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Comments (4,186)

  1. I somehow reached the conclusion that CERA was a PR firm for the oil companies which was funded by the oil companies. For a PR firm to be able to convince the mainstream media that they were an independent "research" organization would quite a coup.A bit of googling reveals that they are now owned by IHS, so perhaps I was wrong about them getting their funding from those they were supposedly studying.Still, Yergin's record seems to reveal some sort of flaw in how information travels through our society.

  2. Actually i would like something like this:Fenerbahce–| |——-FenerbahceSchalke—–| | |——————>ChelseaChelsea—–| | |——-ChelseaArsenal—–|Manutd——| |——-Man utdLiverpool—| |/Inter | |——————->BarcelonaRoma——–| | |——-BarcelonaBarcelona—|We can beat arsenal in 2 legs no doubt about that.It might be the easiest way round we can reach finals !! what say?Reply

  3. leo2016 / 板主回覆:安裝完M2D後,在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\FontLink\\Sys temLink那邊,找到[HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman]和[HelveticaNeue LT 35 Thin]機碼,然後把這兩個機碼所指向的字型路徑改成想換的中文字型路徑,重開機後即可在M2D看到中文字!例如安裝了小熊工作室的微軟正黑體後,[HelveticaNeue LT 55 Roman]和[HelveticaNeue LT 35 Thin]路徑即為:\\Windows\\msjh3.ttf,msjh這樣重開機後就可以看到中文字型!!!有測試過這個方式嗎????

  4. I’m not sure where you are get­ting your infor­ma­tion, but good topic. I needs to spend some time learn­ing more or under­stand­ing more. Thanks for won­der­ful infor­ma­tion I was look­ing for this info for my mission.

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  6. Hej SanneSuper fedt, at du gør det her, sÃ¥ os der ikke har overskud til selv at gøre det kan fÃ¥ gavn af det:)Har fulgt din madplan siden mandag nu, og synes ikke jeg har manglet noget som sÃ¥dan, bortset fra min mælk. Jeg drikker meget mælk pÃ¥ om morgenen, og i kaffen.ved duom der er et alternativ der er “i orden”? evt, soja mælk eller andet?Hilsen Saira

  7. Lägg ingen energi på sådana människor. Du får väl leva ditt liv som du vill. Jättekul att du tjänar bra, men hade du blivit försörjd av din man hade inte heller spelat någon roll. Finns många människor som istället för att ta tag i sitt eget liv fokuserar på att hitta "fel" hos andra.

  8. Donna – “In dialog, people meet.” That’s a very nice saying.According to the USDA, Americans slaughtered roughly 9 billion chickens, 275 million turkeys, and many millions more of other animals in 2008. I believe that to be not just worthy of discussion, but a fact that should horrify any feeling person. It doesn’t. So sure, I’ll wave the banner, trying to make the point that a preference for the taste of cooked flesh leads to unimaginable pain and suffering. A personal choice – yes – but one with consequences too many are willing to turn away from.

  9. What makes sense for one person may not make sense for another based on your financial situation. If the stars are lined up properly, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is sometimes the perfect solution to your financial woes. If you fit the profile for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the main drawback is the negative impact on your credit score; but let’s be honest here. If you are this close to filing bankruptcy, your credit is probably not that great to begin with. Sometimes the only way to rebuild a house is to tear it down and start over, which is what a Chapter 7 bankruptcy will allow you to do.Source: jessewhitelaw.com

  10. The next time I learn a blog, I hope that it doesnt disappoint me as much as this one. I mean, I know it was my choice to learn, but I actually thought youd have something fascinating to say. All I hear is a bunch of whining about something that you can repair should you werent too busy looking for attention.

  11. es nevelos otrovalodu kaa krievu jo mees dzivojam eiropas savieniibaa tatad tai ir jabuut anglu valodai vai arii ir jaanem kaa citaas vaivaakaas vastiis pec vestures skatitaa un taa tad taa sanaak ladgaliesu valoda .

  12. OMG, I looooooved Take 5 bars when I was in college. I don’t think they were around when I was in high school, or I’m sure I would have loved them then as well. Perhaps I just hadn’t discovered them. I also love those Goetze caramel cremes and the similar “Cow Tails”… they are a little bit gross somehow, but also a lot amazing.

  13. Hola que tal? Habia un juego creo que era de atari que se trataba de una nena que tenia que llegar a la casa , en lugares se abria y cerraba el piso (tipo puente) y por ahihabian cocodrilos tengo 23 años y me acuerdo q era muy chica cuando lo jugaba. Ojala me puedan ayudar… ya que me trae mucha nostalgia desde ya se los voy a agradecer por su ayuda. Ahh por cierto esta muy buena la pagina me trajo muchisimos recuerdo

  14. hi jolie, great idea with the giveaway! my favorite is the onsie with the striped airplane (3-6 months)… our little guy’s name is jett, so that’s what made me love the plane one! by the way, i LOVE the work you’ve done with so many of my friends’ pictures. you’re an amazing photographer! it’s lisa shepherd, from church!

  15. e uma vergonha pra nos silvaniense deparar com tanto discauso pelas pessoas idosas e fazer um salao de festa dentro do asilo e onde estao o direito do idoso .onde estao as autoridades de silvania q nao ve . onde estao os gestores do asilo para ohlar pelo seus asilados . e demais …..

  16. laraaiam55Psoriasis sufferers, are you tired of promises from companies that use words like “may help” or “possible Relief”? Here at theaiam.com our word choices are Proven and Cure and 95% Success rate. With over 25 years of clinical studies & trials, we have what so many psoriasis patients are in severe need of ! Our Medical Assistants are trained in the skin disease field & support you through the entire trained in the skin disease field & support you through the entire treatment. 1(877)414-2426

  17. à°¸ుà°œాà°¤ à°—ాà°°ు.. à°¨ేà°¨ు à°®ీ à°¤ో ఏకీబవింà°šిà°¨ా,à°®ొà°¨్à°¨ à°®ా à°‡ంà°Ÿి ఓనరు à°…à°¬్à°¬ాà°¯్ , నన్à°¨ు à°ªేà°°ు à°ªెà°Ÿ్à°Ÿి à°ªిà°²ిà°šేసరిà°•ి à°¨ాà°•ు à°•ాà°²ిà°ªోà°¯ంà°¦ి. à°µాà°¡ి వయసు à°¤ిà°ª్à°ªి à°•ొà°¡ిà°¤ే, à°¨ాà°²ుà°—ు. à°†ంà°Ÿీ à°…ంà°Ÿాà°µా à°²ేà°¦ా à°…à°¨ి à°’à°•్à°•à°Ÿి ఇచా . à°…à°²ా à°‰ంà°Ÿుంà°¦ంà°¦ి à°•ొà°¨్à°¨ి à°µిషయలు

  18. This is not a serious problem. You just happen to hit a tempture inversion. Wipe out the crap with a paper towel and change to oil. You will be fine. This use to happen to me all the time when I lived in Virginia.

  19. Hej Sarah Louise Læste lige et gammelt indlæg med noget om nogle ændringer på Dream Models hjemmeside.Kan det godt nok passe at hvis man går ind på hjemmesiden og ind på en model, derefter ind på et af modellens billeder at der så åbnes en helt ny tab med selve billedet, og at billedet er ret så småt? Eller er det bare min computer der er noget galt med?Rikke

  20. Sattuipas, kun juuri eilen illalla harmittelin töhryjä. Aurinkoisella ilmalla olin ottanut leikkipuistossa valokuvia eikä siellä paikan päällä sotkut ollenkaan häirinneet. Mutta kotona huomasin, että tietysti juuri veikeimmän ilmeen kuvassa lukee lapsen vieressä "Tuukka on homo". Olkoon otos siis samalla ajan kuva -dokumentti. Mutta mummille en sitä viitsi lähettää :)

  21. É se o Google fosse inventado a 13 anos a nossa vida escolar seria muito mais fácil!nada de Atlas ou dicionários …..!Saber usar as ferramentas disponíveis é fundamental na sociedade contemporânia!

  22. el giro argumental seria que lightining debe acabar con el mundo, despues de todo la inmortalidad aburre para los havitantes (imaginate vivir como un niño varios siglos) del nuevo mundo, han vivido todo un tiempo sin sentido, o que los havitantes de ese mundo hayan enloquecido y ataquen a lightining y sus amigos y aliados se desquisiaron completamente….etc.PD: es solo una teoria

  23. Hi You "the annonymous Team",Not sure yet if I'm in favour or quite not so in regard to these latest changes … but I'll sure know very soon.Just why does the guy in the video act so tense and silly – looks like he's embarrassed and near to apologizing for the changes on YouTube. Guess he's supposed to reflect the uncertainty that we users feel ..(?) Poor tactic,in my opinion. I would have prefered to see someone who looks 100% confident about the changes and with a definite and assuring and calm way of presenting it.Best regards from me (as in "ThisIsMe)

  24. I don’t think he’s dead, I smell a cover-up next to the humus and falafels . Obama, yeah I doubt you, you’ve done nothing but lie, expand wars, ordering gun running into Mexico by ATF, ignoring the concept of checks and balances, etc. So yeah I have doubt, I believe this is as legit as your birth certificateWhen can we all get together and unite and legally remove this constitutional hating enemy of the state?

  25. My question is how did capital and labor become separate?Could it be via “credit creation” whereby the so-called “credit-worthy” are allowed to steal the purchasing power of the less “credit worthy”? And use it to automate their jobs away? The Industrial Revolution and central banking started around the same time, no?

  26. Je n’avais pas vu pour les 7 résultats sur la première page. Une vraie catastrophe si Google étend cela à toutes les requêtes, car il va devenir de plus ensplus compliqué de ce positionner dans le top 7.Par contre, pour Google, c’est bien évidemment tout bénéficce, car cela laisse le champ libre à une publicité encore plus omniprésente.

