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Comments (5,218)

  1. No need to shut off water to house, (to shower valve) because the head only gets water when the shower valve is opened up/turned on. So, no I did not turn off house water before changing a shower head. Same as no need to shut off water to house when removing a garden hose.

  2. Its far from the greatest show out there, but JVDB is amusing, Dreama Walker’s a wide-eyed cutie, and Kristen Ritter portrays “the B” with barely disguised glee and shows a lot of leg. Its a fun half hour.

  3. Dear Mr. Wright: True, Unseen Watcher asked about SF which inspires wonder. I missed that! I was focusing on this sentence of his, “I thirst for both the mystical light of elfland, and tbe thunder of an assault rifle.” With too much sress on the second part of that sentence. Hmmm, that makes it harder to think of recommendations–works combining both elements. Offhand, I can only think of Poul Anderson’s THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS, and OPERATION CHAOS and OPERATION LUNA. Sincerely, Sean M. Brooks

  4. My,a na pewno ja,życzymy Tobie,żeby w mediach nareszcie pojawił się Twój żagiel,jako najlepszy w 2012 .Bogatego sponsora w Nowym Roku.Relacja w tym dzisiejszym filmie dużo lepsza,ale jeszcze się lektor po prostu za bardzo nie przygotował.Wesołych Świąt.

  5. Dear Mr. Swain,The gleaners we are examining are mostly poor people who will enter fields and collect any crops left behind, or in some cases, will collect crops that are still growing. The scientists in your novel are being very thorough in destroying the test crops, though I was wondering if you had considered a story in which one of these gleaners consumed a test crop and experienced similar side-effects as the insects.

  6. a pornografia.Sabemos quando a vemosNão me parece evidente que assim seja.Há um célebre quadro de Gustave Courbet (salvo erro) que mostra, com muito detalhe e muito bem pintada, uma vulva. É pornografia? Talvez. Mas também é arte.Na wikipedia há um vídeo que mostra uma ejaculação. É pornografia? Talvez. Mas tem objetivos educativos/ilustrativos.

  7. anneso dit :J’adore leurs combilong, notamment le Combilong bébé en jersey double face réversible blanc Lait / rose Lady dans laquelle je verrai bien ma puce qui devrait naître au plus tard le 3 octobre avec 4 semaines d’avance. Tout ce moelleux et cette douceur pour elle ! Et la tenue de Miniloup irait à ravir à mon aîné !

  8. Having read this I believed it was extremely enlightening. I appreciate you spending some time and effort to put this article together. I once again find myself personally spending a significant amount of time both reading and commenting. But so what, it was still worthwhile!

  9. ¡Qué grandísima alegría, paco!¡Viva Silvio José!Va poema festivo:SILVIO LLEGÓ A LA LUNAunpequeñopasopara la silla:ungran pasoparaSilvio Joséelordenador delasuerte lesonríeniños y gatosvitoreansuNombrealtísimovagabundodelavida cotidianafacilismoyescasezdepensamientoessu DogmaSilvio Joséesuna pilaqueno tiene fechadecaducidad

  10. Erin – Thanks for your comment, Bill. I’ve been tempted to try this continuous brewing method for a while. My only concern is the rate at which the newly added sugar ferments, but you’re suggesting that fermentation happens in a matter of days since at least half of the solution is always fully fermented. I’m going to try this soon!November 10, 2010 – 9:47 am

  11. dis donc avec du saindoux c’est original! et cette australienne m’a fait sourire, je tiens pour la meilleure tarte au citron du monde, la tarte au citron meringuée de la mére d’une de mes amies d’enfance qui est justement d’origine…. australienne! bon elle n’utise pas de saindoux par contre enfin je suis pratiquement sure

  12. Mi comentario es para otro articulo, lo escribo en este porque el otro está deshabilitado.En mis visitas a Roma, he podido comer y beber en cualquier lugar, cerca o lejos de monumentos, dentro o en la puerta. Eso de esas fechas concretas para su prohibición…en referencia a qué o a quién? Me resulta de lo más extraño.Manipulador de Alimentos

  13.   KorakKJENDISEN! Artikkelen stÃ¥r ogsÃ¥ i Bergens Tidende..Lykke til, alle som skal løpe konk i morgen!Jeg skal løpe et eksotisk lite 5k-løp pÃ¥ Osterøy som heter “Bjarte Viks Eliteløp”. Føler meg litt elitete av Ã¥ være med der. Løypen er rask, og gamle gubber jakter pers..

  14. Have you ever think about selling ad space on your site? I believe you most likely get a lot of traffic to your site and you could make some money for it.

  15. It's not clear from the UN link provided what crops are being plotted. Grain? Annuals only?One anomaly of much of the world — including the Med — is the conversion of forest to annual crops. This can produce an increasing trend line that is, in fact, an overshoot of capacity, since annual crops generally deplete the soil, and highly-mechanized annual crops are more CO2 intensive than the forest and perennial plants they replace.In the Med, 200-year-old olive and cork trees are being pulled up to plant dryland wheat. Not good.

  16. olá daniel, tudo bem!tudo muito perfeito, uma captura de luz ambiente muito lindo.a cada evento você nos supreende, seu trabalho realmente é feito com muito carinho e dedicação.achei um casamento perfeito “Daniel Gomes + D700″parabéns!!!um grande abraço e esperamos mais post

  17. Really trustworthy blog. Please keep updating with great posts like this one. I have booked marked your site and am about to email it to a few friends of mine that I know would enjoy reading..

  18. life is rough, a tanktop tan in march! i am finding it a little hard to feel sorry for you. ;-)i can’t believe you are still going to shop at target! i would probably have written them off by now, but i know they do have good deals and actually cute (and cheap) clothes. i’m also not shy about cutting people or things out of my life, and you might have a bigger heart than me :)

  19. I don’t think jdragonfly24 was attacking a religion. They were simply telling the Truth and that is the Truth as they see it. I love islamic people more than any other religion (except my own) and I have studied both and I am Christian because I CHOOSE to be. Let your heart decide but have respect for every one who is a good person.

  20. You should be proud of it!My mum is currently battling the NHS for knuckle replacements – she's in constant pain and her hands are in a right state, not ideal for someone who loves sewing! On the positive side, she's been told that she's extremely unlikely to develop it in her knees or hips. Can't imagine the amount of pain you must have been in, especially working in hospitality when you're on your feet all day!

  21. Koselige bilder av de to sjønningene dine ;) Boken med bjørneungene har vi og, liker så godt illustrasjonene, akkurat passelig i min gate de der ;)Her skinner solen og eg har kastet meg på sofaen, burde vel vært ute og gått tur eller noe, men med litt lite søvn i natt er sofaen bedre ;) Ha en flott dag med masse kjekk jobbing!

  22. being born at the slopes of mau forest,i have seen its slow death as careless people cut down trees and burn the remainder, as the government watch.i have also experienced the outcome of the above through changes in climate,the drying up and death of the ecosystem of lake nakuru and lake elementaita respectively.the only solution is to reclaim the forest back ,fence it and deploy serious forest management.

  23. Så skjønn hun er!..gleder meg og veldig til å se bilderfra stuen din, det har sikkert blitt utrolig fintmed den sorte veggen : )Ha en fiin mandagskveld, klem Elisabeth

  24. Ja rosa er en fin farge, er egentlig ikke en rosa person, men liker den godt i kombinasjon av andre farger som røffer det opp litt….Ha en fin lørdagklem victoria

  25. Great, now Indian kids will be able to distract themselves more easily in class by surfing the web. . "The solution? An $800 million, 10-year contract to maintain it, given to a private-U.S. contractor."Feature, not a bug. The Afghanistan war is a cash cow that contractors, NGOs, think tankers, diplomats, and enterprising businesses set up to serve them, can milk for as long as the U.S. and NATO are enmeshed there.

  26. I found it adorable that Lyra was scared Ma Costa would remmeber she tried to pull the plug out of the boat. THERE'S MORE IMPORTANT STUFF GOING ON RIGHT NOW DEAR, like the fact that you were almost kidnapped by evil men with nets. Did anyone else imagine a small boat with a giant throne making one end of it sink slightly when they read about the Gyptian King? Because I did. And that would be awesome.

  27. The new Zune browser is surprisingly good, but not as good as the iPod’s. It works well, but isn’t as fast as Safari, and has a clunkier interface. If you occasionally plan on using the web browser that’s not an issue, but if you’re planning to browse the web alot from your PMP then the iPod’s larger screen and better browser may be important.

  28. Everyone definitely doesn’t think she is sexy! This girl is full of herself, thanks to her lunatic fans. Way too much plastic surgery, including fake butt, boobs, liposuction, nose, lips and more, not to mention fake hair, fake eyelashes, the list goes on. Fake it until you make it? That’s definitely Kim! 100% fake. She just used Ray J to get famous.

