderful article. One other thing is that many digital cameras arrive equipped with some sort of zoom lens so that more or less of your scene to generally be included by ‘zooming’ in and out. These changes in target length are generally reflected from the viewfinder and on big display screen on the back of the camera.

  171. Hey there! It looks as though we both have a passion forthe same thing. Your blog, “Review: Skinwalkers by Tony Hillerman ? StephenLegault.com” and mine are very similar.Have you ever thought of writing a guest write-up for a similar website?It will surely help gain publicity to yourblog (my website recieves a lot of targeted traffic).If you might be interested, email me at: .Thanks

  172. c’est bien vrai que l’on peut s’en donner à coeur joie avec les dérivés de ce nouveau motpeople: les dés sont pipéspeople: on nous pipotepeople: et on ne pipe mot, on ergote justepeople: Pis, Paul!people: 3.1415etc, au nord ou au sudpeople: j’te l’ai dit 100fois, lâche pas le pis Paul! quand tu trais la vache à lait de l’information…

  173. Great post! I love your new attitude. You’re absolutely right to drop the negativity. You’ll be back to your running in no time, and meanwhile there are things to learn and discover from this. It’s helpful to me, too, since I’m trying to resume running after taking a bit of time off after my Warrior Dash (I shouldn’t have done that!) and my knees have decided to be cranky. Good reminder to ease back in and listen to the bod. Thanks!

  174. It’s so true that sometimes it’s amazing to read about these other things that people do in their lives, but there’s no guarantee that put in their shoes and given the same opportunities you’d be doing the same thing. It’s great that you can be thankful for the things you have in your life.

  175. Effectivement, les documents rassemblés par Mr Velter sont exceptionnels. Pour tous ceux que ce pays continue à fasciner les ouvrages des écrivains voyageurs qui y l’ont traversé et décrit restent incontournales: L’Usage Du Monde de N. Bouvier, La Route d’Oxiane de R. Byron, A Short Walk In The Hindu Kush d’E. Newby, La Voie Cruelle d’Ella Maillart ou les livres de Kessel ou Peter Levi qui, à ma connaissance, n’ont toujours pas été traduits en français.

  176. Let me know how the stimulator implant works out for you, may have to look into that myself since I cannot tolerate much medication. Love the humorous spin you put on everything, it’s a refreshing change to the drudgery that is CES. The electric shocks and me go round and round nearly every night, and it is so difficult to explain to others who haven’t a clue what it’s like.

  177. ahhhhh andrez vos decis que estas pagando un auto caro, cuando tiene un 60% de inpuestos en realidad estas pagando 18 o 20 lucas que es lo que vale el auto que esperabas que te venga con gps tambien, ojo y yo no lo desmerezco porque lo tengo y me costo un huevo pagarlo, pero para los otros paises lo venden como un 47……..

  178. todo bien pero es obvio que fontana no asciende, a lo mejor hacen buena campaña pero de ahi no pasa seamos realistas. for ever se canso de jugar varios años con jugadores locales y cuando se llena el gigante se cagan y van para atras. primero eran los jugadores, se trajo de afuera, despues el Dt, se trajo uno con experiencia y asi y todo seguimos sin jugar a algo, y yo en las buenas y en las malas alentandote como siempre.AGUANTE EL NEGRO!

  179. What i don’t realize is actually how you’re not actually much more well-liked than you may be right now. You’re so intelligent. You realize thus considerably relating to this subject, produced me personally consider it from numerous varied angles. Its like men and women aren’t fascinated unless it is one thing to accomplish with Lady gaga! Your own stuffs excellent. Always maintain it up!

  180. Brad, those are the RSS subscribers.76 categories – I know. What was I thinking of?! I don’t really notice just now because I’ve got them hiding in a drop down list, but I’m going to whittle it down to about a dozen before the move. In fact that’s what I’m doing – laboriously – just now.So many blogging things you wish you’d known at the outset…Joanna

  181. When I look at your creativity – I see it in everything you do. Thanks for sharing your cerebal palsy condition it makes me feel so unalone in the randomness of life. I just updated my “About Jane” page and shared my challenges and how it helps me live a more purposeful life. Brava Sista!