  27. As-Salaamu Caleykum:Layla iyo Cabdullaahi,Xawaash waxaan ka soo dul-dhacay Aniga oo tiraabaha cuntada raadinaya, si aan qaamuus cunto oo aan qoroyo ereyadiisa u sii badiyo. Waan ka mashquulay, bal se hadda ayaan si fiican u guda-galayaa. Waxaan samayn doonaa, haddii uu Eebbe idmo, tax tiraabo (terms) ah oo aan si khaas ah Xawaash uga soo guro, una macnayn doono. Waxaanan idiin soo diri doonaa, haddii uu Eebbe idmo, May dabayaaqadeeda.Mahadsanidin,Idiris

  28. Geschoffeerd ook dankzij die aanhang; wo.zgn Indië veteranen en figuren zoals zichzelf noemende Hankypanky ( te laf om eigen naam te noemen?-een nazaat van de Vaderlandse club? Nog steeds blind voor wat daar indertijd werkelijk is gebeurd?)Wat anders was Kon.Juliana’s ontvangst in 1971. Voer voor historici: Kon.Juliana was altijd voorstander geweest van de Indonesisch onafhankelijkheid!! TV serie Juliana gezien, waarin zij diverse ruzies had met Drees sr.over Indonesië?

  29. Det blev ruskigt snyggt! Jag gillar rosorna på dina muddar..som jag vet finns där uppe på kanten.Det blev alldeles lagom många blommor oxå.

  30. Does Google 'drop' individual pages from its indexing? (Or can a single page go to the Supplemental Index after having ranked in the top 100?). The home page on my site (www.buzzwords.ltd.uk/) doesn't show in at least the first thousand pages for the keyword 'copywriting', even though the page is optimised for that keyword. Also, Buzzwords is a copywriting agency with references to 'copywriting' throughout the site. Help please! Mike Beeson

  31. the initial decision to deny Chomsky entry was down to a “misunderstanding,” and denied claims that Chomsky’s name was on a black list of individuals prohibited from entering the country. She confirmed he was questioned for a number of hours before being denied entry by the Interior Ministry’s Immigration and Border Authority.Speaking from the Jordan Valley, Chomsky told Channel 10 TV, “I’ve often spoken at Israeli universities.”In 2009, following Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, Chomsky said, “supporters of Israel are in reality supporters of its moral degeneration.”

  32. Tracy? Funny I never caught on to that. Seems like a bunch of angry miserable people are on now. You most certainly did add to their blog. A LOT. Best wishes with you and you’re friend going through cancer treatment. My prayers are with you. Keep up the great work!

  33. Pues está de lujo. A ver si lo convences para que me haga un dibujito para mi header si no tiene blog quizá le pueda ofrecer un review a su portfolio (si tiene) xD(Sin spam que cuelan algunos…)

  34. Приму или куплю очередь на Volkswagen POLO SEDAN не более 10 000 руб. в ЮФО СКФО или в Москвве 1.6 Комплектация Comfortline + кондиционер либо Polo Highline. Цвет белый или черный металлик. МКПП. Срок поставки июль, август.

  35. The absence of the use of a consistent left margin leads me to believe this was done by someone too young to remember a time when one had to manually set them and had no knowledge of the meticulous nature of clerk typists back then.

  36. “we know he’s an S.O.B, but he’s our S.O.B.”That is a little bit different from calling Saddam a hero, a martyr or a holy warrior. Saddam has played a much more significant role in Palestinian popular culture than he ever did here in America. Even when Donald Rumsfeld was photographed shaking hands with Saddam, no one here in the United States was posting pictures of Saddam in their home or in their stores.

  37. Just because a professional doesn‘capital t adore you how you desire them towards,doesn‘capital t convey which they preceptor‘capital t adore you operating they want.

  38. ‘entire hyper-individualistic..’Exactly right. I probably should’ve made the point that those countries are socialist and the income gap is smaller. Also, it’s not like violent crime involving things other than guns isn’t a problem over there too. To be realistic, there’s more factors at play for that then what could possibly be appropriate for a comments section.

  39. dmagin 13.10.2009 – 19:43 the connection must NOT be closed. you can start, commit or rollback how many times you like. also you can use multiple transactions over one connection. also you can use a transaction to multiple connection (two phase commit). use my search bar on this side for two phase commit to see one transaction to different connections.regards daniel

  40. Buongiorno Simone,ti ho conosciuto leggendo anni fà “Adesso Basta” in preda ad un desiderio di cambiamento, seguito a piccoli passettini e qualche passo indietro; ho visto il tuo programma e ne sono rimasta entusiasta….FINALMENTE qualcosa in cui mi ritrovo!!!Adesso devo solo andare avanti.Grazie x l’entusiasmo che trasmetti. Una buonissima…settimana!senza giornate ore e minuti troppo programmati, ma solo da vivereDaniela

  41. Am remarcat că în multe dintre articolele sale din ultima vreme face referiri către domnul Viorel Pîrligras, către Hardcomics/Jumătatea Plină (de fapt, pe ei chiar îi menționează; îmi place că acele sute de milioane mai nou au evoluat în miliarde și miliarde) și mai puțin, trebuie să păstrăm proporțiile totuși, probabil către mine.Asta este.

  42. Kooshy,Yeah that news didnt make much sense. Egypt havent visisted Iran for 30 years but no this is not a indiction of reestablishing connections oh no, this is a indication of Iran’s weakness. Rather of course it shows that sunni powers recognize Iran as an important state that they have to concert, atleast some moves with for the region.This is typical AP analysis, frame it in a twisted delusional way.

  43. In case anyone hasn’t noticed, much of the Bill of Rights is quite simply no longer in effect in any practical sense, anyway. (Just try using your 2nd Amendment “rights” in my own home state “the People’s Republic of Taxachusetts.”) The Marxist traitors have been chipping away at the Constitution for decades. Now with all of us browbeaten with cries of “Racist!” if we do not vote for “the Messiah” and a very weak Republican candidate, the Left can smell blood in the water.Mark Levin is quite right; soon we will not recognize our country.

  44. This will largely depend on what email software you are using. Microsoft, Gmail, Yahoo etcFor instance if you are using Microsoft outlook you would go to Tools at the top of your page, click on it then go Options> mail format > signatures. Then follow the onscreen instructions for setting up your signature. You can also set whether they go on all your emails or just your sent emails or your replies etc.

  45. Thank you for this quote from Grudem. Unfortunately, it seems theological presumptions are controlling his exegesis, causing him to read unBiblical concepts into the text. No mention is made of Christ’s Active Obedience – in regards to us needing it for ourselves – in Scripture. Key justification texts like Romans 3:21-26 make no mention of anything except Christ’s death being necessary for God to be “just and justifier”. The Power of the Cross is all we need for salvation:“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Cor 1:23)

  46. Wow, that looks great!But I’m not sure if I could stand seeing someone stepping on it – even cute tiny little baby feet (probably because I know that the feet are perfectly clean, but there are plenty of leftovers from tiny little baby fingers and mouth on the floor *g*)I would rather take it as placemats or a blanket, I think Greetings,Tin

  47. The word meritocracy should never come out of a white person's mouth, here in America.That term lacks credibility in this country.I work in the defense sector, and I have seen good-ol-boy-nepotism at its finest, albeit ugliest.At my job, I am training a white who clearly doesn't know shit about IT server-based systems. After eight months, he's still asking me questions about tasks I spoon-fed him months ago. He'll probably be my manager one day.Don't fucking talk to me about meritocracy, because you don't know what it is let alone practice it.

  48. 21/11/2012 às 11:15 · They need to currently have evidence protection case. The car maker stated it taken into consideration the low cost a method to aid targets counterbalance his or her coverage deductibles.

  49. Please let me know if you’re looking for a article writer for your blog. You have some really great posts and I think I would be a good asset. If you ever want to take some of the load off, I’d love to write some content for your blog in exchange for a link back to mine. Please shoot me an email if interested. Kudos!

  50. Ha that sounds ominous. I was expecting great things: I’ve never read any Irving but I know lots of people who swear by him, and I’d heard all about this amazing bisexual protagonist – and so far, it’s been a bit of a let down. I’m also distressed by the use of the word “tr***y” :-( I don’t know, perhaps it’ll pick up. I’m not convinced though.

  51. "Bipartisanship" from the party that can't keep it's own supermajority together and is advocating gays serving "openly" in the military.Maybe they should change their emblem from an Ass to Barney Frank taking it up the ass and call that "be all you can be?"

  52. I watched with tears last night, our family hates to see her go.Kelli is wonderful and I’ll really miss her sincere smile. I don’t think alot of other tv people have that some others seem so fake.So I guess now we can all only hope she is replaced with the morning anchor 8 has now .. stacey mccloud! We watch her every morning.

  53. Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive read something like this before. So nice to search out any individual with some authentic thoughts on this subject. realy thank you for beginning this up. this web site is one thing that is needed on the net, somebody with a little bit originality. helpful job for bringing one thing new to the internet!

  54. Howdy. I was thinking of adding a website link back to your website since both of our web sites are centered around the same subject. Would you prefer I link to you using your website address: or blog title: Un Grano de Maíz – LA GUERRA SIN SENTIDO – Adán Gobernador. Be sure to let me know at your earliest convenience. Thanks alot

  55. Vilket vackert skåp! Och jag tycker liksom flera andra här att det absolut ska få vara precis som det är, alltså INTE målas om. Det är blandningen mellan nött och nytt som gör ett hem personligt, och detta skåp verkar ju ha en familjehistoria också. Behåll, behåll, behåll säger jag! /Hanna

  56. “No more games; no more fluff; no more pretending it’s all enough. My all will never be enough if it stops short of realizing that people are not the means to an end but, rather, that they are the end.”(Really…every word of the 3rd to last paragraph!)Amen!