  29. Lagos State is the pride of Ashiwaju Confused Nigeria Plc. Students of Lagos University, Ojo, who graduated since 2005 are unable to get Common Transcript in 2012 in spite of increase on tuition fees that the masses cannot afford. They ban/restrict okada operators while retaining Area Boys Reaking of Igbo, Ogogoro, heroin and other assorted narcotics extorting money from commercial drivers at Motor Parks in a Mega City. Capitalists in the garb of Welfarists

  30. Sehr schöne Sätze – vor allem die letzten finde ich klasse: “sei ehrlich….schreib nicht so zwischen den Zeilen,sondern sage das was du denkst,ohne zu verletzen,zu missbrauchen,andere zu zwingen,sie zu benutzen,du hast das Recht nicht!lass die Menschen frei,dann lass dich frei,wenn du es willst.”Liebe Grüße aus dem Allgäu

  31. محمد عويضة قال:Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/meflyn/public_html/wp-content/plugins/world-flags/includes/functions.php on line 53 and defined in /home/meflyn/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990 ما هى عروضكم في شهر يونيو 2011 من عمان-الأردن الى الكويت والعودة0 على طيران الجزيرة

  32. Johnny will win? the Oscar posthumous like the villain Heath Ledger in 2008, in a supporting role with Penelope. I´M GONNA CRY SO MUCH FOR THE STORY, FOR BOTH, STAY JOHNNY. FORGET THIS DARK SHADOWS!! (The scene of sex with Eva Green, seems him with Vanessa) You are in PEACE. Johnny will give a Palace in Venice to Penelope, because she is his princess and love HER for LIFE. PENELOPE&JOHNNY FOREVER. Even Johnny change his accent for Penelope´s accent. FOR THIS JOHNNY DON´T WATCH HIS FILMS.

  33. It’s true….wedding planner’s do have a glamorous job, like cleaning up spilled beer on the dance floor. You guys were great to work with and I loved your wedding! Thanks for the comment since you have been blog stalking me for months! FINALLY!

  34. my god you people are all so ridiculous to keep up with this shit. 4 months later i looked at this site to see if arthur had fallen into oblivion, and you losers keep his train moving along. get lives….the redundancy of your drivel, is just as irritating as his. he states the same lies daily and you pathetically obsessed individuals take his bait every time and hurl the same insults day after day.

  35. .I don't know what's more ridiculous. Obama/Bernanke whining about why banks aren't lending out all their reserves, or Austrians arguing that our current system is bad because it maturity mismatches by lending out short term deposits to fund long term loans.UR is about seeing things as they are. A pity that does not seem to include accounting.

  36. i just wouldnt want a game that close and of that intensity to be marked by what i would describe as a “nickel and dime” call. its also kinda funny there is no mention in the rule book (as of yet) about it. leaves it kinda open to interpretation and kinda closed to criticism (as of yet!) the new rule will put this burden to rest. yay rules!

  37. I have always loved your shows, even when I have found you a little annoying. However, I was really saddened to hear that the podcast may have been an issue in your dismissal. You do us all a service with this podcast, and it infuriates me that your congregation would imperil your ability to make a living because of it. People can be pretty mean to their pastors, and I am far more annoyed with them than I ever could be with you.

  38. Du tænker sikkert pÃ¥ muligheden for at bruge den samme mønt mere end en gang!Det er ikke muligt givet at man venter et øjeblik pÃ¥ verifikation – .Hver gang der er en negativ historie om bitcoins, sÃ¥ er det altid den enkelte børs der ikke har god sikkerhed eller at nogen bruger bitcoins til afpresning eller andet kriminelt..Der er næsten intet negativt at fortælle om protokollen.

  39. احتمال باز نبودن پرت ها هست دقت کنید کسی بتونه به شما وصل بشه در کو آپ یعنی پرتتون بازه اگه کسی نمیتونه مشکلا از پرت های شما یا فایر والی که ای اس پی داره هست.

  40. Thank you for making the trustworthy strive to explain this. I think very robust approximately it and would like to be informed more. If it’s OK, as you reach extra extensive wisdom, could you mind adding extra posts similar to this one with more information? It could be extremely helpful and useful for me and my colleagues.

  41. “but what he essentially does is argue that the uncertainties are too large so the hotspot may be hidden somewhere in “the noise” … in other words they *did not* find the predicted hotspot, they just say that we should discard millions of radiosonde data because it’s not accurate enough”Do you disagree with me? That’s what I have said and that exactly what they did as far as I can see, would you argue differently?

  42. That was a really interesting experience to read about, thanks for sharing. It resonated with me a lot because a lot of who I am today was deeply shaped by what I had the freedom to create as “myself” online and then remold my own in person self to reflect that. Very happy to hear games have had such a positive impact for you.

  43. is this, “If we all waited until we were ready, most of us would never start.” I love it that you still started photography even though you weren’t ready. The world is a better place because you did.

  44. « Il ne m’aura pas entendu » est un futur antérieur, Kasia. L’action censée se produire ultérieurement n’étant pas précisée dans ce cas. On peut imaginer par ex: « il ne m’aura pas entendu et fera la faute que je lui disais d’éviter ».(futur antérieur suivi du futur)…mais je n’ai pas de licence de Lettres Modernes de la Sorbonne!

  45. Makes sense. Thanks for the scoop Brian! I know you guys are vets and figured you had solved what I see is one of the flaws with joining these membership clubs. Going out to the open market is a great solution. You probably also have some internal metric like add x new members….must add y new property.Good luck and congrats on the funding!!Jazz

  46. uh oh, I had a feeling an “if you were wondering” post coming. We should get our little wild ones together, some place with padded walls, and let them go at it – cage match style. ha ha! They’d either knock each other out, or they’d fight till they pass out sleeping. (oh, and we’d have to bring L. into it to so someone could whoop up on Alex.)

  47. عبدالعزيز قال:أنا من اليمن واليوم وصل التحديث وحدث بس في مشكله في اللغه العربيه صارت الحروف مفكفكه لاتستطيع فهمها ارجو الي عنده حل للمشكله يرسل لي على الايميل التالي/* */ l 4014

  48. Hello, i think that i saw you visited my blog so i came to “return the favor”.I am trying to find things to improve my site!I suppose its ok to use some of your ideas!!

  49. நீங்கள் என்ன இந்த நாட்டில்தான் இருக்கிறீர்களா? ஏதெனும் சமூக நடப்பை பார்ப்பதுண்டா? அல்லது கேள்விப்படுவதுண்டா? அல்லது வினவு தளத்தையாவது படிப்பதுண்டா? எதையுமே அறà001000®¿à®¯à®¾à®®à®²à¯ பின்னூட்டம் போடுகிறீர்கள் என்றால் நீங்கள் உண்மையிலேயே கில்லாடிதான்.

  50. Bienvenida al debate, Carmen. No se me había ocurrido ese matiz pero tienes toda la razón: un mismo autor puede estar detrás de varios blogs, y en cada uno de ellos adoptar, por diversas razones y propósitos, aspectos y hasta identidades diferentes. El juego que pueden dar esos cambios e interferencias es, sin duda, un asunto apasionante.

  51. Challenge accepted, my friend. You, Molly and your kids, especially Jamie whom I know the best, have been a tremendous blessing to our family over the years that we have known you. You are all such an example of the amazing transforming grace that only comes as we committ our lives to Him. Thank you for being transparent. Thank you for being faithful. We rejoice with you in Molly’s complete healing and are praying for you all as you walk the road ahead. Love you.

  52. Who knew the pope’s private library was also a chapel where Camilla would be expected to wear a veil. WHY?snaps to her for not having a dress that dragged on the ground?[Why is it Vatican protocol for the women to look like H-E-double-hockey sticks?]

  53. Great site here. So many websites like yours cover subjects that can’t be found in magazines and newspapers. I don’t know how we got by 12 years ago with just magazines and newspapers.

  54. 1 juillet 2012Another thing I have really noticed is for many people, poor credit is the consequence of circumstances outside of their control. For example they may happen to be saddled with an illness so they have more bills for collections. It could be due to a job loss and the inability to work. Sometimes separation and divorce can send the financial circumstances in the undesired direction. Thank you for sharing your opinions on this blog site.  

  55. If we take from the power plant this “pond ash” before it is mixed with water, just as dry as fly ash, will it be good substitute for fly ash? If you want to use the bottom ash first you have to grind it with a ball mill.(bottom ash contais al lot of slags and contanimants)the quality of bottom ash is never consitant.if you want to run a AAC plant succesfull, one of the important factors is a consistant quality of the raw materials.

  56. Va marturisesc ca daca as fi in locul dvs. mi-as dona toata valuta mea si a familiei pentru a-l suspenda pe Basesescu. N-are importanta daca dupa aceea nu mai aveti din ce trai dar v-ati facut “ambitia”. In ceea ce priveste “paiata” doi oameni au avut o capacitate formidabila de a identifica oamenii prin defectele lor caricaturale: Vadim si Basesescu. Numai ca Vadim n-a putut niciodata sa fie si simpatic dar sclipiri are si el. Dupa “iarna nu-i ca vara”, “mogulii”, baietii destepti”, “tonomate” si mai nou “paiata” astept sa vad cum ii va spune lui Ponta dupa faza cu copiatul? Toate bune.