  182. I was curious if you ever considered changing the page layout of your blog? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. But maybe you could a little more in the way of content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful lot of text for only having 1 or two images. Maybe you could space it out better?

  183. drawing…. went to the current David Hockney exhibition at the Royal Academy in London…the man is the reason I went to art college about a hundred years ago but my creativity is channeled mainly in writing now….went out and bought a pen immiediately so am trying to get back in the habit of drawing!!

  184. nici nu ma asteptam ca ministerul sa fi cumparat spatiu de reclama la acest post tv.cu atat mai interesanta e treaba.inseamna ca,in sfarsit,lumea incepe sa ne descopere.probabil vreo firma de turism a vazut adevaratele frumuseti ale Romaniei si a descoperit oportunitati.ceea ce e de aplaudat.jenant pentru noi e ca,odata ajunsi aici,turistii vor gasi multe “anomalii”,cum zice si Acul.nu vreau sa revin iar la a discuta despre cine e vinovat de starea asta a lucrurilor.problema e ca nici acum,in 2010,nu se strang randurile pentru a incepe odata reconstructia tarii.p.s.sunt total de acord cu Criss )

  185. Yo, a veces, estoy por “emprender(la)” a palos con estos frikis que nos ¿gobiernan?Por suerte, luego se me pasa.. y pienso, creo, confío en ese conocido slogan “nostros podemos arreglarlo sin ellos”…. A pesar de éllos…Vota el comentario: 0  0

  186. Wow, Im from KL, thanks for your recipe, been had too much of grill stuff, and burgers I was thinking to have my fav asam laksa, but I don’t know where can I find this in Dubai or Malaysian restaurant in this sandy city. While im google it and accidentally found your website. How Awesome ) thanks.

  187. Auf der einen Seite sind Maßnahmen schäbig, die Kranke und Gesunde gegeneinander ausspielen. Auf der anderen Seite gab und gibt es auch Leute, die das relativ großzügige System der Lohnfortzahlung ausnutzen. Was den Urlaub betrifft, haben es die Tarifpartner ja in der Hand, bestimmte Dinge flexibler zu gestalten. Wir konkurrieren nun mal mit Ländern, in denen die Arbeitnehmer deutlich weniger freie Tage haben und teilweise auch weniger verdienen.

  188. What kind of effect does temperature have on people? I hate the cold!! Once winter comes and it's cold and dark out, I don't go out unless I have to. Once I'm in, I'm in for the night. I think if I was in a warmer climate though, I would be okay with going out after dark. I know that's not SAD, but something to think about. I tell everyone that I hibernate in the winter.

  189. This has been the best season of American Idol in a while. The most talented, charismatic, sincere and entertaining artists ever. However, Adam was the one that stood out from the crowd from the beginning.Kris on the other hand, was kinda invisible until top 5. I honestly didn’t know he was in the show. LOL Don’t get me wrong I liked Kris too, but the final two should have been Danny and Adam.. I love Adam, he reaches notes like no other ….. can’t deny that! Waiting impatiently for his ..

  190. She is a lovely women all right. I suppose she would need to decide to carry a different weight and would need help with her hair to get more broad based support if she were running in, say, a beauty paegant, but then that may not be enough if she were in Saudi Arabia, Miss California or Hampton University for pete’s sake. But she is cute, and I like what she has to say.

  191. Merci pour ton avis. C’est vrai que sur la tête cela donne un côté monstre métallique ou je ne sais quoi bizarre.Le côté un peu graphique de ce genre de dessin plait, j’ai de bons retours. J’aimerais améliorer l’idée, pour que cela fasse moins remplissage facile, quelque chose de plus aboutit, plus réfléchis. L’atelier gravure se termine pour cette année, je pense beaucoup plus exploiter ses possibilités l’année prochaine, cette année aura été comme une initiation.