  57. You have to take your cues from me, Peg, and leave your Christmas tree up YEAR ROUND. That way, there’s no agony every December. (Granted, we just have a tiny, 2 ft tree that functions more as a bedside lamp than anything. I don’t know if it would work as well with a 9 ft version.)

  58. I’ve grown to enjoy the post processing part of photography. Also, I’d never used close-up filters…if I ever get the desire to go back into photography I’d give those a shot. For the internet or anything less than 11×14 I don’t think the degradation in IQ would make me cry, particularly if it’s an image I’m going to vignette anyway.Anyway, I think the effect was good and accomplished very economically, of which I’m always a huge fan.

  59. This bracelet is ideal for me in the summer because I am a Jersey Girl! I was just down at the Jersey Shore during the summer and I LOVE the beach! I saw this similar cuff at the shore and instantly loved it! It would be the perfect summer bracelet for me because it will simply bring me back to the ocean feel of summertime!

  60. “The lack of jobs is a result of excessive personal debt, no?”How did you reach that conclusion? Without any explanation to support that statement, readers can ignore it.This also is a total non starter: ” And if people have a need to work then why not restore the population to the family farms that were stolen from them by the counterfeiting cartel, the banks?”Please give something to support your statements, otherwise they can be ignored.

  61. Paramount picked that up for distribution? WTF?! I liked John De Lancie in there – taking time off from Days of Our Lives at the time, I think.As for that Gillian Anderson thing – I’m still shuddering from watching, but I think I’ve actually heard that song on its own before. If I could remember the context, I’d know to stay the hell away from there in the future.

  62. Ceramic heaters and contoured plates provide exceptional heating technology for shine and style creationRounded barrel easily create curls, waves, flicks and the ultimate straightSleep mode shuts off the heaters automatically after 30 minutesUniversal voltage ensures optimum performance wherever you travelProtective plate guard safely covers hot plates when you need to style and go

  63. excelente receta, Kako, pero no puedo evitar mi bocadillo sudamericano… ¿la ciudad más austral del mundo? ¿estás segura? jajaja… no es por meter la típica púa que hubo por años entre argentinos y chilenos, ojito. Hasta cierta época, la más austral era Ushuaia (ARG), y desde hace unos años, es Puerto Williams (CH).Perdón, pero al vivir por estas tierras necesito aclarar ese punto, jeje.¡Saludos, querida! :O)

  64. Andrea Fraser ya lo hizo mejor en “untitled”… cuerpos pintados han usado el cuerpo desnudo mil quinientas veces para pintarlo. Payboy y Hustler tienen cuarenta siliconas más, que de nuevo me cuentas? O, la pregunta de siempre: todo bien pero “es arte?” No recurre a comentarios conceptuales sólamente a maniculiteteo. Una gran crítica al arte actual…señores.

  65. esta pagina es un trabajo educativo, da a conoser el conosimento de modo de reflexionar a culquira manera omas inportante da a conoser todo los conosimientos q un ser humano puede tener,este video q de roockeros y pensante quiere desir q no los debemos fijar en lo esterior sino en lo interior porq enla final es lo q inporta tambin podo desir queno debvemos jurgar alas demas persona.

  66. This Man in the picture is SANDRO FACCAat that time winemaker of Abbazia Di Rosazzo, Ronco del Gnemiz and Vigne dal LeonHe has died two years ago we lost one of the best colli orientali winemakersand one of the few unsold people we missed him

  67. (Author) Oct.23.2012 at 9:50 pm Hi Ashley! One grouping means “one group picture”…for instance if grandparents wanted to come along for a family session I would only be able to do one group photo instead of “one with grandparents” + “one without” just because of the time constraints. Hope that helps

  68. If you read the preview post, you’d see that I genuinely thought that the tool looked well designed. I had a coupon and figured it wouldn’t hurt to try it out. The first thing I did was test the tool on different hex fasteners and saw that the fit was absolutely terrible.The purpose of the review was to determine if the tool was usable out of personal curiosity, and to share the results with anyone deciding whether they should buy the tool.

  69. You are so right and I know the assault on education isn’t only from the right and yet they do seem to have more angry teeth out ready to rip apart public schools. And yes, I know, Arne Duncan…Good grief, what was Obama thinking? And Tom Friedman, too. Thanks for the info about organizations I might join to stop this effort to undermine our schools. And one last thing, I ,too, am retired but miss the kids!! Thanks for your thoughtful post.

  70. That fact that I'm seeing Ezra's face on the TeeVee denouncing Canada for hating her (might have something to do her telling us we're 'lucky' the US allows us to exist on this continent) makes me think that prick is somehow involved in the tour.

  71. Have you ever thought about adding a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is fundamental and all. But think of if you added some great graphics or video clips to give your posts more, “pop”! Your content is excellent but with images and clips, this website could definitely be one of the greatest in its niche. Superb blog!

  72. 12camei… ela é super estilosa nada como morar fora né??? é tão bom vestir o que quer sem se preocupar se alguém está rindo ou não… Eu ahazava no Canadá fazia uns lookes nada há ver e saia toda Rosa Rumorosa…

  73. 3. L’écurie a en effet apporté quelques améliorations techniques a la voiture. Suite à l’autorisation des diffuseurs doubles présents sur les Brawn GP, Toyota et Williams, McLaren a installé un diffuseur temporaire sur la MP4/24. L’équipe est en outre arrivé

  74. Hello Dr. Deb coming by way of DCS blog. What a beautiful post. I had numerous mentors each left an indelible mark upon my life. However, my father was the most influential. He believed in me when seemingly no else did. I am so grateful to have him for a father. After my father died, I had an elder confidant who became my mentor she was angelic. I learned a lot from her. I support mentor programs. Thanks for sharing this information.

  75. Have you ever thought about including a little bit more than just your articles? I mean, what you say is valuable and everything. But think about if you added some great images or video clips to give your posts more, «pop»! Your content is excellent but with pics and clips, this blog could undeniably be one of the greatest in its niche. Terrific blog!

  76. FWIW:If Frolov played the whole season with the Rangers last year he would have been second in assists with 32 (I'm not counting Jokinen) and tied for third with 19 goals. It's not saying that much really seeing as how Prospal and Gaborik were the only steady contributors…but let's project if Frolov becomes Ranger…he'd easily be in the top three in scoring.

  77. I got several emails in response to this piece from entrepreneurs, technical and non-technical, who are much further along in their start-ups and said they had basically/exactly LawyerDude’s experience with mania in the beginning. I was like, hey! You should leave a comment! But people are lazy and weird. -Adrianne

  78. Good post Chris – I haven’t come across the spider email before and it made me chuckle! Do forward on your email to the man in Nigeria It’s very true there is nothing more powerful that friend of peer endorsement. The Threshers campaign is very interesting as they do claim this was a mistake just meant for internal staff, but it had people queuing outside of their stores! Clearly the right creative message or ever offer – intended or not is invaluable.

  79. - I can hardly breathe…trying not to laugh too hard…I am 31 and STILL do that!!! Although we live with our driveway facing our land and lots of trees, and I am only driving to Casey’s to get us our refill mugs full of soda. I feel like everytime I walk out at night, every somewhat scary movie scene pops into my head. Oh, and I try to make sure I am singing a hymn or something so they might feel guilty too. I can not believe I just admitted this. I haven’t even told my dh…

  80. Merci Sarah pour votre réponse. Tout cela me surprend beaucoup et m’inquiète… Il est clair qu’une fille ne doit jamais se promener seule la nuit. Il y a, bien sur, un ensemble de comportements nouveaux à intégrer quand on arrive d’ailleurs. Mais qui relève du bon sens comme partout. Ils rentrent vite dans les moeurs au quotidien quand on y habite…Bonne continuation et, au fait, essayez vous d’avoir un billet pour le match france/uruguay conformément à votre fil conducteur ?

  81. I've just had my first banh mi from Banh Mi Bay. I had the traditional Viet bread which was much nicer – no sore jaw or cut gums from the crusty baguette :) The grilled pork was nice but totally and utterly overwhelmed by the MASSES of pickled carrot. what was up with that? Anyway for £3 (did they pump up their price already??) it was still a cheap feed and I'm happily slurping away on my avocado smoothie :)

  82. 8:35 AM, Thanks for asking. I'm sure low turnout is due to a combination of things. The number one reason is, being uninformed, citizens aren't angry enough, yet. It could also be somewhat of a shock, to some, that we're at that point already where taking action is necessary. The lack of a credible and recognizable leader doesn't help. Apparently, some are still hoping against hope that the system will prevail and justice be served. I can't imagine what they're thinking. Should the general public get wind of what we know, a firestorm could be had.

  83. Thanks a lot for giving everyone an exceptionally breathtaking possiblity to read critical reviews from this site. It is often so pleasurable and as well , full of a good time for me and my office mates to search your site at the very least thrice in a week to find out the new items you will have. And lastly, I’m also certainly motivated considering the spectacular creative concepts you give. Certain 2 ideas in this article are basically the most suitable we’ve had.

  84. tellement délicieux visuellement…que je me suis empressée à les réaliser…mais euh, comment dire…je n'avais pas bien lu la mention "Il ne sera peut-être pas nécessaire de mettre la totalité des blancs". Comment rattraper ensuite cette pâte liquide? En rajoutant de la poudre d'amande??? Ce que j'ai fait…mais impossible encore de les façonner. Bref, ils sont au four, en forme de boulette…Espérons que si la forme n'y est pas, ils soient au moins gustativement à la hauteur de mes espérances!!!

  85. · That Seinfeld episode is the first thing I think of when I hear the word babka…although I actually don’t think that association does yours justice…. This looks absolutely amazing! I love your writing…thanks so much for stopping by my blog! And congrats on meeting the boy through the blog…that’s a secret hope of mine…that eventually my prince charming will stumble upon mine and fall head over heels.