  57. This is the correct Windowssystem Blockiert – varieteofideas München diary for anyone who wants to assay out out active this issue. You observe so much its most wearing to present with you (not that I really would want…HaHa). You definitely put a new twist on a content thats been handwritten roughly for age. City foul, just outstanding!

  58. As the daylight hours increase, they will be triggered into production, I wouldn’t rush them. The longer you wait, the more mature they will be and the bigger eggs you will get!The run sounds ok but I would give them some wood clippings a few inches deep to scratch in. These cable changed periodically if they get mucky.I would clean the run with a hose now and again but for a spring clean, you could use poultry shield.

  59. I’d been honored to get a call from a friend as he discovered the important suggestions shared in your site. Reading by way of your blog post is really a real wonderful experience. Thanks once again for thinking about readers a lot like me, and I desire for you the most effective of success as being a skilled realm.

  60. nothing of the enormous transfer payments of government programs from Americans who actually pay their way. So all in all it's a very bad deal for the American citizen. Forget Esau and his 'mess of pottage', the politicians have sold your birthright for 5c off a box of strawberries! Ah, the USA and all the bounty it contains, yours for a box of peaches courtesy of a fat, obese pampered, dumb supermarket shopper.

  61. To put a matter in public domain, I believe that Mr. Kurian, though not from IP background, has an MSc in Chemistry and from what I was told, pretty good in chemistry in his days…So here is hoping that the chemistry/ pharma domain gets some much needed focus/ guidance on patenting problems [at least] in that domain.Regards,Frequently Anon.

  62. En mi opinión el outsourcing en una pyme o en cualquier otra empresa está indicado cuando se trata de contratar servicios no estratégicos o “core” del negocio, cuando es más barata la prestación externa de los mismos que la prestación con recursos propios y cuando se añade un claro valor añadido (además del puramente económico) por parte del prestario del servicio. Por supuesto, el proceso de definición previa de los requerimientos del servicio, la elección del proveedor adecuado y la supervisión posterior son elementos clave para el éxito de cualquier externalización.

  63. and now we know, the rest of the story! LOVED the behind the scenes look. Great final product! We are jazzed about the library and we’re already big users. Do you know that a survey stated that 80% of people paying city taxes NEVER USE THE LIBRARY?!?!?! I was floored. I can’t think of life without the library.Great job!Luke recently posted..

  64. Thanks for posting! I’m ZIN, too, and thought about giving it up. I’m moving more toward Powder Blue Productions (PiYo Strength and Turbo Kick) classes, but ultimately, I don’t think I’ll be able to leave the ZIN program just yet!Do you ever poke around on the Forum? I had to stop…there’s so much negativity out there! I’d rather play with ZINs on twitter, where they’re more likely to post positive things about the Zumba Fitness program.

  65. we prefer to honor many other net web-sites around the web, even when they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Underneath are some webpages really worth checking out

  66. I can picture RiRi walking on the runway. but being in the music industry for more than 5 years.Uhm………NEGATIVE. Not really going to happen like that. Bee already has the music on locked, and can probably step up her fashion game as well. She’s only twenty something. Need don’t need to be dressin old at all. She got the looks too! GET IT BE!

  67. This is the right blog for anyone who wants to find out about this topic. You realize so much its almost hard to argue with you (not that I actually would want??cHaHa). You definitely put a new spin on a topic thats been written about for years. Great stuff, just great!

  68. 你地(市民、示威者、輿論界等等)唔覺得奇怪咩?當時現場咁多記者,個個記者發晒狂舉機係咁影,影相又有拍片又有,從片段所見,推撞和盲目擠擁嘅竟然係記者狼過示威者,示威者反而乜嘢,頂多叫口號、推下鐵馬、個別人搶下鐵馬之類,但警察一多就會四散。但留意下現場片段,啲記者個個不斷向前狂擁狂推,個個舉機影影影,ok,但又奇怪:– 點解事後報道,登出來的照片咁少??乜記者唔係影左好多相咩,粗略估計每個記者起碼有幾百張相啦,點解登來登去都係一兩幅呢?– 啲記者發晒狂咁「採訪」,但事後報道又無清楚描述當時現場情況,咁究竟當時咁勇起勢咁採訪,其實採訪咩呢??有無真係採訪呢??

  69. What a great job you did! Hopefully the umbrella’s will either be donated to a non-profit so they can use it/fund raise with it or raffle/auction them off for a the benefit of a non-profit organization. I hope they are still up by the time I get home that Friday due to when I get off work. We’ve done the Nickle Plate Art Walk one before, so maybe we’ll have to do it again this year just to see your umbarella, and of course all of the other umbrellas and all of the artwork, too!

  70. I read an article about Lakemba in Sydney, Australia where intimation tactics were used to get war widows to move away in the 70s. They were more subtle, such are parking cars across driveways and aggressively refusing to move them. (A lot of Lebanese moved to Australia during the 70s.)Maybe someone needs to do a study to find out if there is a pattern across different countries. No wonder so many people don't want mosques in their neighbourhood; once the mosque is built, the muslim community congregates and then they start to intimate the established community to leave.

  71. I am writing to let you know of the remarkable discovery my cousin’s girl enjoyed studying yuor web blog. She picked up several issues, with the inclusion of how it is like to possess an excellent teaching character to let folks effortlessly fully grasp chosen tortuous issues. You undoubtedly exceeded people’s expected results. Thank you for presenting the interesting, healthy, explanatory and also easy thoughts on your topic to Emily.

  72. Esta ejemplar mujer ya ha saldado su deuda con la Revolución porque ha dedicado su vida al servicio de la humanidad siempre con la mejor de sus intensiones desde lo más sincero y profundo de su ser, no hace falta decir más, el pueblo de Freyre lo sabe bien.En lo particular siento una gran admiración por ella. Muchos años de vida y salud le deseo.

  73. "The primary purpose of a degree in many fields is to provide demonstrable proof to prospective employers that you aren't an idiot. "I think the primary purposes of a degree are to assure prospective employers, and the society at large, that the holder of the degree is a person who has demonstrated that he can tolerate an unlimited amount of bullshit, and can spit back what he's been told to spit back without having to go to the trouble of learning deductive reasoning.

  74. I just have my Nexus 7 and it is awesome!! It's just sad that I can't add an external memory for extra memories. I guest Google Nexus is built just like that but over-all I find it worth my money. Anyway, I wanted to know how to make the most out of it that's why I am here. Thanks a lot for posting something about it here.

  75. En seuraile muuta kuin sanomalehtien uutuuslistoja. Ja muutenkin pääsen uutuuksiin aina vähän viiveellä käsiksi…mun omani piti olla ensi kevään uutuuksien listoilla, mutta saapa nähdä, ehtiikö, kun kaikki on mennyt mullin mallin. Joka tapauksessa minunkin mielestäni kannattaisi julkaista vähän vähemmän, kun ei kaikkea ehdi lukea.

  76. FINALLY a rounded corner that makes sense!! Thank you so much. All of my girls want new blankets for christmas but get this…they want one side to be fabric and the other to be crocheted. You see, the year before last each got crocheted blankets. Last year they each got a quilt. So I'm guessing my older two girls corrupted my younger two and came up with this master plan of putting the styles of blankets together. This tut will definately come in handy. Thanks again.[]

  77. Mea culpa!Annak idején mély tudatlanságomban megvettem a Dianetika című borzadályt, és még nagyobb tudatlanságomban olvasni kezdtem.Aztán pislogtam, mint hal a szatyorban, és évekig lelkifurdalásom volt, mert nem bírtam végigolvasni a könyvet, és amin sikerült átrágnom magam, azt se nagyon értettem.Később aztán, amikor felcsillant a fény sötét elmém mélyén a scientológiával kapcsolatban, megnyugodva vittem fel a könyvet a padlásra és helyeztem be a sezlony alá a negyedik, kitört lábat pótolandó.(Bocs, Zoli) :PLaura

  78. yok canım o kadar da değil abartma allah aşkına ) bunlarda yakışıyor ama diğerleri tam senin renklerin. Kış kadını olmak bir ayrıcalık masum ve gizemli bir güzellik bence:))) eğer bu dediğim renkler kış kadının renkleriyse bu renklerin ben de uyandırdığı etki bu:)) ben de yaptırmak isterim birgün analiz.hangi renk bana uyar bilmek güzel birşey, alışveriş yapmak daha kolay olur )

  79. In Germania i sindacati “compartecipano” alla proprietà e questo ormai da molti decenni. Se in Italia qualcuno avesse proposto la formula tedesca della compartecipazione non più tardi degli anni ’90 si sarebbe beccato come minimo del reazionario. Oggi, forse, se la si ‘proponesse per le industrie che stanno chiudendo la reazione dei lavoratori in via di licenziamento sarebbe diversa.