  192. Let them continue to destroy “christianity”, while blaming it all on gay people. All they’re doing is chasing decent and reasonable people away, and creating Atheists and anti-christians. Give it a few years, and their homo-obsessed business will take a back seat for their new target: Atheists and anti-christians. This is where they’ll f**k up big time, because most of those people are former “christians”.

  193. Field,WHat always gets me is that they sellout for PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR. Duke Cunningham? Millions.Jack Abramoff? Millions probably squirrled away in offshore accounts.Scooter Libby? Paid his fine with petty cash. From my neck of the woods, a guy named Tony Rezko – going down after 100 million. Jerry Weller – Congressman, R-IL – millions he’s been hustling in Central AmericaLook at the numbers you named – 1,700 to 17,500.LOSING THEIR FREEDOM, REPUTATIONS, LIVELIHOODS FOR PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR. IT’S JUST DISGUSTING FOR THEM TO BE THAT DAMN STOO-PID.

  194. Babo , ja bym nie sprowadzaÅ‚ wszystkiego do seksualnosci. NaprawdÄ™ w czasie swej życiowej włóczÄ™gi spotykaÅ‚em ludzi których kolejne kryzysy i zawirowania życiowe wywalaÅ‚y ze swych rol spoÅ‚ecznych i zmuszaÅ‚y do obcowania z darwinizmem codziennoÅ›ci. Byli to zarówno pracownicy administracji paÅ„stwa, korporacji czy systemu bankowego. ChciaÅ‚em pokrzepić GraszkÄ™ tylko swymi doÅ›wiadczeniami. Bo tak jest, że ludzi, którzy dziÅ› rzucajÄ… nam marny grosz za umycie swego kubka po kawie jutro możemy uczyć jak wysuszyć buty zmietymi gazetami. I w tym przypadku, Graszka i ja, jesteÅ›my „górkÄ…”.

  195. ola toninho essa radio não é atoa que ela é a numero 1 em audiência toda progamaçao pra min é ótima mas o seu programa é muito bom relaxa a gente as mensagens são marcantes ouço sempre coloque meu nome na oração mande abraço forte pra geise do bairro tupi e fala que eu gosto mt dela .fica com deus amigao

  196. Andy I do not know how to thank you enough about keeping cash on the side. Wonderful buy in on Jan13 450-550 and Oct11 365-375 and Jan 12 400-420. Wow, I actually pulled the trigger at the right times because you correctly called it. I have finally learned to listen 100% to the master.

  197. Hmmm. I do not know the recommended way to do it but the way would be something like this (the dirty way):$sql = "SELECT a.*, b.* FROM database1.table1 a LEFT JOIN database2.table2 b ON b.id=a.ass_idWHERE a.status=".$this->_db->quote(’A’); return $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);It is basically just a table join between two tables. The SQL output would be something like:SELECT a.*, b.* FROM database1.table1 a LEFT JOIN database2.table2 b ON b.id=a.ass_id WHERE a.STATUS = "A"

  198. dit :Ah bah tient, jarrive pile poil avant que ce joli concours se termine dit donc. On verra bien si la chance me sourit, mais sinon si j’ai la chance d’avoir cette petite merveille, je installerais dans mon salon/salle a manger pour égayer un peu et pour que l’ambiance soit un peu plus cosy, car nos murs sont blancs, canape gris bref rien de transcendant! Merci.

  199. Heya terrific website! Does running a blog like this take a great deal of work? I have very little understanding of coding but I had been hoping to start my own blog in the near future. Anyways, should you have any recommendations or tips for new blog owners please share. I know this is off topic but I just needed to ask. Appreciate it!

  200. Naakku, toivottavasti saat Gallayn uusimman pian! Se kuulostaa yhtä kiinnostavalta kuin Tyrskytkin. Valitsimme sen eilen live-lukupiirimme huhtikuun kirjaksi, joten luen sen lähiaikoina ja kuulen pian muidenkin mielipiteitä. :)Ina, kauhea pikasairastuminen tosiaan! Toivottavasti voit jo paremmin!Ja Booksy, kiitos. Kiva, että raportit kiinnostavat. Luulen, että menen Villa Kiven kirjallisuusiltaan ensi viikollakin, kun olen nyt innostunut kirjallisuustapahtumista.