  86. I like this idea of coming up with one concise sentence that explains what you do. However, I feel like for businesses, the sentence should not only be what you do, but also why you do it. The “why you do it” part should be there to let people know why they should care about what you’re doing. I think this should still be able to fit in one sentence! I’ll be working on mine.

  87. Ha. That moment of Smalltown just fucking walking away… leaving us there with that human trash he had engaged with in the first place. Oh god. We had some good times in the early days. I'm not sure we could get up to as much trouble if you were to come back. I think I understand too much of what's going on around me, these days.

  88. Tentatively Tuesday Feb. 3, 2009 9:00pm EST. Moderated by Attymom Will post link on blog on by the weekend. Wish you would join us BrotherKomrade…Uptown, and DJAdam are in. BTW, BrotherKomrade thanks for admonishing Shabazz for the misogyny over at the Fieldnegro.

  89. Is Floris a bit dowdier than Penhaligon’s? I don’t know Penhaligon’s very well – it’s hard to get where I live – but it seems to be trying to modernise, from what I can see. I do remember Floris being sold years ago at a department store in Melbourne. I think I bought their Edwardian Bouquet. Not sure happened to it. I got bored with it I think.

  90. Ja fast det är väl oftast ett val att man flyttar? Så det är väl inget som staten ska subventionera?Jag förstår ju att det inte är kul om man inte kan träffa släkt och vänner alltså, men jag vet inte om jag tycker det är något som staten ska lägga sig på så sätt

  91. Tony-Tough questions. I find myself getting very frustrated when I start thinking about how little I am really doing for others/society/our world. But it is those very thoughts that give me some hope…at least we aren't going thru life without asking such questions of ourselves and challenging ourselves to re-assess what we are doing and why.Keep it up, and let me know when arrive at the perfect answer.

  92. precision, etant diplome d’une ecole d’ingenieur, je peux pretendre au titre de « scientifique ».Toutefois mes blogs sont consacres a la finance personnelle et au bonheur.2 domaines ou il est preferable que les « sciences » ne remplacent pas le bon sens et les valeurs humanistes.

  93. Well, Obama, that arch-traitor, might be able to push the very agenda he despises, but that's a very short-sighted wish. This country will never, ever recover from lively, vibrant and diverse left-wing tyranny until unrepentent White men start telling the open truth as offensively as possible and doing everything they can to do what's good for them and the U.S. Relying on your enemies to do the right thing for you is a losing proposition.

  94. Wow! I am stunt. Look at the website that RSH has placed a link as a source. Oh my g-d! Seriously man. It is filled with Racist and Anti-Semitics articles. “Have you read Talmud lately?” is a perfect example. This is the type of people who support the Iranian Regime and want to see them in power and of course, they will try to minimize movements such as Green Movements because of their inner hatred of certain type of people! wink wink. This is sickening and I enjoy nothing more than seeing all these people gathered in one place. Keep it up.

  95. There are distinct cultures (subcultures, really) in America. My point is that there is no one overarching “white” culture. The larger culture will have many elements borne of European culture, as to be expected in a country which is still majority white, but it is not exclusively white. Futher, that does not mean that there is one subculture to which all whites in America are part.

  96. كما تزرع أنواع أخرى منه كسياج حول الحدائق كصاد للرياح علاوة على فائدة نباتاته البرية ككلأ للإبل ،وهو شجيرة تأوي إليها الطيور خلال فصل الربيع للاختباء بين فروعها الكثيفة .

  97. This is why bands like Radiohead and Enter Shikari are doing it for themselves, and why the PRS, record companies and ultimately sites like Youtube will all lose out in the end. With events like this happening more and more artists will go the route that Radiohead and all them did, and in the end there will be no cash for greedy fat cat corporations like Youtube and PRS to fight for in the first place.

  98. Bloomberg is a great guy. Still, he’s waited too long. Clinton will hold on to win Ohio but it will be the last victory in her campaign. Obama will win Texas and the superdelegates will start to pour in.I hope Bloomie gets a top position in a new administration. I’d like to see a conservative approach to energy and education (more competition) and a more liberal approach to health care (govt regulation). Maybe Bloomberg could win over an Obama White House to the conservative energy or education policy.

  99. nidor︰關於那個事件,有簡略的解說。ehx︰謝謝你提供的資訊,看來我也必須update一下那篇文章了。在這裡,只要能提供新論點或新資訊,我是不在意炒冷飯的,以後有任何意見也都歡迎你提出來。對了,其實你可以直接回應在的舊討論串底下,這個部落格的回應插件還不錯,我會看到的。

  100. Sempavor scrive: 16/09/2009 alle 04:571°: “servi a ben poco”? casomai “serva”…2°: lzk87, quanti anni hai? mi auguro che tu sia giovane, perchè se invece tu avessi già una certà età dovresti ricordare i listini dei rivenditori di videogiochi di una quindicina di anni fa…e se non li ricordi vai a cercarli, che poi riparliamo di “prezzi alti”… Rispondi

  101. Va a ser duro recuperarse de esta derrota, creo que moralmente fue mas grave que el hecho de perder el partido. A eso sumemosle, que están sin Fabregas, sin Walcott, sin Van Persie y que hay gente sin experiencia para jugar finales ( claro problema, que se vio en la final contra el Birmingham)creo que va ser muy dificil para los gunners recuperarse de esta caida…

  102. I agree with you ” room for mobile wallet and digital wallet.Stu, I like Geo’s Wallet too… like your kiwiwallet.comI own AustralianWallet.com, GermanWallet.com and RussianWallet.com and some others…

  103. Bela análise ico,e bela corrida do massa…Pergunta: o desempenho do felipe foi bem abaixo do fernando, mas será que tem haver além da direçao diferente como ele disse em algo com o carro dele, porque ele não foi só mais lento do que o fernando mas de carros como mercedes, mclaren e renault, por isso minha duvida de que possam ter havido outros problemas com o carro que não só o acerto errado.

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  105. Thanks Chris, for another interesting article in the Anarchists tool chest series. I’ve been a woodworker for over 20 years and have learn more about tool chests since I found your blog than I have in a lot of years. Makes me wish I’d listened to my Grandfather a bit more as he was a master carpenter from Holland and worked from a chest similar to the ones described in this article.Cheers for now,Bryan

  106. Ja det er en skøn fællesskabs fornemmelse, der skabes i Skandinavien. Jeg er glad for at din niece har det godt. Tak fordi du deler hendes historie, den vil jeg helt sikkert læse.

  107. perchè poi a raccontato a quelli del bureau che sta fabbrica mica esisteva per davvero?Devi esserti perso un po' di puntate del telefilm. Si era molto discusso sulla contraddizione tra "la fabbrica è in USA" e la "fabbrica è overseas".Indizio:non è una contraddizione.Se tu non indendi le decine di dipendenti, non era tuo compito rispondere alla domanda che ho fatto a Barnmxp. La ripeto: dove si è mai parlato di decine di dipendenti e di fabbriche che stessero già producendo e-cat?

  108. remigius September 17, 2011 But if I wanted to, I could conduct a study and publish results with citations, and, might I add, in peer reviewed journals that told me exactly what I wanted to hear…Actually, no you couldn’t. That’s the point!

  109. قال:الغريبه انه لم يصلني اي تحديث بالرغم من ان شريحه كبيره وصلهم تحديث الاس 3 وانا لا تزال رسالة عدم توفر التحديث تظهر الي…. ف مالحل بليز يا اخوان +96896004366 للمساعده

  110. Man I love this article and it was so fabulous and I am gonna save it. One thing to say the Indepth analysis you have done is greatly remarkable.No one goes that extra mile these days? Well Done! Just another suggestion you shouldget a Translator Application for your Global Readers !!!

  111. Born To Do It, was a masterpiece but seriously since then can you rate any of his other works?If you ask me CD has reached the end of the road when it comes to the music industry, he has served it well with his albums like BTDI and the work with the Stragglers. As British singers go he has been a good one, if you ask me Taio Cruz is a lot more versatile and a great asset to the British Music Industry.

  112. Hmm, the colours – my garden is all pinks, purples and white with a bit of blue. I only realised after planting it amongst the bright pink azaleas that its not really in my colour scheme – but its so beautiful, so who cares? I should have planted it in and amongst the Clivias though, that would’ve worked. Oh well …

  113. I truly wanted to write down a message to be able to thank you for the splendid tips and hints you are posting on this website. My rather long internet research has finally been paid with sensible concept to exchange with my relatives. I would repeat that most of us site visitors are really fortunate to live in a perfect place with many special professionals with very beneficial guidelines. I feel truly privileged to have used your entire webpage and look forward to tons of more amazing minutes reading here. Thank you once more for a lot of things.

  114. Анонимный мыслитель / А Тесак оказался вполне таким приличным. Хорошо он под быдло маскируется в своих видео.

  115. Puoluetuki on moraalikysymys.Budjettituet ovat sensijaan velkaantumisemme kautta jo kohtalonkysymys.Verotuksemme ohi virtaa miljardeja euroja, eikä tolloja kiinnosta kuin puoluetukien leikkaaminen.Niitä juuri PS nyt tarvitsee, jos aikoo yleensä voittaa vaaleissa. Onko PSn jäsen valmis tukemaan puoluetta 1000 eurolla? ai ei! No pidetään siis sordinoa tuubassa kun itketään puoluetuista.

  116. Mateus, Shakespeare : voilà un poète presque anonyme. On a aussi dit de lui qu’il était homosexuel, parce qu’il s’adresse – apparemment – à un homme dans certains de ses sonnets… Comme si notre siècle (et le précédent) ne savait en effet que farfouiller dans l’intimité des auteurs, pour découvrir leurs supposées pratiques, comme vous dites (dans le cas de Shakespeare, déduites de ses textes, ce qui est fort de café !)