  80. All this talk about 1 million is foolish. Most working for last 22 years, has really nothing close to that in their retirement account.If you put max allowed amount in 401K since 1987, you would have put $231K.Not sure I follow. Are you trying to say that the only vehicle that can be used to save for retirement is the 401k?In addition to 401k contributions I max out my IRA each year. And even this is aside from the “long-term” investment portfolio.

  81. Life can cause serious injury. I suppose it’s better to get carpal tunnel playing WII inside. And, it’s far healthier to watch TV, because you just can’t get hurt doing that.I played sports – I’m sure most of us have. The worst injury I’ve sustained to date was actually falling in my own backyard, twisting my ankle (and worse, my back) from a rabbit hole.It’s crazy to ban these sports and it just helps us move a little closer to a national of true couch potato-ism.

  82. olá,gugu… vou direto ao assunto preciso de ajuda…pois estou passando por dificuldades financeira,eu preciso, meu esposo, meus filhos de arrumar os dentes e colocar o aparelho e não tenho condicoes.Pq pagando aluguel e só meu esposo trabalhando é dificil, pois eu já espalhei curriculum , mas por enquanto nada e eu preciso urgente arrumar meus dentes e de meus filhos,e do meu esposo, por favor!!!!!

  83. Zwecks Versandkosten:Ihr könnt auch ein gefüttertes Kuvert nehmen, das aber NUR mit Musterbeutelklammern verschließen und das ganze als Warensendung für 1,65€ verschicken! Ich habe auch schon DIN A4 Kuverts bekommen (ungefüttert) mit Porto 1,45€. Da könnt ihr die Grannys dann ja noch in einen Gefrierbeutel packen, dann geht auch keins verloren.LG Thalia

  84. Ahh yes – just like in Washington, D.C., where “facts” are negotiable. Of course it doesn’t take a half brain to see that Kazmir is really an extension of Kaz which means he is from Kazakhstan which is in the bottom 3rd of the Corruption Perceptions Index (120 out of 180) and is where the cycling team Asatana is based which has had several confirm performance enhancing drug users including fellow Texan Lance Armstrong. Yes, anyone with half of brain can see from these arguments that Kaz is a deceptive Texan PED user who hate America. Fortunately, he is not a comedian.

  85. Europe already has plenty of regulations in place to limit soot, and they are already effective. Most of the soot comes from Asia, including Russia, China, and India. By Central Europe, they mean the former East Block countries. The environmentalists in Germany simply want to trash all the developed countries economies. Global Redistribution of Wealth is the new goal.

  86. no tok mat mana pulak ni? bukan ke tok mat dah meninggal? o ni sukusakat dia la yer?.Haha tokmat2..bila kena video edit camtu pandai pulak marah yer?tak payah cakap "kalau kami pun boleh edit"la dah memang hari2 tu la kerja media pengampu ko tu.fitnah? kat rtm,utusan berlambak.Apa cerita surat bekas ketua CID yang kata dna kes liwat palsu? ada keluar dalam media?

  87. I’ve been reading your blog(s) ever since I read your book. And I, too, come back regularly in search of new posts. Your thoughtful reflections on the things that bring you peace and joy inspire me to appreciate those things that do the same in my life, and your sorrows remind me that I’m not the only one struggling to find my place. Thank you for giving such a graceful voice to so many of the same things that I feel.

  88. I personally donÂ’t believe in global warmingÂ… its not doing anything it just Earths cycle. IÂ’m tired of hearing this global warming crap. It was a lot worse than what people are telling you what is going to happen before.

  89. Parabens Cah, engajada em causas sociais!! isso é muito bonito, e são poucas pessoas que se importam, estou com você nessa! bjssss [] Respondeu:November 30th, 2012 em 2:18 pmDesculpa cassi vou pegar o pouquinho do seu espaço rsrs..camy ameiiiiiiii….rs camilia depois posta o vídeo produtos que você usa no corpo como hidratante óleo etc… bjosssssss[]

  90. This has got to be the VERY worst camera work I have ever seen..and I have over 500 of these vids on my hard drive, and you’re sooooo right, LuvPusClustuz & Kris….it had great potential and she went and ruined it…It was like the vid “mashed potatoes”…Remember that? That would have been without a doubt the VERY VERY VERY best pop in all of creation, but that bloody MORON ruined it with his crappy cam work…Oh I really get so ANGRY! LOL *Takes a deep breath* Ok…I’m better now! LOL

  91. Nearly all of the things you point out is supprisingly precise and it makes me wonder why I had not looked at this in this light previously. This particular article really did switch the light on for me as far as this subject goes. Nonetheless there is actually just one factor I am not too cozy with and while I attempt to reconcile that with the actual central theme of the position, permit me observe just what the rest of your subscribers have to point out.Very well done.

  92. Steve-I keep good thoughts for you. I hope that perhaps modern medicine can take a page from the playbook. If we can do face transplants, why not scalps?The infected scalp could be removed, the head treated, and a new cellulitis free scalp atttached. We do organs and body parts. There has to be something else docs can do for him.

  93. Eh allora questa la provo immediatamente! Perchè, da persona non del tutto a posto, mi sono sempre ripromessa di non dar neanche la minima possibilità ad un ragazzo che non apprezzasse certe cose; e sono finita con uno così.E, per me sniffatrice di cannella, non può esistere una cosa del genere.Quindi si, devo provarla assolutamente!Se l'apprezzerà ti dovrò fare una statua!Buona serata…Alice

  94. Have you ever considered about adding a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is fundamental and everything. Nevertheless just imagine if you added some great images or videos to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and clips, this website could certainly be one of the very best in its niche. Good blog!

  95. دادش تویه پوشه dlc شما فایل های مپ ها برای کو-آپ هم هست…اگه ممکنه باسه ما هم بزارید ما هم حالشو ببریم

  96. Sounds like you are pretty normal to me. Blogging is the icing on the cake, in my life as well! It’s about the connections and friendships (yes, there are friendships formed) that begin through these crazy things we call blogs. As long as you enjoy what you are doing- go for it! Life is too short to sweat about the small stuff~literally!

  97. Finely, dont wait for you’re government to change things, just do it ourselves. Be the change you want to see in this world. Demonstrate for you’re rights and others. Make a better world for the children, I’m a mother, and I dont want things to get wors than they already are. I’ve seen nothing getting better, only getting worst. There’s still hunger in Afrika, still no democratie all over the world. Still war and more wars to come.Lets try peace for a while.Conect with eachother, we are all one ;o) Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Universe )

  98. Venho aqui deixa meu comentário a respeito desse produto.FEZ UMA REAÇÃO ALÉRGICA ABSURDA EM MIM E QUEIMOU MINHA PELE, atenção meninas quando forem usar, não só ele como qualquer outro produto novo, faça um teste antes no braço e espere 24h pelo menos, ficou horrível meu rosto. A dermato disse que queimou minha pele além de impolar tudo.

  99. Dear Mr. Brown:Have you ever asked a rhetorical question? Many people haven’t, which is why I wrote The Big Book of Rhetorical Questions. My 28 years of experience as a grocery clerk were of no help whatsoever in writing this book, but I didn’t let that stop me. I know that you will enjoy my book very much, [name of agent]. In fact, I’m getting my pen ready to sign that contract with a major publisher right now!Don’t take any wooden nickels,Hugh G. Payne

  100. / Have you ever thought about including a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is important and everything. However think about if you added some great graphics or videos to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with pics and video clips, this blog could undeniably be one of the greatest in its niche. Wonderful blog!

  101. Well, i am but I’ve been trying to get curves without being unhealthy. Ya know. (: But if you think about, people DIET to lose weight, meaning skinny isnt even normal lol. But she is so talented<3 and I WILL MEET HER SOMEDAY ajfkdsfjksdf. hahaha. I love her the way she is & I hope Hollywood doesnt get to her (I dont think it will) but we need more people in Hollywood like her.

  102. Hanmar ha scritoo:Ora possiamo unire i due grandi thread complottisti!Per favore, ti scongiuro, no! Sai che maroni Marcianò che scrive che i sali delle "irrorazioni chimiche" sono stati portati dagli americani dalla luna, e Mazzucco che gli risponde che non è vero che sulla luna non ci sono mai stati…

  103. Nice advice and really true. Some of the necessary things bloggers, or any enterprise, can do is strive to not provide up. Even when instances are robust it’s vital to be there for your readers and clients because they will keep in mind you in a optimistic mild as quickly as things get higher and you can be rewarded to your efforts.

  104. Ymmärtääkseni lipeä poistuu saippuasta juuri sen kemiallisen reaktion takia. Valmiissa saippuassa ei pitäisi olla lipeää.Onko kenelläkään kokemusta Dermosilin tuotteista. Heiltäkin löytyy nyt Ecocert merkinnän saaneitä tuotteita ja ainakin kasvojenpuhdistus-vaahto on "vain"99.3% luonnollisista aineista valmistettu, joista 5%luomua. (näin muistaakseni mainostivat itse).