  201. Lorand arrives-tu a ouvrir un lien hypertexte directement soit dans un nouvel onglet soit dans une nouvelle fenêtre ?Pour ma part je n’y arrive pas. J’utilise bcp cette option avec Chrome, mais là…Par contre, excepté ce détail (qui a de l’importance pour moi), je trouve ce navigateur très bien et prometteur. En outre, depuis chez moi où la 3G n’est pas à son optimum, j’ai l’impression que les pages s’affichent réellement plus rapidement qu’avec Chrome.Impression ou réalité ?

  202. It can be difficult to make art work webpage in which begin to transfer low-quality content articles. Art would be to generate the particular webpage which men and women is going to be looking at back frequently , so that you can learn your own personal viewpoint, that. Anyone got artwork! I am satisfied i always can be a portion of they.

  203. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with sparse writing! I think you can get a lot done without adding every detail, and that lets the reader fill a little of it in themselves. Sometimes it helps to focus on one or two senses (say smell and hearing) and not try to get everything in.

  204. Bonjour,Lorsque nous nous trouvons en agglomération, et qu’aucune signalisation ni marquage au sol concernant le stationnement n’est présent…peut-on considérer que le stationnement le long du trottoir est autorisé (dans la mesure ou cela ne gêne pas les autres conducteurs bien entendu)?Je me pose cette question car je n’ai encore jamais eu de questions concernant le stationnement le long du trottoir.Vous remerciant pour votre aieCordialement

  205. Hi guys,I need some advice. I currently have an iphone and a laptop but was thinking of getting an ipad for Christmas. The only thing is im finding it hard to justify buying one as surely they are just a larger iphone? Seeing as i already have an iphone and a laptop, can you shed any light on why it would benefit me to buy an ipad? which one would you suggest for a first time buyer if you think i should get one?Your help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.Thanks

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  207. Suzi, I love seeing where other people go walking. I was posting pics of my walks in the winter but then I got sick & stopped.I posted a pic today of a park I like to go to. I didn't walk though (my foot is still mending)I REALLY miss walking. I try to walk in the nicest places possible.I think that's a mourning cloak butterfly, yes?

  208. Alright the ewtra weight was not just in my colon. It was on my hips that I saw it disapearing. I threw away the package of the “hard” one but I still have the “light” one and here is the content (in french so if you want to know what it is just get a dictionnary and have fun) :15% frêne15% orthosiphon15% cassis15% fucus15% pariétaire15% lierre terrestre10% prêleSo these are all western kind of plant. Get a dictionnary and go harvest your own (now this is not the one that made me run to the bathroom for 3 weeks)

  209. Delighted that my researches on Carl Carmer and the Prendergasts was useful, and that you are celebrating the fascinating history of Western New York. I hope to visit again next summer, as Carmer describes the Prendergast homestead and grave site.Regards,Lucey Bowen

  210. Search Engine optimization is the most important part of website to prosper in online business. SEO is simply the use of search engines to generate traffic to a web site. It is the process one adopts for a web page to be indexed by search engines. Our real purpose is to rank your site high in search engines.Follow the Below Steps:* Onpage optimization* Update Title, Description and Keywords should be different for each page.* Directory Submissions* Link Exchange* Article Submissions* Social bookmarking submissions* Press release submissionsThese are all the ways to get good position in search engines

  211. hehee a hippy's wedding dress, so romantic!December has turquoise as well, a nice excuse for it's lovelyness! I think this is so lovely, you have so many wonderful dresses, the sleeves are the best part.Loving the brown toned rings as well =) I wonder if you obliged the sprightly pensioner!