  117. Hi,I am responding on Wednesday, couldn’t find comment section though on today’s email. I went back to Tuesday. Thank you for sharing your talents in decorating. Your expertise and enjoyment of this area is so helpful to encouraging the nesting instinct so many women have.Diane in Michigan

  118. Hammer,io la vedo così:Non puoi impedire fisicamente agli altri, a priori, di offenderti o disturbarti.Puoi agire come meglio credi e lamentarti e farti valere DOPO che l'hanno fatto, ma prima non puoi impedirglielo fisicamente.Altrimenti scivoli nella censura e nel processo alle intenzioni.

  119. Interesting post. I find that things I am very confident in I am able to explain while doing, such as training and explaining to someone how to run a lesson while demonstrating it at a case. Or even something as simple as explaining a soccer move and its intricacies while doing it. Situations such as these are done smoothlyWhen it comes to explaining while doing something I’m not so confident in…well thats a completely different issue. I stumble and fumble my way through it which then adds to the lack of confidence.Interesting post! :-)

  120. I gotta tell ya Matt, I’m just tired of all these talking heads debating over what they believe is best for us. I’m just tired of it. When we a point in the conversation when we’re actually talking about rationing care and deciding who live and who does not, I think that’s when it’s time to pull the plug and give them the bird.

  121. என்ன பண்றது தலைவா! போன வாà®°à®®் வாà®™்குன டி-à®·à®°்ட் கடைசி நாள் தேà®°்வுக்குக் கூடப் போடாà®®, பதிவர் கூட்டத்துக்குன்னு வச்சிà®°ுந்தேன்! சோகம் இருக்காதோ பின்னே!

  122. Il arrive en effet que dans le métro on soit « transporté » de bonheur rien qu’à lire une phrase, il arrive qu’un de ces petits mots trouvés soit un « viatique » qui voyage avec nous le reste du jour, ou que jetant un oeil sur un quai on croise un(e) amie d’enfance, les locaux du Monde (station Blanqui), le marché Barbès, etc. Il arrive même qu’arrivant au terme du voyage métropolisé, on regrette de quitter ce lieu plein de vie, et finalement tout existentiel et métaphorique.

  123. Hi Vince, Thank you for your email . The wine making process involves two steps. You would call us 416-781-9463 to reserve your wine and make an appointment to come in to mix the ingredients. 6-7 Weeks later you come in to bottle the finished product. Our wines have 1/5th the preservatives, are 1/4 the price and you re-use your bottles each time (nice environmental benefit). Cheers. The Wine Butler

  124. / Okay, paying attention to “self-interest, properly understood” has been many people’s idea since, well, at least since Adam Smith. Even we harp on it on our web site. In fact, our system works on self-interest. I wonder: What is Stiglitz’s detailed plan? Besides, have you posted your review of his book on Amazon?

  125. This is a well put together course on the essentials of EVM. Not a sexy subject, but it is covered quite effectively. The course included: an overview of the benefits of EVM, steps and information required, integrating with the WBS and reporting analyzing the outcomes. Good graphics and visuals, fairly easy to navigate.

  126. British Brig. Rob Weighill, director of NATO operations in Libya. "It again shows . . . his willingness to attack humanitarian-delivery efforts," Weighill said. Khadafy later said that he would agree to a cease fire, but wouldn't step down. It's way past time to assassinate Khadafy. Maybe mold is the person from the Mission Impossible team to handle this assignment.

  127. Hallo! Mein Name ist Nur Afiyati Fazrin, Ich komme aus Indonesien, Ich bin Schuelerin in die SMAN 3 Tasikmalaya, Ich gehe noch in die 12. Klasse. Ich bin 17 Jahre alt, und Mein Hobby ist Sport, aber Ich gern Fussballspielen. Ich mag spiele Fussball, weil ich Lionel Messi mag. Lionel Messi…

  128. ne demek bu hastalık geçmiyecek kardeşim ben 2 sene önce bu hastalığa yakalandım 1 senelik sıkı bi tedavi geçirdim 1senedir eskisindende iyiyim her şey sizde bitiyor tedavinizi olun ve beyninizi iyi olduğuna şartlandırın

  129. …:wahh.. udah 16 minggu lebih ya mb..semoga dedek bayinya tetap sampai saat dilahirkanmau sharing pengalaman waktu hamil dulu nihwaktu aku hamil anak pertama dan kedua, aku dulu teler sampai 7 bulan-an. setelah trimester pertama, mual agak berkurang, tapi tetep aja mabok XDwaktu trimester pertama berat turun 5 kiloan, sampai tinggal 38 kg, huaaa… kata adikku aku spt orang cacingan, karena badan kurus sedangkan perut gede, ihik ihik

  130. Gerçekten doyurucu ve detaylı bir inceleme olmuÅŸ. Ancak bu videoyu izleyen kiÅŸide WP8 telefon alma hevesi kalmaz sanırım. SÄ°zin de deÄŸindiÄŸiniz üzere çok sayıda eksiÄŸi var. Ãœstelik sizler çok sert eleÅŸtirmemeye çalıştınız. Buna raÄŸmen platform çok eksik… Cebimde 1600 lira param olsa ve telefon alacak olsam WP8 en son tercihim bile olmazdı sanırım. Bakalım telefon incelemelerinden sonra düşüncelerim deÄŸiÅŸecek mi?

  131. ok, here is what I don’t get, your tar states it is for an SPH-D710..which is sprints S2, but when I push it down through odin and restart..no matter which version I do 1,2 or 3, it still boots up and states it is an GT-i9100 with a yellow exclamation at the bottom? When I google that version number alot of the things I see is that it is a GSM kenrnel not a CDMA Kernel. I also had the connection issues everyone is talking about, and when I pushed the stock back to my epic, i no longer had the connection issues.

  132. One question I attempt to put (to multiculturalists) is , if white countries are so irredeemably racist, why are you so anxious deliver an endless stream of non-white victims to them. Would you have encouraged Jews to emigrate to Germany from 1933 onwards?(Not to endorse the holocaust, just to use the meme against them)

  133. You’re over-reacting Mark. The Newspoll was an aberration, the possibility of which had been acknowledged by Newspoll and a host of other commentators – including your good self – since day one.Morgan is Newspoll’s commercial rival. Of course Gary Morgan – who has never produced a rogue poll in his life – is going to talk up Newspoll’s inadequacy. The next Newspoll is due out in one week’s time. I suspect that balance will be restored and normal transmission resumed, at that point.

  134. Csalatkozám é szemeim által?Oly vonást mint szerénység, hibáim között nem lelsz. "Én meglehetÅ‘s becsületes vagyok: mégis oly dolgokkal vádolhatnám magamat, hogy jobb lett volna, ha anyám világra sem szül. Igen büszke vagyok, bosszúálló, nagyravágyó;":-)Kerülném a nygbetűs embereket, meg a kicsiny betűseket is – az a szubtrópusi sziget, öreg napjaimra, sose legyen péntek.Az élet kaland, de huszadrangú sorozat forgatókönyv író írta…Árnyalatok nem léteznek egy monomániás számára…

  135. Sherry – So glad you are blogging again! Hope you are flenieg well and getting enough sleep. My pregnant belly is currently full of cheese mints I made for a baby shower. Hope baby likes cheese mints. We found out we are having a girl! We will name her Leila after Ken’s granny Lelia. Miss you! Love the pics. Your kids are darling!!!Love,Sherry

  136. Don, I think I have all your posts saved, because they are so helpful. This one particularly appeals. I can tell when an author has affection for their characters, even the “baddies,” and those books are the ones which most stick for me. Mari Passananti, if I recall, to have a personalized avatar, you need to register for CommentLuv with a site that has a photo attached.Jan O’Hara´s last blog post ..Like? 0

  137. Yeah, R Truth is suddenly awesome. I suspected he might have had a personality when he was going around telling people his government name was Delicious, but I was skeptical.The best part of the PPV (based on the one quickly-removed YouTube clip I watched) was obviously that quick cut to all of the Divas backstage, watching Kharma debut, Kelly Kelly blatantly placed in front. Kong’s quick-snap from her maniacal laughter to serious face is amazing.

  138. Your food processor article inspired me to try it with a machine I had intended to get rid of on ebay. Worked great on some really hard clay I had, except it quit working on the second or third batch and I cleaned the blades well and it worked again. I think the blades had too much residue on them and it was sticking to them. I need to find that quick mix, I have been using the sculpey softener.

  139. kai ayto ti simainei oti den prepei na ginontai ekdiloseis????o kathenas tha prepei na analamvanei thn prosopiki tou eythini…..ean oi neoi theloyn na symmetexoyn mono se ayta den ftaiei h nev oyte o kathe syllogos…ftaei o kathe enas mas me tis proteraiotites poy vazei!giati den toys travaei kaneis me to zori theloun kai pane!!! Epiloges kanoyme…

  140. ASPECTOPUNTOSRegistrar la clase1 puntoImagen de la clase0.5 puntosContestar pregunta 1: ¿Qué sucedió en la clase?0.5Contestar pregunta 2: ¿Cómo lo hicieron?0 falto saber cómo solucionaron el caso del celador!Contestar pregunta 3: ¿Qué aprendi en esta clase?0.5Contestar pregunta 4: ¿Qué pregunta aún tengo de la actividad?0.5Contestar pregunta 5: ¿Cuáles ideas nuevas se generan alrededor de la actividad?0.5Diseño propio y original: Personaliza tu cuaderno. No te copies, tú también puedes pensar.0 puntoNOTA FINAL5 PUNTOS: 4.0

  141. Ich könnte dazu meinen Vater (jetzt 65) empfehlen. Raucherbein, 2 x knapp einer Amputation (mit Anfang 50) entgangen, seit einem Jahr Kelhkopfkrebs, Ventil im Hals. Ich glaube nicht, dass von uns noch jemand das Rauchen anfängt.