  105. Tous ce que je peux lui souhaiter à Mélenchon c’est de s’y rendre pour y vivre, dans un pays ou le pouvoir d’achat, les droits, la productivité économique et la vie de nombreux innocents ont été dépréciés aux faveurs d’une présidence très incompétente doublé d’une idéologie archaïque…Apres avoir passé 13 années sur place et connaissant des gens de divers milieux qui y vivent toujours. Quelle belle preuve d’ignorance d’apporter cet appui.

  106. super joli !! et j'approuve emiiii simple, classe…parfait !!au fait j'ai mis tous les liens pour les mocassins sur mon dernier article !! et en plus les miens on un prix parfait pour ton défi shopping bises

  107. "I have felt helpless as a parent, and have smacked my kids just to get them to pay attention to me and stop doing something dangerous." I sympathize with that completely. When I was spanked like that in public, it was after stern-parent-face had failed and it did what words couldn't do–embarrassed me into snapping out of freak-out mode. That was the intent behind them, even if they didn't really hurt. It isn't optimal, but it's understandable. Thank you for your candor.

  108. Protect yourself from the buyers that check out the application form and apply for different quotes. Students are encouraged to read these pages before attempting the problems. Organizations began firing employees especially in the form. Banks will be the size and space it offers.

  109. Maya you are such a brave woman. I am only 14 years old and I lost my 4 month old baby boy cousin. He died of SIDS and I was devastated. It is very hard losing a baby. I don’t totally understand from your point of view but I know it is very hard. Every time I hear the song from his funeral I just cry and cry and cry. So I send all my blessings to you and your family.

  110. Roasting is very simple and the roaster is not expensive. Mine is the size of a small Cuisinart. You can mail order green beans-they keep forever. You simply put them in the roaster and walk away. The only issue is the smell-not great. So, roast in the garage, and you will have very fresh beans, and the coffee you dream of from that fancy machine will be there for you, every day.

  111. roberto,…e io combatto e combatterò sempre, se concedi anche a me questa libertà, quei politici che vogliono costruire una società radical-nazista,che tu definisci socialista e libertaria.Se credi alla propaganda dei radicali in italia morivano di aborto clandestino anche gli uomini.la legge sull’aborto viene sistematicamente disattesa perchè dovrebbe aiutare le donne anzichè spedirle dai macellai.Il Papa non giudica l’uomo ma proclama la verità sull’uomo,perchè annuncia GESU’ CRISTO che è la Verità.Nessuno ti impone nulla puoi fare spallucce.ciao.

  112. à°¨ంà°¡ూà°°ి à°°ామమోహనరాà°µు à°—ాà°°ి రచనల్à°²ో à°µిà°¶్వదర్శనం à°šà°¦ిà°µి à°šాà°²ా à°•ొà°¤్à°¤ à°µిà°·à°¯ాà°²ు à°¤ెà°²ుà°¸ుà°•ుà°¨్à°¨ాà°¨ు. ఆయనది à°šాà°²ా à°šà°•్à°•à°¨ి à°¶ైà°²ి. à°…à°¨ుà°µాà°¦ నవలల à°µిà°·à°¯ాà°¨ిà°•ొà°¸్à°¤ే à°¯ాంà°¤్à°°ిà°• à°…à°¨ుà°µాà°¦ంà°²ా à°•ాà°•ుంà°¡ా సమ్à°®ోహనంà°—ా à°°ాయగలగటం à°¨ంà°¡ూà°°ి à°®ుà°¦్à°°! ‘à°Ÿాà°®్ à°¸ాయర్ à°ª్à°°à°ªంà°šà°¯ాà°¤్à°°’ à°—ుà°°ింà°šి దశాà°¬్à°¦ాà°² à°•్à°°ితమే à°¤ెà°²ుà°¸ుà°•ాà°¨ీ à°¦ాà°¨్à°¨ి చదవటం à°‡ంతవరకూ à°•ుదరనేà°²ేà°¦ు. à°…ంà°Ÿే à°…ంà°¤ à°¶్à°°à°¦్à°§ à°ªెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿà°²ేà°¦ు à°¨ేà°¨ు. à°ˆ à°ªుà°¸్తకం à°—ుà°°ింà°šి à°®ీà°°ు à°°ాà°¸ిà°¨ పరిà°šà°¯ం à°¬ాà°—ుంà°¦ి. ఇప్à°ªుà°¡ు తప్పకుంà°¡ా à°šà°¦ుà°µుà°¤ాà°¨ు!

  113. anonymous. But of course, we both know the wealthy will pick-up and leave to a more business friendly city or country, enriching their economy, not ours.I hope the uninformed voter will quickly stumble upon our comments and learn that these self serving officials just keep offering their vote for sale by giving away our tax dollars just to keep themselves getting reelected.BarronFPPC 1351703

  114. Oi? porque depois que fiz laqueadura fico menstruada duas vezes no mês? E as vezes desce muito sangue que tenho que me trocar. Sinto-me tonta também.

  115. Información Bitacoras.com…Valora en Bitacoras.com: Seguramente la mayoría ya se habrá pasado unos cuantos libros en formato epub para el iPad y sabrán como convertir cualquier otro formato al correcto para el iPad, pero veo que mucha gente llega al blog buscando como hacer……Te ha gustado este comentario? Vótalo! 0  0

  116. Oct10 Wonderful goods from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff previous to and you’re just too excellent. I actually like what you’ve acquired here, certainly like what you’re stating and the way in which you say it. You make it enjoyable and you still care for to keep it wise. I can not wait to read far more from you. This is actually a wonderful web site.

  117. Hi Lakshmi. Sorry to hear you struggled with cable plait stitch. Are you working it "towards" you, between two lines running down your fabric? I followed the instructions in Mountmellick Embroidery by Yvette Stanton and Prue Scott, which are really clear. Hope you haven't given up on it, it's such a nice stitch – to do and to look at. Kelly

  118. , the winter period. This can be vastly worsened by having pets! It’s definitely a tad too much to deal with for most people, who may not have the time or resources to clean such stains, or just to even maintain it to a good standard. As a cleaning company ourselves, I’m certainly inclined to agree that hiring a professional carpet cleaning company is the best option!

  119. Foarte faina tema, dar se intampla destul de des ca pe Opera desktop sa mi se incarce versiunea de mobil, iar pe un Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 cu browserul default sa mi se incarce tema de desktop O sa revin cu print screen-uri daca nu imi uit sa fac.

  120. Ico, como foi desmoralizado o Shumy tomando uma surra do companheiro de equipe, minha opinião se o carro do ano que vem não vier bem nascido ele abandona o campeonato no meio e muito brochante para ele?Quanto ao Massa ele sempre se superou acredito que vai colocar a cabeça no lugar e não FOR sabotado pelo Dick Vigarista espanhol, Ferari-Fiat-Santander-AcerAMD, hoje mesmo deveria seguir na prova teve de esperar no box a troca de pneus.GARRA. FELIPE VOCÊ NÃO É MINHOCA.

  121. Lance,It has only been three days for me but I will keep you in my prayers minute by minute. That is how I am taking each day so far.Just a huge hug and if you are a believing man give the pain to God when it comes flooding in.I will write more in the days to come as this pain is horrible this morning. Becky was a 14 year old Jack Russell..Her kidneys liver and other organs were just failing almost 100%..she was such a trooper up until they put her to sleep..Best, Mary

  122. I’ve been getting my feet wet in ebook formats. And the Amazon format is atrocious. No floats, borders, backgrounds. Holy Cow! I don’t care if they lower the price and market the hell out of it. Why on earth would anyone buy an ebook in a format with such limitations? Even on the ipad, there are lots of design limitations. The only way apparently to design an interesting ebook is to ditch the ebook apps altogether and make your own app….which is sad…

  123. Pannicica: akkor átérezted Te is, miért estem/esek transzba a BBCPrime-on futó fÅ‘zÅ‘s műsoroktól :) A Mesterszakács kerestetik-hez igazítottam az egész esti programot…A srác Photoshop volt, hidd el :)) Ennyi idÅ‘sen ilyen profi felszerelés nem terem csak úgy :DTe vagy nekünk a mentor! A fagylaltjaidtól elájultam, nyáron elmegyünk, és kifosztunk :)

  124. Bt:”Granny – That lead-in to Sweet Georgia Brown is so off the hook…It’s on another planet!Sweeeeet!”I’m glad you liked it. I can tell you really are a jazz fan. Granny liked the ones she listened to also. I believe there are more Web Sites with downloads of his songs and I think they might be whole song, not sure. Try google…

  125. When those elected or appointed to preserve the law is above the law as we see moreso daily and the public is disarmed as all other countries have done, we are at the mercy of thugs(criminals) and thieves (government)and it is then to late to make a change. Anyone that allows the government to disarm them is giving up to a socialist or communist government.