  212. Ouias.. tu as pris une décision après évaluation de ce qu’elle pouvait t’offrir, et non PAS à cause d’un «déclic».Un déclic, c’est quand on cherche étincelle, le coup de foudre. Les gens croient que ça parais mieux dire ça mais personne n’est dupe Content que tu ais évité le piège de ce qu’elle t’offrait grâce à ta rationalité, faut qu’on garde ça nous les gars lol

  213. Anonymous–I agree 100-percent with what you wrote about the Republican party, Tea Party and birthers. I'm not at all crazy about the Tea Party for all of the reasons you stated.

  214. You brought up some valid points about some of the unexplained (like the men in hats). But I thought it was above average. While it asked us to buy the more fantastic elements, I thought the relationship between Damon and Blunt was real enough to hold the movie back to reality. For me, it was more about the romance first and the strange circumstances that surrounded them second.

  215. Wow, that’s amazing, we’ve tried to do that for a member in our cardgroups dad, but I think he’s still a few short from being that same amount as his age!Hugs, ElenorCongrats from Sweden! =)

  216. As Leftover will attest, when I saw his post about this I thought “oh some young designer saw the phrase and not having been taught about its original context just thought it sounded cool and threw it on a shirt.” Y’know, it has a nice rhythm ‘n’ all, the 3rd & 4th syllables rhyme, the 2nd & 5th as well. But no. Cynical as I am, I do occasionally hope we’re not as bad as we appear in the mirror. But my hope is in vain, I guess.

  217. Yeah, I agree with Kathy on this. I don’t think this is over-reaction.The whole ad’s premise states (doesn’t even imply) that carrying your baby in a backpack or sling is some a sort of status symbol to look cool and “because it makes me look like an official mom.”So, this ad is actually quite snarky and that’s why it (rightly) got the response that it did from their target audience.

  218. Since researching for a short time to get a great ecntont articles pertaining to this point . Checking out in Google I finally picked up this blog. After reading these details I’m just glad to enunciate that I’ve got a really good impression I discovered whatever I wanted. I most certainly will ensure to don’t forget this web site and take a visit consistently.

  219. Kauniisti kirjoitettu. Kyyneleet tuli minullakin silmiin lukiessa tekstiäsi.Erityisesti tuo surun mittasuhteiden henkilökohtaisuus on asia joka mietityttää usein ja pätee niin moneen. Asioita kun ei aina voi mihinkään "suhteuttaa" jokainen asia ja kokemus on niin yksilöllinen. Siinä missä vahva ja rohkea kaatuu voi arka ja varovainen voimaantua. Koskaan ei tiedä ennen kuin se jokin sattuu omalle kohdalle.Tämä aihe on vaikea. Mahtavaa, että jaksat puhua. Parasta jos se tuo lohtua tai keventää.

  220. Hi Raj. One of the frustrations of blogging and a key reason Seth Godin switched comments off, is that it’s just about impossible to write a post and have everyone understand your point.I’m happy for people to disagree with me, it often makes for a hugely valuable exchange. I also learn a great deal from people who comment here.The challenge is when you are both in agreement, but a misunderstanding of the message is stopping both people seeing it.Thanks for the feedback, sir.

  221. Superb website you have here but I was curious about if you knew of any discussion boards that cover the same topics discussed here? I’d really love to be a part of group where I can get advice from other knowledgeable people that share the same interest. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Cheers!

  222. And this is why I get the call at the 11th hour. “Having good copy is as important as having good design. It’s something that we as designers should bring to the table when we can because it shows we are more than just pixel pushers. We are helping the client grow their business and that makes us harder to replace than some online service.”Bravo.

  223. HI Marit, I came visiting and you have been busy of course! How many slippers did you make? I know that you made a pair before, these look similar…I hope that you sell them. If I were there I would buy them :). I just made a pumpkin pie too and from a can, not Libby's but Vachon (Quebec). It was so good! I love the earlier pictures of your walk in the mountains! Beautiful country!Take care!

  224. ‘m from costa rica, we are the only country in latin and central america that don’t have any army, isn’t amazing!!!!! we are free, my dad lives between the border costa rica and panama, my sister used to go every week to panama, she used to take the bus, she can tell you how to do it, her name is silvia this is her phone number 234-2389 she can help you.she speaks english. bye