  142. Hi Kev, I am amazed at the water drops that you take,in fact I have your web site in my favorites just to help me. I purchased a stop shop and have been practising water I am getting results.But want to go a step up are there any tips you can offer to improve my water drops,I know there are dozens and dozens but even a couple of tips & hint would be great please bear in mind I only have one stop shop. R McGregor .PS please keep up your web site as a great many of are following it

  143. போர் இன்னும் முடியவில்லை. பல உண்மைகளை வெளிச்சம் போட்டது.நல்லபதிவு என்று சொல்வது அவரவர் மனப்பாங்கைப்பொறுத்தது என்பதால் இது ஒரு யதார்த்தமான பதிவு என்று சொல்கின்றேன்.. 60வருட காலப் போராட்ட வளர்ச்சியைச் சாகடித்துவிட்டார்களே என்கிற வருத்தம் ஒவ்வொரு தமிழருக்கும் உண்டு.எப்போ அவர்கள் விடுவார்கள் தாங்கள் போராட்டத்தைத் தொடரலாம் என்கிறஅவசரம் பலருக்கு இருப்பது போலுள்ளது. ஏனென்றால் ஏமாந்த மக்கள் முதுகில் ஏறி உட்கார்ந்து கொண்டால் தானே மக்களை ஏமாற்றித் தாங்கள் பிழைத்துப்போகலாம்.தமிழ்சித்தன்

  144. no, non pretendo la tuttologia, per carità. Ma come tu stesso scrivi, serve una grande competenza per dichiararsi incompetente a ragion veduta. Quello di cui mi lamento è l'eccessivo e ingiustificato abuso della specializzazione. Possibile che un medico (cito casi noti… con conoscenza diretta), non si renda conto di una malattia che è la causa della patologia in cui tu sei specializzato e ti preoccupi solo di curarla…?

  145. Très bien ! je l’ai très peu connu, fidélité aux morts, Jean nous te reverrons bien passer à l’envie sur cette terre. Le mystère de la diffusion de son Å“uvre : je la crois artificiellement freinée sur le territoire, purement et simplement. C’est simplement différentiel, il est plus connu hors de nos frontières qu’ici même. Je crois que j’en appèlerai bientôt, aussi mais plus modestement, à mes proches pour la diffusion de son ouvre même si ça me coute un peu de temps.

  146. what a sylish and beautiful woman…..and love the photography of her and her dog…..I agree totally with her about going the non surgery route…..people who have extreme plastic surgery all start looking like they are related to each other……any individuality is taken away……its kind of like putting plastic covers on your beautiful sofa(like in the 1950's by some)…..not wanting any sign of age or blemish to happen…..rather than surgery she keeps herself beautiful thru sleep, diet, weight control and personal style…..love it!!!!!

  147. HalloHabe bei Garmin Österreich nachgefragt ob man auf die externe SD Karte Strecken od. Routen speichern kann. Es wurde verneint, nur registrierte Karten mit Mapsource und der Kartenfunktion können gespeichert werden. Habe es dann trotzdem versucht eine Strecke in die New Fils zu kopieren(kopieren-einfügen) konnte sie aber am Gerät unter Strecken nicht finden. Habe 4GB KarteHerzlichen Dank für einen Antwort

  148. nemo 提到…想請問大大我在cydia安裝five/icon dock後cydia跑完上面顯示安全模式,重開機白蘋果掛在中間不動,進入網路教學DFU,itunes有反應但是回復顯示,無法在此時回復iphone 因為無法聯絡iphone軟體更新伺服器.再麻煩您了Ans: 可能是您的電腦有安裝過 TinyUmbrella 小雨傘 的軟體,apple 的伺服器 IP 被改變了,改正確即可!

  149. Hi and thanks to yahoo that presented me this probability to obtain your internet site. The following is one of those blogposts that need to be bookmarked and distributed with other people and this is what i’m going to do at least on my facebook wall for sure. Thanks a lot again pal for making my evening. expect me to return. Ok bye.

  150. scrive:Ciao, un po’ di consigli WordPress dato che ho un po’ di esperienza:- attiva i permalink così gli indirizzi delle pagina sono più “belli” da vedere- togli la barra di condivisione a sinistra degli articoli perché distrae molto chi legge e da fastidio (questo non c’entra molto con wordpress xD)- prova Disqus per i commenti che ha una grafica molto più carina di ora e integra facebook e twitter..- era meglio se usavi un tema HTML5..

  151. Which makes me wonder – how about a 20 feet long crocodile in Lauren Booth's bed? Hearing the scream then shouldn't be a problem…only whose scream?Ok, enough wishful thinking. I still read mainly the headlines in newspapers. But I read your posts from head to toe, which is more useful.

  152. Bel hommage rendu à La Hulotte, ce petit chef-d’oeuvre pour tout public !Fort bien documenté (l’auteur fait toujours une longue enquête préalable auprès de spécialistes patentés), fort bien illustré (ses dessins à la plume sont réalisés en grand et minorés ensuite pour la publication) il informe, il séduit, et il fait « mouche » car il est convaincant ! Sous une apparence faussement infantile…J’ai tous les numéros sauf de 1 à 5… qui sont probablement introuvables sauf chez des bouquinistes.

  153. Большая просьба, родители 4 -ых классов, отзовитесь! к какому преподавателю отдать своего детеныша? Хочется услышать отзывы об учителях.

  154. Your perspective, and your reminder of your priorities is always inspiring to me. *This* is the way it should be. We’re honored to be led by you, and blessed by your heart and your support. Praying for you all the way!

  155. I remember actually filling in a few times behind the bar at the Sunflower. At the time I was working up Mass Ave towards Arlington at the Ground Round. My sister Jenny (red head) worked at the Sunflower in the early years for a good while. Your name sounds familiar???

  156. Double, if you don’t need the money for the next five years or so, you have many options beyond the savings account (BTW, FNBOdirect gives 1.0% APY, you can see a 25% increase in your investment return :)). Another option is to pay more towards mortgage if you have a mortgage and don’t subscribe to the theory that one of the following will forcefully snatch your house for no reason: commies, uncle sam, and x-tian jihadists. On the other hand, if that pot of money is basically for expenses in case there is a sudden job loss or two, there aren’t that many options!

  157. Arinta dadka caruurta leh waa caadi oo DNA ayaa lagu xaliyay ka dib go’aankii Maxkamada Socdaalka. Maria Ferm waxay ku fashilantay waa in ay hesho go’aan baarlamaan oo arinta guud ahaanteeda lagu xalinayo qaasatan dadka aan caruurta lahayn iyo ilmaha la soo korsaday. Waa balan qaadkii ay sameeyeen sanadkii hore ee ahaa in July 2012 arinta dhan la xalinayo, taas ayaa fashilantay.Fikrad lala dhacay 5  0

  158. MD, I see what you are saying, but Grant was there and questioned the play calls. I don’t believe most of the routes were deep from what I saw. MM should be more involved in the game as should the speedy KW. The runs in the first half were unproductive other than CK. I’m still thinking the timing of some of the calls were poor.

  159. I’m feeling it too, but I’m pushing on…hard….just because I’m totally stubborn. But if you see nothing but pictures on my blog all summer, you’ll know why It’s exhausting sometimes..just catching up. I’ve had to stop reading my favorite blogs all together the past two weeks…I say let’s all just stop worrying and start writing whenever we feel like it Amanda Austin’s last awesome post…

  160. Kedves Ágnes!Elég hozzá az internet elérés. A cégek, vállalkozók kampányait kell segíteni. Megoldható utazás nélkül is. A telefon mellett az internetes beszélgetős programokkal is bonyolítható.Kérjük, iratkozzon fel, és folyamatosan megkapja a tájékoztatásokat.Üdvözlettel:ProDm Admin Hungary

  161. Hubert Pietruszewski pisze:Panie Janie, Zakopane to PaÅ„skie poletko. Może to jest sygnaÅ‚, żeby Pan otworzyÅ‚ tam odpowiedzniÄ… knajpkÄ™. Nie bÄ™dzie to pewnie Å‚atwe, bo caÅ‚e Krupówki (pewnie pozostaÅ‚e miejsca też) sÄ… obstawione przez dwóch – trzech goÅ›ci (pozdrowienia dla Fiana ). W razie czego mogÄ™ dostarczać wyÅ›mienite piwo wÅ‚asnej produkcji.

  162. skudrunner.Again you make unwarranted assumptions.I am not an accountant. I had a corporation for 10 years. It did not do accounting. And yes, it was a Class C corporation. If you are Subchapter S, you a can convert yourself to a C with simple form. And if you have problems with your tax bracket, you probably should.But you strike me as the type of person who stubs their toe just so they can coomplain. Or at least pretends to.

  163.   GemOctober 5, 2010What a great guest blog!I’ve read Tony Parsons books before and being a big lover of kelpies (my own “Red” has just spent his first 3 days in the yards and although he lost a bit of weight, he performed very well & made the job much easier according to my fiance) I’m rather interested in Tony’s book “The Kelpie”. Where can I get a copy Fleur?

  164. I’m impressed, I must say. Genuinely rarely can i encounter a weblog that’s both educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Your concept is outstanding; the concern is something that too little individuals are speaking intelligently about. My business is quite pleased i always stumbled across this during my try to locate something regarding this.

  165. Hello Gregg,You say, “Surely we can come up with some useful things to employ people at.”I entirely agree. It does not require much imagination to find worthy occupations for the idled and the impoverished. My question is why Government seems so bereft of that simple imagination?Regards,Gary Marshall

  166. 2  1I am still confused at why she thinks he came up it was time to marry to propose to her by himself. She brings it up so much I have dreams about it! I can only imagine what he is enduring. And sorry but she needs a job so she can get a life of her own. He is crazy for marrying her, she demeans folks and never admits when she is wrong. The fact that she kept telling him its time to grow up is insulting…so because he is not ready to marry you he is a child? I don’t like her at all!

  167. - You can certainly see your skills in the paintings you write. The sector hopes for more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to say how they believe. Always go after your heart.