  126. Au fait, Martine, ne pourriez-vous pas demander au type Pad de lever un peu le drapeau blanc et de cesser de jouer à la ligne Maginot avec les barbares ? S’il pouvait arrêter de me donner du fil (barbelé) à retordre et me laisser poster mes publications en paix…

  127. When they stock more AMERICAN MADE products, I may go back.Unfortunately – We better stop going to Target, Fred Meyer, Dollar Tree, Sears, Nordstrom and many, many stores that we shop at every day. Walmart just gets singled out more often because they’re the SUPER Mega Mart. I can’t fault them for having a successful business model. In fact. I kind of applaud it. But I wasn’t making commentary on whether they are a Good place or a Bad place to shop. Just making commentary that, yes, they look at customer service too.

  128. I happen to be writing to make you identify of the great experience my friends daughter found using that the blog.She came to understand a wide variety of details, not to mention how it can befor example to possess an incredible teaching characterto discover other folks just have an understanding of selected specialized subject areas.You undoubtedly exceeded visitors expectations. I appreciate you for imparting these important,safe, informative and in addition fun tips on your topic to Sandra.

  129. Merci Traube ! Les « remarques » (et critiques) sont souvent constructives.J’y veillerai, et vais me mettre à retoucher les billets où je pourrais glisser quelques liens.Bien à toi.

  130. I am very concerned about the metadata stripping that occurs when photographs are displayed in the search. I located a number of my images and several of them arrived on my desktop with minimal or no contact information. Keeping metadata intact is key for proper licensing of photographs. Yes, images are being stolen and used without permission all over the internet but we shouldn't be encouraging it.

  131. Edu Oliveira • 2 de Julho de 2011 às 22:00Plugin horroroso, vc enche o seu site de lixo apenas para mudar a cor do fundo e alterar um logotipo, isso da pra fazer diretamente com facilidade, nao recomendo!

  132. Ice MeltingThe difference is that most of the ice in Antarctica is on land – and it is thick… shows that the ice can get up to 3.2 kilometres thick, above the ground. When that ice melts, it increases the water level globally. How much? I don’t know, but probably not much.The big problem is that people are just assuming that PEOPLE are causing this global warming. There is a lot of evidence that says that global temperature change is mostly caused by .–jeffy++

  133. Mila, para a espinha que está fora, lave a região com um sabonete de ação secativa. Indico os de argila que são levemente esfoliantes. Concentre um pouco da espuma nessa região e enxágue em seguida. Depois passe uma pomada que tenha ácido salicílico na fórmula.Quanto a espinha que está na parte de dentro, tente fazer uma compressa de algodão com água quente como indica o artigo Beeeijos, mh linda e boa sorte

  134. a proposito di obsolescenza programmata… oltre 5 anni fa, ho sostituito un bellissimo e ancora funzionante (anche adesso) notebook toshiba di 3 anni, perché non aveva il wireless e per la sua pesantezza (me lo portavo in giro per lavoro tutto il giorno); adesso ho ceduto al marketing e, dopo anni di cellulari fatti solo per telefonare e poco più, mi sono decisa a prendere uno smartphone con il quale (quando ho tempo) ci faccio di tutto…però, non ho mai avuto un ipod! :)Comunque, ottima scelta la tua, direi.

  135. Me myös tutustuttiin tohon herkkuun viime keväänä ja yes, alkoi taas kana maistua. Mä olen myös skipannut broiskut jo pitemmän aikaa ja on harmittanut etten ole löytänyt muuta vaaleaa lihaa tilalle. Sain jopa mieheni, joka on suuri punaisen lihan ystävä, lämpenemään kukonpojalle. Grillailimme kesällä laihoja koipi-reisiä ja onnistuivat aivan mielettömän hyvin.Olisikohan luomukalkkuna hyvää? Peruskalkkunalle en ole oikein ikinä lämmennyt, pliisun ja tunkkaisen makuista.SS

  136. in so many words they are avoiding the issue of obama's legality . What do you think is going on ? Obama right after the election of 2008 has a meeting with eight of the Supreme Court Justices wile there is law suits pending on his eligibility to hold office . What do you think is going on ? Obama spends over a millions dollars to hid his birth, school , law and congressional records . What do you think is going on ?

  137. There will also be the sale of 3D printing patterns. Not every fan will simply download and share them, especially not if they want to support their favorite artists. I also expect that we’ll be seeing more kickstarter-like get first buy of the new series and offers of a variety of bonus pieces.

  138. But Mao never claimed to be a scholar. The Red Book is not a scholarly work – not in intent, nor in content. Remember that Mao went swimming in the rivers of China for the purpose of propaganda. According to Maoism, the *praxis* of swimming, of exercising one’s body to do revolutionary work, was far superior to a lifetime of idle scholarship under the old regime. According to Maoism, all scholars are wrong *because* they are scholars.

  139. Believe it or not, I have left church wondering if it is getting too feminine. I am against quotas, but they could be used to boost the number of males in the choir, in the kitchen, and teaching Sunday School.But here is what our church looks like some Sundays: female pastor, female worship assistant or liturgist, female lector, mostly female choir, or sometimes all female choir, female bell choir, and four male ushers. Female Sunday School Teachers. Female coffe servers. One male dish washer.Doesn’t that seem a bit off?

  140. Hi Angela – there are entirely too many wonderful things to do in a day! Wish we lived closer so we could do some of those things together! Yes – spam is completely annoying – that and all the ads and videos that randomly pop-up while I’m trying to read or research online. I wish we could do something to stop it all.I guess people are too busy to blog anymore – but I do miss the interaction and conversations. I’ve made such great friends through this blog – and it happens with the conversations, I think.xxoo

  141. Nursery was one of my favorite callings ever. The kids were great – I think one of the best helps was getting to know each kid and helping them feel comfortable with the leaders. You might want to think about inviting the nursery leader over for lunch/dinner and playtime to help your child feel more comfortable. That seems to work for the really shy kids.

  142. Caro Menino Mau:Seguindo a prospectiva do Anthrax, os meus prognósticos “fazerei-os”, mas só uns minutos antes do prélio…isto para estar na posse de todos os dados possíveis…que a coisa é totalmente científica!…Mas será a tempo de o meu amigo poder apostar!…Obviamente que espero a minha parte nos chorudos lucros!…

  143. It can be rare to find a professional in whom you might have some confidence. In the world nowadays, nobody absolutely cares about showing others the solution in this subjecttopic. How lucky I am to have now found a real wonderful site as this. It’s people like you who make a genuine difference nowadays through the thoughts they reveal.

  144. SmallBusinessSEM.com’s thoughts on “Why Trust Matters and How to Build It” This article strictly covers how you can use the web to build trust. In my mind, there is no single factor more important when trying to grow a sustainable business. After all when it comes to working with someone aren’t we simply looking for someone we can trust to be honest and do a great job at a fair price?

  145. to PP….kámo jsou vÄ›ci (tracky) které nikdy nevyhasnou dokud genarace jemi zasažená budežít a ta druhá jei nebude stejnÄ›tak uznávat.Řekni mi co vidíš na Pendulum ?? Krom toho že jsou zarytí v dnb, jenž tento žánr je zde taktéž minimálnÄ› z 90 let a dle mého nic extra nejsou Nemaj koule

  146. Thanks Simon, yes buttons like the call button have lost that harsh gradient line; and the status bar colours just seem to have been switched around. Have you noticed other changes? How do you like the new version? I think I prefer a lot of the newer visual styles but can’t say I’m a fan of the new maps app — or that they removed the YouTube app on my iPad!

  147. It’s not just iffys fault.It was also the corporate masters who had him installed as leader. What a precedent setting act that was. It was the Liberal Party membership for just sitting there with a dumb look on their face when this happened. Let’s not forget about the Toronto media who tried to convince us that a Torontonian who is a Canadian of convenience, should be the Prime Minister of Canada. He may be a good Torontonian, but he’s a bloody sorry excuse of a Canadian.The Liberal Party of Canada and their supporters are a disgrace to both themselves and Canada.

  148. Nearly all of what you point out is supprisingly accurate and it makes me ponder why I hadn’t looked at this with this light before. This particular piece truly did turn the light on for me as far as this topic goes. Nonetheless at this time there is 1 factor I am not necessarily too comfortable with and whilst I try to reconcile that with the actual main theme of your position, allow me see just what the rest of the subscribers have to point out.Well done.

  149. Ah, but Tasso, do those items have infinite life-spans? I've yet to need a recharge on my slide rule, these last fifty years. :-)Real books will always have certain advantages. In the event of an attack of Dropsy, a concrete floor won't hurt a book. If forgotten, there's no great monetary loss. And they're not attractive to thieves.

  150. Thad,That's funny, I love this cartoon, but I don't remember seeing it at the S&V screening I saw. The only Warners he showed that night for some reason were "Gruesome Twosome", "Coal Black" and "The Big Snooze", which apparently used to be rarely seen with the pill-swallowing shot included. (Before child-safe lids.) Oh man, I remember how "Ever-Ready Horton's Golden Treasure" brought the house down. One of the most memorable moments of my life.

  151. he was trying to squash Cena’s head like a watermelon, and 1) “crush it like a watermelon” is not a commonly used phrase unless you are Gallagher, 2) why watermelon and 3) Lawler doing a “heh, did you just say WATERMELON?” was what pushed it over the edge. Nobody has ever described Big Show crushing something like a watermelon.

  152. The Zune cute blue mittens free concentrates on being a Portable Media Player. Not a web browser. Not a game machine. Maybe in the future it’ll do even better in those areas, but for now it’s a fantastic way to organize and listen to your music and videos, and is without peer in that regard. The iPod’s strengths are its web browsing and apps. If those sound more compelling, perhaps it is your best choice.

  153. Chào em. Nếu em học song song 2 chuyên ngành thì các môn học chung em sẽ phải học 1 lần. Còn học phí khi học chuyên ngành, em sẽ nộp học phí của 2 chuyên ngành em học. Trường sẽ có hướng dẫn cụ thể với trường hợp của em khi em đến nộp hồ sơ đăng ký nhập học.

  154. Z tysiaca ankietowanych mlodych kobiet w wieku 18 – 30lat UWAGA – ZADNA nie potwierdzila, ze uprawia seks analny dla wlasnej przyjemnosci, a te ktore uprawiaja robia to tylko i wylacznie dla przyjemnosci partnera, no wiec autor tekstu pieprzy ewidentnie jakies bezsensowne glupoty!!!

  155. 13fMy son loves eating bananas, in fact, he’s crazy over it and he’s just 4 years old! But I try to moderate his eating of bananas because too much of everything is not good, especially when it concerns our body. And eating too much bananas will lead to constipation.

  156. Herman was in Amsterdam vaste klant bij Van Beek Graphic art supplies. Het moet in 1979 geweest zijn. Herman stormde binnen op zoek naar een spuitbus cocacola-rood. Mijn vriendin was verkoopster bij Van Beek en hielp de half kleurenblinde Brood daarbij. In het kielzog van Herman was ook Nina Hagen binnengekomen. Terwijl Herman op zoek was naar zijn rood, stond die Nina zich op te maken met uit de rekken gestolen kleurmarkers.

  157. this :When we step between Chile and Easter Island, I prepared the road with successive simulations W4D pro, because I lost my dongle Max Sea! the Ipad is therefore remained at the center of our concerns during the first week, and really helped us to assess the weather situation by comparing the grib files received by Sailmail. At the end of the second week we were to Easter Island without ever missed wind! I expect the « true » forward routing module to test between Tahiti and New Zealand. Congratulations and thank you to Olivier.

  158. Jul31 Mit Sicherheit. Im Moment ist ja auch unser Zeitfenster am Wochenende wieder etwas entspannter, da wir wieder einen Samstag zur Verfügung haben.Mir schwebt da ein Picknick vor, was meinst Du?

  159. Oh my word, I had a job I hated too and it made me literally sick to my stomach when I almost had to call my former employer for a question relating to taxes. Thankfully my hubby figured it out before I had to call.

  160. Scott, I don’t know there is a way to reach the meatheads who really do need to hear the important messages:1. Don’t give the cops a hard time;2. Don’t show up drunk or openly toke/imbibe on the ride; and3. Wear a helmet and abide by road laws.Adults who need to be told those things, they aren’t going to listen to it from anyone anyway. Unfortunately, people like that don’t tend to like to hear any criticisms of their own behavior or are very willing to consider that, gee, it’s not everyone else who’s wrong but instead it’s me (surprise surprise).

  161. that ferriera is playing the game….i hope he defends well against the lightning bale…as for me, i think the most dangerous man for spurs will be mordic and not bale……..the team i hope to see———cech—————paulo—branny—–john—ashleymichel——mikel—–josh——-nicolas—–didier—–florentsubs : solomon, danny, jeffrey, ramires, ross, gaelPLS NO RAMIRES in the start 11. With no goals at 60 min, DD Off and Gael Kakuta on . Give this boy a chance ahead of Solomon Kalou.Reply

  162. You’re on the money with this one, Anna.There’s a saying in my house, “If I don’t succeed (fill in: publish this book, etc) it won’t be from a lack of effort.” Sure, there are many things in this life we cannot control. But we do have power over our actions, and even our thoughts. Harness’em and run with it.Denise WillsonAuthor of A Keeper’s TruthLike? 0

  163. fantastic web website page…You gradually turn out to be our personal intake, My spouse coupled along with i own amount internet logs coupled with rarely ended up being consumed via you might prefer to brand….

  164. RzeczywiÅ›cie jakoÅ› tak “przypadkowo” siÄ™ spotkaliÅ›my tam na dole, ale nieco pogadać siÄ™ udaÅ‚o. Dla mnie to byÅ‚ straszny tÅ‚um i pewnie z wieloma osobami nie zamieniÅ‚am nawet zdania. Przede wszystkim cieszÄ™ siÄ™, że dotarÅ‚eÅ›, bo Twoja obecność byÅ‚a pod dużym znakiem zapytania.Pozdrowienia

  165. We the living may not be a masterpeice as compared to her other works but it definitely had a messge like all her works.iot tells the story of a young woman caught between love for a man and the supression by the communists in Russia.I liked the book for its theme.However i it did not make me feel as i did after i read Atlas shruuged and The Fountainhead

  166. actually anon1, we haven’t declined in a stigarht line.it has been extremely hard for the shorts to stay inonly the best and savvy traders, the few that are out there, are able to profit from these movesim not sure about others but im sick and tired of this volatilityif the market were a person, i would seriously want to kill itanyone who is excited and hoping for a crash, i really hope they blow up their accountsa depression is bad for everyone

  167. blogs in my area & another great post for her Blog Talk Tuesday series!! Be sure to visit the Health Living Blog website for a blog near you . Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this

  168. Du lever virkelig opp til bloggnavnet ditt, du – Med kamera pÃ¥ tur. Og nÃ¥ har du vært der, ogsÃ¥. Synes bildene er supre, jeg -selv om det bare er ei 'steinrøys'. Det er som du skriver, det er mytene bak som gjør det spesielt. HÃ¥per du har det bra – kanskje har du fri og kan nyte langhelga som er pÃ¥ trappene, ogsÃ¥? God helg til deg, Anne! Klem**

  169. 2010-01-24 14:07:21 Using configuration file mangosd.conf.2010-01-24 14:07:21 World Database:;3306;root;root;mangos2010-01-24 14:07:21 MySQL client library: 5.0.562010-01-24 14:07:21 MySQL server ver: 5.1.372010-01-24 14:07:21 ERROR:SQL: SELECT required_9125_01_mangos_npc_spellclick_spells FROM db_version LIMIT 12010-01-24 14:07:21 ERROR:query ERROR: Unknown column ‘required_9125_01_mangos_npc_spellclick_spells’ in ‘field list’2010-01-24 14:07:21 ERROR:Table `db_version` have field `required_8731_01_mangos_creature_template` but expected `required_9125_01_mangos_npc_spellclick_spells`! Not all sql updates applied?

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  172. Next, and I haven't seen this yet from these comments, but why not make the option viewer-controlled? You know, when watching it, you hit a button if you want to take it away. The poster should decide the default (which should probably be off, given how easy it is to have an inappropriate video show up), and then the viewer has the option to change the setting. Everyone wins, and this feature will survive if it has any redeeming value.

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  178. Il PCI sbagliò a prendere le distanze dai movimenti studenteschi, giovanili degli anni 70, in particolare quello del ’77, e di perseguire quella politica della “Fermezza” che oltre a costare la vita ad Aldo Moro(in nome di un astratta e bigotta “Ragion di Stato”), contribuì a riverstirsi di quello spirito securitario di “ordine e legge” completamente estraneo alla cultura di sinistra.

  179. I know you wrote this a year ago but just now seeing this and wanted to say I can so completely relate to this. I am new to the blog world and just started my own blog, because as the parent of a special needs child I could not even attempt sitting down to blog until he started school. Anyway, big hugs to you, you are an awesome mother and I look forward to following your blog now

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  181. Rikke18. november 2009Det handler ogsÃ¥ om det miljø der er for tegneserier i Danmark, som ikke appelerer meget til kvinder. “Komiks” er et bredt arrangement, men jeg er overrasket over publikummet, som jeg mÃ¥ indse bestÃ¥r meget af midaldrende mænd med fedtet hestehale som stÃ¥r i kø for at fÃ¥ en tegning af Anders And.Galago antologien har den politik, at det er halvt kvindelige tegnere og halvt mandelige tegnere der publiceres.