  168. B4 the Mayflower, "Not much difference in color between many Haitians and Dominicans, unless you wish to establish an apartheid separation based on colorism."There is a big difference in their state of minds when it comes to color consciousness. Dominicans are some of the most prejudiced people on the planet and think very little of Haitians. The lighter you are, the more you are respected in DR. Conversely, the darker you are, the more you are disrespected. Just ask Sammy Sosa.

  169. Nataniel pisze:Niestety taki jest Jan Fijor. Ciekawy, rzekomo zwolennik kapitalizmu, ale niestety jego przewidywania polityczne nigdy sie nie sprawdzily. Goracy Katolik, ktory padal przed oltarzem na twarz przed takim cwaniakiem mistycyzmu, jakim byl i jest Ojciec Hejno. A wogole to dobry dziennikarz i pisarz, ktoremu brakuje filozofi zycia, zeby sie sam z soba nie szamotal. Ale trudno takiemu na dluzsza mete wiezyc.

  170. Most likely it’s missing it’s mommy or the scent. Do you you get them from a pet store or just out of the paper? any way you could get a small blankie and get some scent from the mommy or siblings? I have done the trick of letting the kitten lay on my chest so it can listen to my heartbeat and it’s warm as well. also check to make sure they have no swollen tummy just in case it could possibly have an upset belly. Was this answer helpful?

  171. Or you could write a letter to a soldier, or a fire department, or a law officer, or literally ANYONE ELSE other than death row inmates. Its not an animal shelter; no one is on death row because they don't have anywhere else to go. Browse through a list of death row inmates and find one you'd be willing to sit down and write to. Could you find one? Thought not.

  172. I don’t think I have had poison ivy in my whole life. I remember wrestling with my brother in the back yard and within hours he is blistered up from poison ivy. It is everywhere, in his ears, chest, and back. He even got it down his pants somehow.I just remember him taking frequent showers, oatmeal scrubs, and calamine lotion. He was out of commission for two days but that pretty much took care of it.

  173. L’aspetto delle emissioni di climalteranti (ossia CO2, N2O, CH4, ecc.) e del suo inserimento nell’ETS è solo marginale nelle attuali convulsioni dell’industria pesante europea e dell’ILVA in particolare. Il problema sono le emissioni di inquinanti (diossina, benzopirene, ecc.), in particolare per l’ILVA, gli inquinanti che si sono depositati nell’ambiente circostante negli svariati decenni di attività.Siamo al top degli svarioni.

  174. Undeniably believe that which you stated. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the internet the easiest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get irked while people think about worries that they plainly don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. Will probably be back to get more. Thanks

  175. cu asta m-ai lovit in punctul cel mai sensibil al papilelor mele. Numai din ce ai scris si m-am indragostit iremediabil. Cat de curand prestez si eu. Dar, mai intai, trebuie sa incerc sa refac retele cu gramajele exacte. de ce-mi faci tu una ca asta si nu spui cat pui din fiecare ingredient? Ce ma fac eu daca nu-mi ese tarta? Sau, mai rau inghetata? ai mila!

  176. vic:內涵即是一種我們對於詞彙的指涉的事物的概念的集合======但是每個人對於同一個指涉物所擁有的概念並不一定是一致的.儘管外延有形狀大小和型態上的差異,但外延的個體之間始終享有一些物理或者化學上相同點.比如水,無論海水還是河水,除了前者有鹽後者無鹽以外,也無論是冰塊還是液太水,水都是「æ°«+æ°§」.但要在概念中找統一的成分,這不太容易,例如聽到「台灣」這個詞,有人想到的可以是「台灣地圖」,有人想到的可能是「總統府」,也有人想到的可能是「青天白日」,然而它們之間在屬性上完全沒相同點,甚至連範疇都是不一樣的.一些強硬的外延主義者所幸直接聲稱外延決定內涵,比如我們前年的語意學導師...

  177. so whats the moral … so whats the moral of the story, all this stuff may be happening, but when most people are focusing on shalom, maybe even because thats the only word they know, which means peace, it redeems it all, shalom is really all you need, nothing else, within shalom שׁלם dwells the entirety of the way Was this answer helpful?

  178. GREAT TUTORIAL!! Next issue: Opinion really After importing into XSI (whether it’s the original from the original Daz FBX or the Daz_10k) do you recommend building all the controls for the imported rig or …. trashing the imported rig (keeping the mesh only) then using xsi’s biped rig guide which already comes with controls. Appreciate your thoughts

  179. Great write-up, I am normal visitor of one’s site, maintain up the excellent operate, and It is going to be a regular visitor for a long time. “Time has a wonderful way of weeding out the trivial.” by Howard Aiken.

  180. I acquired this inside the mail about fourteen days ago and I’ve come across a comfortable drop in my hypertension since that time. I am additional energetic and happier. Its amazing because I started taking these caps with my new exercise plan and my road to health looks far more promising. Awesome find!

  181. ля , ртуть ртуть…. выбросы в атмосферу ртути изза этих лампочек , ололо В Киеве стоит заброшеный завод Радикал , там вся почва ртутью просякнута, везде эти шарики…. а иногда и лужи встречаются…. оттуда уже вывезли не одну сотню тон ртути , а сколько еще в земле… Так что не партесь по таким мелочам как лампочки ))) юзайте и радуйтесь жизни

  182. Well, there are always car accidents and drowning, if you want to get up to 13. Scary, yet fascinating creatures. That octopus is beautiful!My sister-in-law doesn’t want to visit our house in Texas because she saw a documentary on brown recluse spiders. And yet she went hiking in Turkey over spring break. *sigh* This list would definitely put her off ever visiting Australia!

  183. dit :Même réflexion qu’Anacoluthe. Du coup comme je suis gauchère, ton frigo, il est pour moi, hop dans mon panier.A la troisième lecture, j’ai vu le prix, ça attendra, et puis je me suis habituée à l’ouvrir avec les dents, alors…

  184. Jeg har nr. 1, sort med sort sted er klart bedst:-) er slet ikke til hvid. Og med polar modellen, sort sted, får du mere for pengene da den er ekstra vind og vandtæt. Og så synes jeg det sorte stil er pænt. Og med sort vogn kan den bruges til en dreng senere, nemmere sælges og så kan du give den gas med lyserød dyne, neon kæder etc.

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  186. « Et je me répète : la vie et rien d’autre » — Louis | le 17 juin 2011 à 13:21 Celle de qui ? La vôtre ? Celle de vos parents ? De votre femme ? De vos gosses ?Êtes-vous certain de mourir au combat ? Quid si vous avez x% risques de survivre ? Contre y% risques pour vos proches de subir un sort misérable, éventuellement la mort ?Quel dommage, toute une morale en une ligne, c’était si élégant…

  187. All of the people saying this is not worth fighting for are cowards and sheep waiting for the state to take over their lives. The principal of liberty is what matters, not caving in each time it’s practical. Terror code orange! bend over and spread your anus for Dick Cheney! Thomas Jefferson is rolling in his grave.

  188. Ne, ale teď upřímně: lidi zblbli. Zatímco před 89., se za každou zprávou po hospodách hledala nějaká kulišárna, dneska se všechno hltá be rozdílu. Za a) je to pohodlnější; za b) máme tu přece tuhle svobodu. Současný stav mě děsí, protože to všechno začíná až moc připomínat dvacátá léta. Spousta imaginárních pěněz, pohodlnost a odevzdanost lidí, čirá bezmoc, až strach. Už jen chybí nějaký ten dobrý řečník a všichni budem v jednom velkém řádně hnědém h*vně.

  189. Students who major in the physical sciences or math or accounting/finance will have a better chance of a better paying job than humanities or arts majors even if the arts major went to a more expensive schoolquantitative or technical fields arealso far easier for males to get jobss or promotions in as hr and marketing and management are in this day and age almost exclusively female

  190. Joni, (and family)Some of my fondest high school memories are of our friendship and getting to know your Mom along the way. She was a dynamic woman who seemed bigger than life to me. I was in awe of her. A loving heart….A gentle spirit…A beautiful soul. May thoughts of all she meant to you bring comfort thru the days ahead. Nancy

  191. Pip Waller, North Yorkshire: you have absolutely no idea how you might behave if you were gay. If you spent a lifetime being denied the social acceptance, protections of safety, job opportunities, job advancements, and right to marry, you’d probably be thrilled to throw off your legal shackles and announce: Hurray! I’m gay and I’m getting married to the person I love!”

  192. Vou aproveitar que estou indo para os EUA agora no final do mês e vou levar uma pequena listinha de compras! Haha Bodyography Veil Foundation primer green por U$11,00. Biotherm Homme T-pur intense? U$30,00. Ai ai… ninguém vai me segurar!

  193. we will be falling short $5600. (each individual unit). this was done March 2012. Brownings said we should not be required any other assessments for another 30 years. Albeit my monthly dues go up every year by the allowed 20%. Now for the “Big One”, in 2005, there was a huge assessment of $45,000 to every homeowner due to renovations. My Board operates outside the CC&R’s until I remind them of the rules. They apparently, they did do a visual inspection of the property this year. This was done by our Management Co. cohorts, Contractors friends. Should the visual be done by an engineer ? Or a reserve specialist? Thank you for comment. Pam Stone

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  195. David Sloan Wilson…I caught his talk at the Animal Behavior conference recently. He sseems like a fairly bright guy, even if the methodology of the study he was talking about seemed a little dodgy.On the other hand, he did get the nickname of “Doctor Asshole” around the campfire for his savage attack on Tim Clutton-Brock during the Q&A after the latter’s keynote address, in which D.S.W. beat Clutton-Brock over the head with group selection.