  182. Ideal Partner Tactical spouses are unable to merely give you a supply of financing, but often they could offer an area of expertise how the small business owner will not bring to the table, like functional or even marketing skills. Effortlessly, the actual lure of an companion is basically that you don’t keep total treatments for the organization and that occasionally there exists a receding relating to the lovers. So it’s essential do your homework and choose your spouse cautiously.

  183. Ravn er en stor og vakker fugl. Snakket en gang med en taksidermist som hadde med seg en utstoppet ravn. Syns først den var så stor og vakker at jeg ikke trodde det var en ganske vanlig fugl. Men jo da, tror egentlig den er litt undervurdert ;-)

  184. ludo è un bravo ragazzo…..di un altra sponda ahimè ma sempre un bravo ragazzomauri ancor……nn farmi venire in sardegna….ta facc vre i a spond! e cmq grazie il bravo ragazzo…..ma io sono semplicemetne quello ch sono nelal via reale….non faccio ne il lecchino ne il buonista…..inoltre siamo ospiti qui e bisogna comportarsi bene!

  185. It’s very telling to see anonymous industry comments that the NRC should be stacked with industry representatives. Refreshingly honest, if still anonymous.The NRC’s statutory mission is to regulate nuclear power to ensure public health & safety and protect the environment and national security. PROMOTING nuclear energy is the job of DOE and the private sector.

  186. I was just seeking this info for a while. After 6 hours of continuous Googleing, finally I got it in your web site. I wonder what is the lack of Google strategy that do not rank this kind of informative websites in top of the list. Generally the top websites are full of garbage.


  188. Use of the words “alternative” and “option” (as I learned listening to Paul Harvey’s news years ago):The word “alternative” to be used between two items. If it involves more than two items, “option” is the right word. My apologies.

  189. Exactly! The antecedents of the Anglo/ American corporations lie in medieval artisan guilds and community self help organizations. Glenn’s point also turns attention to the fact that the automaton, number driven “cost/benefit” approach of judging what is of value is a huge part of the real problem of corpocracy. It is not “the corporations” that are the problem per se. They are a means to an end.Prof BPS Please note that I try to delete the last names of folks in posting.b

  190. Let’s not forget the $4450,000 a year Hallett Mathews of Richmond Va. received by billing Medtronic for all of his surgical time as consulting work. I would hope some insurance companies and the government would question this double billing.One of the major issues I have with doctor’s, there are several, is that this is business as usual in the general business world. I can assure it is not, and the reason this attorney was fired was that she saw this in the same light as almost all nonmedical corporations would see it – WRONG!Steve Lucas

  191. Posted by on September 10, 2012 at 5:28 am Hi Ken, when it comes to Klout the only reason I care is because of the perks. I received a couple of good ones including: a really nice umbrella from the Weather Channel, movie tickets (which I didn’t take advantage of at the time), a $50 gift certificate from American Express (or maybe it was $25), discount coupons, magazine subscriptions, Moo cards….Bottom line – I like free stuff so I’ll take it from Klout, Twitter, Facebook, Google – or anybody else who benefits from me adding content to their platforms. I think Kred, PeerIndex and a few others should jump on the “perks” bandwagon too.Ileane recently posted..

  192. J’ai noté sur 10 chaque joueur par rapport à son potentiel à RG et à sa forme du moment, pour jauger chaque parcours :- Soderling : 1+2+6+10 = 19- Davy : 2+2+7+8 = 19- Murray : 2+4+5+6 = 17- Fed : 3+4+4+4 = 15- JMDP : 1+1+5+6 = 13- Robredo : 1+2+4+5 = 12- Gonzo : 1+1+3+5 = 10- Monfils : 1+1+3+4 = 9Franck, Soderling est en lice pour dépasser PHM dans ce record !

  193. Beste Kenneth, Na lang surfen kwam ik op jouw site! Nu zag ik dat jij hele mooie foto’s hebt van Koninginnedag! Mijn naam is Bart Budel en ik ben docent Bloemschikken aan het Groenhorst College te Almere. Nu zijn wij (35 lln) druk geweest tot diep in de nacht met bloemwerk op de brug voor de Silverline. Mijn vraag is: heb jij ook mooie foto’s van de brug(liefst met bloemwerk)???Hoop via deze manier reakties te ontvangen, alvast bedankt, Bart

  194. HeyitsNixy / David, please please please please come to Canada? Pleeeaaaase? Ottawa is just above New York. Please come to CANADA? It’s been 3 years! We really want to see you again! :)

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  196. This game is hard, very hard, i’ve been playing it for a week now and i haven’t beat it. Not even once. When everything is good,i’ve got 4 shields, missiles, drones, i thought this is it, i can finally beat the game but somehow the game gives me these difficulty spike that fked me up. The closet i get to the end of the game is the 3rd boss battle, and he has like 2-3 health left.

  197. mais que veut dire votre commentaire cher monsieur ? qu’est ce que vous sous-entendez ? ce sont les blogueurs du monde qui sont les méchants manipulateurs pour vous ?l’iran des mollahs est un régime dictatorial où l’arbitraire est roi. et qui dit arbitraire, dit absurde, ubuesque, ridicule etc. autant de termes parfaitement adéquat pour caractériser ce régime tyrannique. c’est difficile à comprendre ? par ailleurs, on ne parle pas ici d’amnistie mais de permission.

  198. HOW DOES SHE DESERVE ” a good many years” you pompous arse !! she was sixteen years old. Scared and untrusting of the world put yurself in her shoes. Imagine being raped , being forced to prositute and feeling alone an so on … she doesnt deserve to neglected of happiness. If she gets a lower sentence then maybe she can make something of her life she is very intelligent. Its just another life wasted because the government gave up on them.

  199. He's a mistery still yet… :O)The photo seems like an oil on canvas, and very spontaneous…Now I get a good new: My wife and me adopted two beautiful dogs (Sandy & Dusty). It`s the begining of a new life. Please, Camilla, could you recomend me some sites about how to educate these beautiful creatures?All the best!!!

  200. I love that wool fifties suit you bought. The picknick tables are also cool. Just like the rest of your finds. Ow and my hubby has the same with old skool music systems… uhm and the rest of the stuff that has a plug…. ;)I really can not pay 150 pounds/euro for a piece of clothing. You can buy a hole vintage wardrobe with that money. :)xxx

  201. Sounds like people are getting out and stirring and checkinig things out after being house bound due to weather and now they are interested to see what they may qualify for in a home and what is available. I think the US is going to see changes this Spring in inventory with Luxury homes later in the summer.It is an long term investors market and great interest rates.

  202. آخه به شما چه ربطی داره… دارید تو همه زندگی مردم فضولی می کنید دوستان بسیجی… بردی نماز روزتون رو بگیرید… دین شخصیه… تفریح هم شخصیه… بهتون ربطی نداره…

  203. Könnte man aber nicht darüber simulieren und spekulieren, wenn man die heutige kath. Kirche mit der evangel. verleicht, daß die ersten Christen vielleicht doch eher “evanglisch” waren und daß das katholische sich erst später, im Laufe der Zeit, daraus entwickelt hat?????????

  204. credo che il problema sia un forte disorientamento nel comportamento dei fedeli durante l’azione liturgica. Il problema non è l’inginocchiatoio, ma comprendere l’eucarestia e la massima sacralità della stessa e dell’azione liturgica nel suo complesso.Essendo per buona parte dei fedeli, venuto meno il senso profondo di ciò che avviene dinanzi ai loro occhi, è chiaro che lo stare in piedi, inginocchiati o seduti è divenuta una libera scelta fondata su un unico criterio: la comodità.

  205. Have read all of the 1632 series and have really enjoy all but 1634-thje Baltic War which to me reads like a book written by commity. I felt that it should have been two books as perposed in your earler books

  206. Fascinating story. Have to agree on the house shooting, serial types rarely change modis and that one had all the signs of a copy cat trying to pull of an unrelated crime while covering his own tracks with the more sensational story.Creepy and dangerous things lurk in the night, especially in out of the way places. One should always use caution, gender regardless.Great post, Catie

  207. I think they (we) are mostly building relationships online to expand our sphere of influence, get the word out about our products / services, then to fill our bank accounts to the brim if possible. Social media is purely social for the majority and mainly monetary for the commercially minded. Small local business will eventually have to get into the Twitter game… Just my opinion. Geoff.

  208. a Canadian, I find these extremely disturbing as I've just come across the birther issues the last couple days. I just wanted to say… I guess we can all go around and say were doctors, lawyers, ex presidents without showing any form of proof.Hello Canadian. Do you know that your government has classified Barack Obama's biography as a state a secret? Here is the newspaper Canadian National Post's headlines and story from November 8, 2009:Even Canada is in on hiding Obama's BS past.

  209. I agree. It I have any critizism it's that the Wikipedia often unreflectingly represents the mistakes of the grandparents teachers… But so do any university book.Myself I have found the German Wiki very useful for history and biographies… Some blatant errors persist there from High Medieval Church Propaganda (Frankish Feud, and so on)… But on the whole, quite useful.