  196. My son just got “robbed” by M & M in London! The handle with huge tube got stuck ! delivering 2,3 kg! of chocolate he did not want but was forces to buy! For a cost of 45 pounds!!! If your equipment is malfunctioning do not make the customer suffer for it. As a young tourist in the city without parental support this is an outrage! He will certainly remember this shop – and the harsh saleswoman threatening with a guard. Luckily he had a credit card to pay with – what would have happened otherwise? Thanks M & M for spoiling my sons student trip.Ann-Cathrin Rothlind/Sweden

  197. I learned a lot of things within internet marketing, but only 1% of everything I learned actually makes me any money. Right now I’m focusing on ppv which is actually giving me profits. Scaling should be easier when you don’t have a million things to try.

  198. Mmm, vilken läcker bild!Jag såg om Avengers 3D igår kväll, hihi! Idag har jag kunnat sitta i solen och läsa i Kerstin Ekmans fantastiska Grand Final i rövarbranschen (och nu sitter jag inne och vaktar på brödbak och chokladsnittar).Hoppas att du har haft kul på kalasen och kanske fått litet lästid på resan till Göteborg? Härligt att få komma till en annan stad ett tag!

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  201. Avez-vous lu la déclaration du ministre syrien de l’Information:« Ces attentats terroristes sont injustifiables où qu’ils se passent », a réagi le ministre syrien de l’Information, interrogé par la télévision officielle.Ah le lapsus révélateur, comme s’il pouvait y avoir des attentats justifiables ! Et où ?

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  203.  » Il y a simplement des générations entières de Français qui mettent un point d’honneur à ne pas apprendre de langue étrangère »C’est idiot ce que vous dites là. C’était surtout un manque d’usage, non un rituel. La réalité est bien plus prosaïque.

  204. Mary,I'm in complete agreement…whoever the little darling is in the photo, she is precious. I so enjoy your blog and am looking forward to going through all your posts one-of-these-days to add to my arsenal of recipes. With most of my little ones having flown the nest, my desire to cook seems to have left with them. Hoping that by adding some new recipes, perhaps it will ignite the desire to spend more time in the kitchen once again.Do you freeze your own berries? If so, I'm curious as to how you preserve the raspberries. Thanks for sharing,xoSue

  205. disse:Hiya fellow blogger! Found your site by the search engine, and was forwarded to your web site, lol. Anyway, great article that you write here, I find the content to be very informational, in a way. Well I am just thinking whether a fellow blogger such as you wish to do some hyperlink swap with me, as I am continuously looking for quality blogs like yours, to further increase my network of friends. Let me know, and thanks in advance.

  206. Carlos4-13-2009 Kiss en Lima-Peru ya va por las 40,000 entradas vendidas y se espera lleno total para el dia de mañana 14 de abril en el Estadio Nacional, pero lo mas anecdotico esque en Lima se pagan los precios mas caros de sudamerica, el promedio oscila entre los 100 a 300 dolares. Oasis y Jonas brother ya estan practicamente agotadas las localidades y aun faltan varias semanas para esos eventos. Siempre pense que en Peru la economia andaba por los suelos o la gente esta loca?

  207. Bonjours, j aurais besoins d une information. Vous prétextez résilier parce que le contrat détient une clause abusive, hors le droit de la consommation dit, il me semble, qu en cas de clause abusive la clause est considérée comme nulle, mais ce n est pas un prétexte pour annuler le contrat.I quelqu’un peut nous éclairer d avantage c est avec plaisir.

  208. before, I am sure if we started poking into Mr. Fedora’s affairs as banker and as a city councilor, we’d find some conflicts of interest. I think Mr. Fedora should spend less time making unsubstantiated accusations against his political opponents and more time actually doing something for the good of the city.

  209. My coder is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP. I have always disliked the idea because of the costs. But he’s tryiong none the less. I’ve been using WordPress on a variety of websites for about a year and am nervous about switching to another platform. I have heard very good things about blogengine.net. Is there a way I can import all my wordpress posts into it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  210. assnon:only morons envy soulless euro black celebs like hobama and oprahand ignorant nigs like you need to stop assuming that every valid critique of anyone is envygot a life?i havea blessed and charmed onethat is why i envy no oneespecially hobama nazi mongrel groupies like u

  211. betul… fatwa MUI itu haruslah hasil kajian mendalam dari qur’an dan hadist… tapi apa betul fatwa kemarin ini hasil kajian yang mendalam? buktinya, masing-masing ulama dari berbagai organisasi yang tergabung di MUI pun masih beda pendapat sampai detik ini… sekali lagi saya bilang pada mas laskar, liat lah efek dari fatwa terakhir yang “banci” ini… orang-orang yang langsung ngambil kesimpulan seperti kemontar salsa diatas itu banyak loh….

  212. யப்பா ஹரிகுமாரா,நீங்க யூ.எஸ்., யூ.கே.ன்னு போயிடுவீங்க, அயோத்தியா மண்டபத்துல பூணூல் விக்கற பஞ்சைப் பார்ப்பான் எங்கே போவான்..?! திராவிட வீர சூரர்களால் வெட்டிவீழ்த்தப்பட்ட பார்ப்பன பாசிசத் தீவிரவாதியாகச் செத்தாலும் சாவானே தவிர போவதற்கு வேற போக்கிடம் இல்லாத அவனைப் போன்ற பஞ்சைகள் தான் பார்ப்பனர்களில் பாதிக்கு மேல் இங்கே…

  213. When I originally commented I clicked the “Notify me when new comments are added” checkbox and now each time a comment is added I get three e-mails with the same comment. Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Many thanks!

  214. If you split your capsules, you should take your second one an hour before or an hour after your lunch, both timeswith a full glass of water. We recommend that you take your second capsule by 2pm so as not to interfere withyour sleep.Your second capsule does not have to be taken on an empty stomach as you’ve already had breakfast and perhapsa mid -morning snack. However you do need to take it an hour on either side of lunch.

  215. Wow Amy – did you steal my diary? I felt like I was reliving my past reading this. I too felt the need to fix the world through some kind of outward big bold gesture. I’ve since discovered that to see my vision come to life – peace on earth – I must be at peace. The world’s energy depends on each of us to be in alignment with our own peace. No matter what your vision for your life is – it starts with creating it within. Thank you for this Amy – rock on! It’s Hammer TimePeace!

  216. I could never understand why Michael so despised "The Man In the Mirror," he saw, or why, with the freedom & power the success of Thriller gave him, he thought most important goal was to make an album that topped it in sales, not an album that topped it in concept & beauty. He was peerless, but he wasn't without good models. It was like during those great years between Off the Wall & Bad, he took Quincy Jones' advice on everything but the most important stuff Quincy could teach him about life. Rest in peace, Michael.

  217. Loving your stripe dress! Also totally want to fly Vix Airlines – tracksuits should be banned outside a gym! (and even inside for those horrid shiny ones…) :)

  218. தமிழக மீனவர் பிரச்சனையில் அரசியல் ஆதாயங்களுக்காக அவரவர் தரப்பு வாதங்களை அவரவர் சொல்லிக்கொண்டு மீனவர்களின் பொது எதிரிகளை மூடி மறைத்து வருவதோடு, மீனவர்களுக்கிடையிலே பிளவை ஏற001000்படுத்தும் சதித்தனங்களை புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியாமல் ஒரு குறுகிய இனவாதக் கண்ணோட்டத்திற்கு பலியாகும் எவருக்கும் இக்கட்டுரை ஒரு தொலை நோக்கிலான பொது எதிரிகளின் படி நிலையை அடையாளம் காட்டி தேசிய அடையாளங்களைக் கடந்து மீனவர்கள் ஒன்றிணைந்து போராட வேண்டிய அவசியத்தை உணர்த்துவதாக உள்ளது. இந்தக் கண்ணோட்டத்தைக் கண்டுதான் அரசு மட்டுமல்ல, இனவாதிகளும் அஞ்சுகின்றனர்.

  219. Welch seltener Anblick – ein Mann beim Bügeln.Mich würde ja mal interessieren, wie lange Dirk letztendlich für das Hemd gebraucht hat. Ãœbung macht den Meister. Aber immerhin hat er es versucht, obwohl ich ihm das Bügeleisen wahrscheinlich schon aus der Hand gerissen hätte ;)Trotzdem sehr amüsant…

  220. Tried the roasted seaweed snack (since it was one of t TJ best sellers). I could not eat one. They were awful! I don’t see how you can get used to them!

  221. Starka Na as jau beveik 3 metus kaip naudoju 64bitu windowsus ir gal jau metus be antivirusines sedziu, nes pastebejau, kad man ji pasidare nebereikalinga ir kolkas be antivirusines nematau jokiu problemu, nes kiek zinau 64bitu windowsams nera daug virusu. Aisku vistiek reikia belenkur nelyst ir saugotis bet kokios itartinos informacijos failu bei puslapiu. Realiai as pasakysiu jei nelandzioji kur nereikia ir sugebi suprast, kad tai gali but virusuotas failas tai antivirusines kaip ir nereikia.

  222. Harbaugh to the media, hence the fans, still playing coy with the QB situation, which is pretty ridiculous. What’s the point? Just give it up and say Kap is now the starter, and Alex is still depended on to be a solid QB, only now in backup role. I don’t see what the problem is in saying that. The teams knows what’s what, so why not just confirm in public, and move on, and give Kap some public confidence building? Harbaugh is pretty clueless when it comes to media relations, IMO. He’s almost as bad as Sing, and that’s pretty bad…

  223. 17 dic 07, 2007 5:10 Arturo NO les da vergüenza a estos hijos de..! la verdad a mi no me da risa, que desocupados!! Hoy me llego el mismo mail a mi, me lo manda un compañero, el muy estúpido bien creído pone hasta los números de casa y celular en el mail…!! Cada vez que veo estos mails no puedo evitar preguntarme ¿Que clase de estúpido se puede creer esto??!! Es increíble que una persona pueda creer esto..!!! pero bueno ahí esta! si no hubiera gente que lo hace no existiría el spam…